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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

    judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

    It's not about what they voted on, but the illegal manner of the voting.

    Nothing illegal about it!

  2. The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

    judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

    You saying that the way that the bill was introduced and forced through in the early hours of the morning while the no voters were sent home and told to return at 9am to continue the debate only to return and find the vote was done already is constitutional?

    You are saying that all these cases of corruption are fake? When courts can not bring a case without any evidence?

    Wow... You may as well abolish law itself, because that is what it would take to keep any of the people you support 'clean'.

    No such thing as a judicial coup if the government were clean. Unfortunately they are as dirty as it gets and are basically about to get their official punishment as set out in law. No more, no less and no coup.

    A nonsense post with no basis in fact.

  3. What about all the Thai/Chinese who were protesting?

    They are Thai citizens. This guy is a foreigner.

    I hope they do the same to all the farang douchebags who have joined in the protests as well.

    What about the "farang douchbags" who have a legal business and pay taxes to the government, they should be denied a voice? What's the point of paying taxes if you're not allowed to voice your opinion.

    Sounds fair.

    Oh please! not the old "we pay taxes" bleat, do you honestly think they care? You are foreign, you have no rights, obey the law or suffer the consequences.

    Honestly, it's like some of you people just got off the plane.

    • Like 1
  4. Sad. There was a big article on him in the Bangkok Post a few days back where it talked about how his family came to Thailand, how they built up the businesses, he became a respected member of the community, did good works for charity etc. If this was America everyone would say that he is representative of what makes America great, he is the living embodiment of The American Dream, proof that anyone can make it there through hard work and dedication. Sadly this is Thailand and there is no democracy here, only Taksinocracy that says dissenters must be punished. By the sounds of it he is a real stand up guy and his only 'crime' is taking a stand against a corrupt government made up of criminals and gangsters, he did the right thing and he will suffer for it. This is a sad day for Thailand.

    He broke the law, the same thing happened under the last Dem (sic) unelected government.

    TIT! get used to it!

  5. well so much for democracy.

    You can be a part of our country, you cam make us money, but know where you stand...

    you are not one of us! All men are not created equal, no inalienable rights here.

    Clueless and disgraceful. Way to go PTP, your sort of only for Thai people after

    their money of course. (pun intended) bah.gif

    I can understand them going after tourists, who have no business taking part in the protests. But, a guy who works here, and it part of a wealthy and powerful community? Have they completely lost their marbles? Is there no one with common sense in this administration? We all know Chalerm does not have much of this facility, but are there not any others? For a country that is pretending to be a functioning democracy, a move like this really gives away a lot. Very, very silly. Very immature. Very defeatist. Not very smart.

    "Very, very silly. Very immature. Very defeatist. Not very smart."

    But totally within Thai law, get used to it.

  6. Right, NO foreigner have a right to go for protest, this is a Native Thai Nation issue and Business. That what I exactly hate in my country or back in Europe,foreigners come to our country's and going on the street to tell us what we should do and what there rights. <deleted> you all,if you don't like the country you visit then leave it !!!!!!


    Many groups, including neo Nazis, the extreme left, the press and some others claim they are entitled to say exactly what they want because it`s freedom of speech. So we could say that the Indian guy is only exercising his right to free speech under a democratic system, whether he be a foreigner or not.

    Do you believe that foreigners living in a foreign land should be excluded under the rights of free speech and expression and considered enemies of the state, even if their support for one group or another is peaceful?

    The difference between most Western countries and Thailand is that in the West these countries are true democracies and even though Thailand under the Shinawatra regime tries to portray it`s self as a democracy, this is only so in the loosest sense.

    You’re either for a true democracy that allows free speech for everyone without exceptions or you’re not. There are no easy answers to the rights and wrongs of this.

    Why bring the Shinawatras into this? It's Thai law, same thing happened to a couple of farangs in 2010. And as for freedom of speech, even Thais don't have that, especially under the last unelected government which jailed more people under lese majeste and the computer crimes act than ever before or since.

    • Like 1
  7. The message was clear before the protests, any foreigner caught in protests would be deported. He got what he deserves and cannot claim he was not advised beforehand

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    How do you have to be involved?

    I was walking through the protest area in Pratunam Siam mall This weekend so I could get to MBK, Siam, and Central World.

    Was on shopping quest for the wife in BKK for three days.

    There was a massive amount of foreigners walking around shopping and taking pictures..

    Im sure that they dont mean doing these things...

    Where do they draw line? <--------- honest question ..... What would you have to do to be considered a protester?

    I do have to say that If the government tries to break up the protests in Pratunam they will be dealing with a lot of foreigners.

    This area is not even shut down... all shops and businesses are open and crowded.

