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Posts posted by fasteddie


    Terrorist? Did he kill anyone? Did he burn down a building? Did he blow up anything? He was murdered because he protested against a vile and corrupt family. For you to brand him a terrorist after he was shot in cold blood shows you're just as vile as the Shinawatras. bah.gif

    Don't care about the shinawatras, but his protest involved physically stopping others from voting. It is anti-democratic just like terrorists elsewhere in the world, otherwise they would have protested on the other side of the street. But he didn't. Luckily someone had the balls to do something about it.

    Shooting dead someone who is armed with a microphone is 'having balls.....'?

    Are you for real?

    You should be barred.

    The microphone, like the pen, is mightier than the sword.

  2. Once again we see the true colours of the reds, they are the violent thugs and will kill anyone who op[poses them, even peacefull protesters. This is directly on yingluck and she is now responsible for this death. Comeon all you red lovers, start bragging how great you are now .

    Please let me remind you once again. It was not Yingluck that started this problem, but his excellency the mouth from the south. So this death has to be directly his responsibility. If he had not started this problem, that man would still be alive and waiting for the next election whilst the Elected government would be getting on with running the country as they were popularly elected by a large majority to do.

    You seem to have a very short memory my friend. The previous government were democratically elected and remember the red shirt riots in Bangkok that practically closed the capital down for 6 months and the number of dead then? After which we had a rigged election and the sister of a convicted felon (with no previous experience in politics) becomes Prime Minister? You think this is okay? Basically the corrupt Shinawatra dynasty has to go for this country to move forward. If it does not, then you would do well to remember the last time people wore red in southeast Asia. That time 2.5 million lost their lives. Taksin's strings are being pulled by the very same people who pulled Pol Pot's. It's about enslaving all the people here and you really don't get it. Unfortunately the next election will be rigged and so the democratic process does not and will not work now in Thailand. This is why we have the current protests because the people have no faith in the system and rightly so. Thaksin has now bought, or at least moved his cronies into, all senior positions the judiciary, police and army. So let's not knock Suthep. Let us first get rid of the Shinawatras, then put something better in their place.

    Why do you tell such lies?

    "The previous government were democratically elected".......Lie!

    "After which we had a rigged election".......Lie!

    • Like 1
  3. There is a huge difference between 2 men fighting for 2 very different things. In the Ukraine, Klitschko is among the protesters, even at the very front of the fights with police. He is fighting for Democracy, calling for elections. Suthep on the other hand is currently in a safe house according to the latest media reports, hoping his supporters will make a power grab for him and is not afraid of causing a civil war in order to prevent elections. Two men, one a hero, one a coward.

    It's my understanding that the present government in the Ukraine is democratically elected and the troubles are the same as in Thailand, in that the opposition just don't understand that in a democracy, Governments rule.

    • Like 1
  4. why is it everything this government does is just a cluster'f of complete incompetence and yet they are still being heard

    Time for intervention - very easily justified and might I add nothing to do with Suthep or the protestors - PTP have taken incompetence to new levels on their own - the caretaker military need to step in and bring some form of normality back to the Thai people - all of them

    They have some good ideas from Suthep - how about moving forward with reforms and including all - is it a coup, well that is debatable but everyone knows something has to change - my vote goes to the military and getting a broad group together and making changes to stop this happening again - history cannot be ignored - tell me I'm wrong and give reasons

    Unbelievable! A speech straight out of the Franco handbook.

  5. He said the US State Department has strongly condemned the outlawed activity in Thailand and called on the Thai government to take legal action against offenders.

    Below is the actual U.S. State Dept statement a few days ago according to this news link.

    "The United States strongly condemns increasing violence in Bangkok that has resulted in deaths and injuries. We urge Thai authorities to investigate these attacks and bring those responsible to justice. We urge all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and respect the rule of law.

    "The United States supports democratic institutions and processes in Thailand, our long-time friend and ally. We encourage all involved to commit to sincere dialogue to resolve political differences peacefully and democratically."

    Me thinks the full U.S. State Dept statement presents a different connotation than Khun Surapong's version of the statement. Wonder why Khun Surapong didn't mention the last sentence from the U.S. State Dept statement.

    He didn't have to mention it, it's what he's doing right now! One last chance, act democratically, obey the rule of law, or prepare for a slapping.

  6. I'm sure there will be a lot of hair-splitting views on this, but unless someone can prove that an ex-chief judge of the Supreme Court is raving bonkers, I'll take his word on this matter.

    He could well be stark raving bonkers because he's referring to a constitution that was re-written by a military junta following on from the 2006 coup d'etat. In my view, once a constitution is meddled with by an unelected bunch of generals, it becomes worthless.

    It doesn't really matter what you, I or anyone else thinks. The current Constitution is the one that everyone must legally operate under until such time as it is rewritten or amended. Simple as that.

    Why? it's a constitution written by a dictatorship, which in itself is unconstitutional in a democracy.

  7. its like a plot to a Planet of the Apes movie . they find a dusty tome in a cupboard from the past and adhere to it without using some common sense and think out a sensible outcome and sit round grunting to each other about the minute details

    even better than Planet of the Apes

    Great sketch! I remember wetting myself every time I saw it, gonna wet meself later again! cheers.

  8. Another legal ping pong bomb. The term "caretaker government", as widely used, does not appear to be defined in the constitution.

    180(2) states that Ministers vacate office en masse upon [...] the dissolution of the House of Representatives", but

    181 starts with "The outgoing Council of Ministers shall remain in office [...] and may perform duties only to the extent of necessity..." - and goes on to list certain restrictions.

    So, is a "caretaker government" in office or not? There are restrictions on executive activities - that's why the EC was asked if it be allowed to spend unallocated monies to rice farmers (it would have been OK if they had been smart enough to figure this bit out before calling an election! doh!) - but there is a wide degree of interpretation as to what is deemed "necessary" - and by whom.

    Again, poorly worded constitution.

    "Again, poorly worded constitution."

    Hey it's not easy to write a constitution that covers all bases to stop a democratically elected government from governing.

  9. never going

    The problem with those who are hoping the Thai Baht will fall further is Thailand has been in this situation too many times and unless there is a big run on the banks or BoT starts printing money like there is no tomorrow the Baht is not going to get much weaker.

    As for the Great British Pound, thing look promising but it will take time, and do not forget we have general election in 16 months and anything can happen just imagine a UKIP/Labour coalition...whistling.gif

    "just imagine a UKIP/Labour coalition"

    Never going to happen, more lilely ukip/tory, nasty nazis together and all that!

  10. "I would like to ask what wrong the protesters have done. They have done nothing wrong nor acted violently."

    So shooting a policeman and a number of red supporters dead, storming government buildings, police stations, army headquarters, threatening to kidnap the pm and other government officials, blockading major intersections and beating taxi drivers trying to go about their business is all legal and above board in this guys eyes. Guess we know who this guys loyalties are to, and it's not his government, Traitor!,

    And there were the threats to drag Gov workers out of offices

    The Garbage collector who they must have at least 100 times

    Todays attack on the police HQ (incidentally - by the people Suthep would replace the police with!)

    Blocking Crime Scenes

    Carrying arms and extorting money at rally sites

    Raking in cash and not declaring it,

    Illegal Intellectual property raids and confiscations

    Threaten Air Control Center (again today)

    Burning busses and shooting at Ramhang Heang

    Full scale rioting in Nov. Live on TV for the low on memory.

    Insurection and treason (really, they have)

    and last but not least the ON beating of Nine Ince Nicky by No Nob Nok when the formers hands and head were held.

    But as the well informed Naval guy says to the cheers of the great un read on here and Suthep.

    "Apart from that, what have they done wrong?"

    Steady on! Sichonsteve has banned the truth from this debate!

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  11. "I would like to ask what wrong the protesters have done. They have done nothing wrong nor acted violently."

    So shooting a policeman and a number of red supporters dead, storming government buildings, police stations, army headquarters, threatening to kidnap the pm and other government officials, blockading major intersections and beating taxi drivers trying to go about their business is all legal and above board in this guys eyes. Guess we know who this guys loyalties are to, and it's not his government, Traitor!,

  12. My dear General, you should know by now the red shirts NEVER take responsibility for anything. It's always someone elses' fault, not theirs'.

    There is nothing to take responsibility for that I know of. Using violence against a dictatorship is always justified.

    Such a shame they took on a democratically elected govt really. Shame they only killed unarmed people just going about there lives. Shame they chose to storm hospitals. Shame they only attempted to burn down non military targets.

    Shame you keep lying through your teeth!

  13. IN MY OPINION ( Something a heck of a lot of you should start saying in your posts ) A clear effort by red nutjobs to try and stop anti government joining the protests, the timing is far too coincidental to think otherwise....


    In tingtongteesood's opinion, this is a clear attempt by yellow nutjobs to stop the flood of protesters going home because they know they've lost.

    This is a great example of the tactics used by Toxin / PT / UDD to brainwash the reds. Take a statement someone said, change it into a lie and spread that lie in the hope the sheeple will believe it and never find out the truth. You have learnt well young brainwashed sheeple....

    Thank you master, you have taught me well, I can now tread the rice paper and leave no marks. I think I am ready!

  14. All have the Right to protest ...

    A free and Fair democracy , must respect what is Internationally considered Free Election process . The current Government is the Elected Peoples representative ..You cant just say " Now we dont Like them " ..

    The Government has offered another Election , on Feb 2nd , The white Shirt movement is representaive of all that is Correct about Democracy .

    Its time for Thailand to Move to the Next level , to have the respect of those outside , and to give people the right to VOTE .

    What is not wanted is to see Thailand head to Visions we are now seeing in Egypt . Democracy and the Constitution now need to be supported .Although the last thing needed is another " Shirt " , this represents common ground and the rights of the people .

    Democracy is not always about what YOU ( individually ) may want , but its the best system going around , and must be respected .

    You can protest , as so many did against Thatcher in her time ..But governments must never be thrown out , because YOU dont like them .

    Look at the reforms achieved by Thatcher that assist Britain today ..Yet go talk to a Coal Miner , as we will still see the hatred , doesn't mean she did the wrong thing .

    Now Thailand as a Fledgling democracy , must stand up ..Go to the Polls ..Respect the decision of the people ..Until you go to the Polls again .

    Its great to see the White Shirts ask for this respect .

    "Look at the reforms achieved by Thatcher that assist Britain today ."

    Such as? Deregulation of the banks? Destruction of the manufacturing base? Selling off all the power companies, mostly to foreigners? Destruction of society (she said there's no such thing), selling off the nations housing stock? taking away free milk for primary school kids? deregulation of the global free market economy? GET REAL! the evil old crone destroyed a once great nation!

  15. Thailand has been run by folks like Thaksin, Suthep, and Sondhi for decades before any one of them were born. The army has staged 18 or 19 coups since 1932. Isn't that enough proof that no Thai group or government is capable of staying power and effective leadership without corruption? This fight is about passing around the skim money. When back room establishment characters start wanting to redistribute the corrupt skim, they stage a coup. The army takes care of whichever group seems to have more clout/money/influence over the masses.

    Thailand's military was funded by the US in the late forties, fifties and sixties to help defeat communism. The Thai army as we know it didn't happen by magic. It happened with the assistance of the global military/industrial complex. First during the Cold War and then Vietnam. The modern Thai army is a creature of US backing. Foreign investment in Thailand was facilitated by the perception that the country was "secure" by its US funded investment in Thai military force. Do you think that the Japanese and others would have invested heavily in Thailand if they didn't have a US backed military to secure its business interests as their industrial engine grew after WWII? Of course not.

    The initial big Thailand money came from siphoning off military , public and private sector aid largely by the US and foreign governments and firms. The sex trade facilitating the Vietnam Era R & R and its reciprocal drug trade in the early sixties, when the French left Vietnam, funded the early evolution of Thailand from a third world nation to a "developing" nation. The military engine of Thailand was in powerful and escalated control ever since the Japanese surrender in WWII. By the way, the 71st anniversary of Thailand's declaration of war against the US and the UK and its alliance with Japan is coming up next week on January 25.

    The Bangkok real estate boom in the eighties and the building of "beautiful Bangkok" was facilitated by money laundering, corrupted skim, and drug networking. The basic infrastructure and building was secured with cash laundering through drug and sex trade money and of course by foreign investment and aid skim. Do you really think that the kind money that built Bangkok in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and particularly the 80s came from the rice fields? Thailand and particularly Bangkok is the direct result of drugs, sex, and cheap labor, corrupted skim from foreign military aid/support and private investment skim and Mr. Thai 20%s backed by the Thai military.

    The Thai press consistently ignores Thailand's real history, and its historical facts as described by numerous Thai and foreign scholars. The censoring out of factual information and historical events that long preceded Mr. Thaksin, Mr. Suthep or the faded out Mr. Sondhi. The press seems to make haphazard references to the 2008 airport closing, 2010 killings, and the 2006 coup. The press writes, more often than not, as if Thai political conflicts began in 2006 with Mr. Thaksin. This is clearly shading and obscuring the truth and censoring the Thai people from true Thai political conflicts. The Thai press is part of the Thai problem and not part of its solution.

    Though the great difference is the Thaksin equation, he didn't go to ground for 10 years as most all past PM's who fell did, later returning as elder statesmen and eventually political players again. No, Thaksin refused to go to ground, and has since stirred up a gargantuan mess for the nation. His actions have been quite different than the traditional ones, and how he has harnessed a multiple-counter-opposing philosophy political machine, with violence prone enforcer wing, to do it.

    Of course the Kow Tow post-feudal mindset has infused Thailand's culture and thus it's political sub-culture since 'Thailand day one' and before as Siam. Erasing that morbid influence will only happen after multi-generational exposure to alternatives in world cultures. That process has started thanks to the internet generation, but it is not going to come to fruition in this political generation. That said, the process is started and these rallies, even if lead by charismatic, mid-generational, post-feudal over-lords, was not possible without harnessing the calmer, but angrier, elements of the internet- generation and the more worldly and informed middle class, connected enough to know things have gone badly off the rails yet again.

    I've said it before, and it goes counter to the perception that is being laid out for you to believe, this is not about Suthep, beyond his ability to rouse the people around him, it is the fact they have been aroused from their ennui and are acting on long suppressed feelings about their countries direction.

    There are many cries that Suthep is a proto-fascist in waiting for power,

    but that clearly ignores that the country is presently controlled by a fascist cabal lead by a industrialist.

    Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach

    1 Shinwatra clan, the other chinese-decent overlords and their international business interests.

    2 Democracy is a tool, but in practice is bought out and suppressed, other than the facade for PR purposes

    3 We know who the entire parliamentary majority listens to, and jumps when he speaks, and it is not the PM

    4 So anyone want to say the Red Leaders are not demagogues?

    Will all corruption stop if this government goes? No of course not. Will it be dialed back? Yes to a some extent, but how much is never clear to see. And it is also about how you define corruption. But will it return from it's current road to pure fascism, and malignant form of uber-corruption it is on now? Well with a Shin clan return to power, it seems quite unlikely to improve, and more than likely to worsen considerably, particularly if it is entrenched at the time the figure head passes from the scene. Well, we may find out in our lifetimes, but for the moment we must see if the battle for general perceptions is won or lost in the street, and the forums that leach perceptions to around the world. And wonder if the pressure becomes so great that Thaksin has to get out of the kitchen and stop stirring the pot.

    "Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach"

    And that is a perfect description of the PDRC!

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