    Its now a big street market with a stage..

    Anyone that says they are shutting down Bangkok and ruining the economy and local businesses is full of it!

    Well maybe with people afraid to come to bkk or go to these areas. I do understand that they will be affected but its really

    not as bad there as news and posters here believe it to be.

    They are just closing the street and gathering for speeches and music.

    This does not mean i support the protesters or anti protesters I'm just telling what I felt and Thought.

    If you're with the protesters, you're a protester! Enjoy your flight.

  8. While I basically agree that a foreigner should not become actively involved in local politics, I don't know to what extend and how this man has been involved.

    Was he joining protest marches, held speeches on PDRC stages, occupied government offices, obstructed voting? I believe not and would assume that he merely supported PDRC verbally. And if that is reason enough for the current caretaker government to deport him, then I really must say that it is an entirely unjustified move and that it will come to bite PTP.

    They shouldn't underestimate the powerful Indian business community here in Thailand, and I am talking about "Indian-Thai citizens".

    As usual, PTP has once again shown that they act first and think later (if they ever think, that is, and don't just leave the thinking part to... well, you know who).

    It's the law, not just PTP law, same thing happened to a couple of farangs in 2010.

    Thais don't give a monkeys &lt;deleted&gt; or a fishes tit about foreigners, he should have known that!

  9. So what is the charge count on Suthep now then? I wonder how history will judge him? ( and no THAT judge can't be kidnapped by UDD supporters)

    It reminds me of a man that committed 193 counts of terrorism between 1961 and 1963 believed that his actions were justified. Struggling to restore democracy to his great nation. Oh, sure he was looked upon as a trouble maker, a terrorist and was demonized by those clutching to power. Through this "terrorist" actions democracy was finally restored. Not just that one principle called elections, but all of them.

    Suthep…A terrorist or the Mandela of the East?

    The "Lion of Africa" will be turning in his grave!

  10. "(PDRC) not to disrupt the nationwide polls, which she described as a significant national agenda."

    Not to disrupt the national agenda or her personal, her brothers and her puppet governments agenda?

    When did she ever before thought of her nation, except when it suits their own pockets?

    Give it a rest will you.. 7/11

    Another of the minority that hates the truth.

    what's the truth . I know if you tell a lie, repeat that lie over a period of time it becomes the truth

    Only to the fool repeating it!

  11. Want to see if we get the same "mind your own business, solve your own problems at home" comments. whistling.gif

    Farang don't quite understand Thais.

    It is not that Thais do not want election.

    The majority people want election after reform.

    Problem for Thais like you is that we do understand you.

    Everybody understands you and we don't like what you do and we know you don't think or you would realise you just trying to give away your rights (don't care about your rights eh?) but more importantly you are trying to give away the rights of everybody in the country... and give them to one of the most horrible people ever to live in asia.

    Oh yes we do understand fascism. It is Thai people like you with no education about history or sense of reasoning powers. If you knew anything about history, you would not support Suthep.

    Reform yes. If you are all so intellegent, make a political party to compete with Thaksin. And don't cry like a baby about vote buying.

    Dems did nothing in power for anybody other than the army (gave them massive budget rise) and chase after ghost of thakisn around the world. If you really are educated you have to show people you are and stop behaving like 13 year old teenagers with angst problems.

    Majority of Thais do want elections, and many more will vote PT than for Suthep. It is not your right to use violence and block polling stations. In western country you would be arrested, tasered and if you invade White house like you try at Gov house and Police office... You would all be shot with real bullets until you went away.

    You are very lucky that the big corruption in thailand is the Army and Elites. They are protecting you,, Suthep and his criminals. But, they can't do it for ever so you'll have to either stop, negotiate or the reds will come with more people than you can ever imagine and they will make you stop!!

    Oh yes, the BIG corruption is the Army and the elites, it's never Thaksin is it?

    Thailand wouldn't be in the shape it is in now if Thaksin had governed the country with honesty as he was mandated to do.

    It was his abuse of power that gave the Democrats ammunition to build a substantial opposition to the abuses.

    If you were so intelligent, you would know this and if you were the least bit honest, you would acknowledge it as well!

    "It was his abuse of power that gave the Democrats ammunition to build a substantial opposition to the abuses."

    That's a good one, the Dems (sic) have been thrashed at every election since Thaksin came to power, so much so that they've surrendered and are not even participating in this one.

    It's you that needs to try some honesty!

    • Like 2
  12. Maybe those crowing over the failure of the police to apprehend the instigators of these attacks might like to ask Suthep why are the police denied access to the crime scene until his "student" thugs have mucked up any useful forensic evidence, often planting their own. Remeber that silly red hat so conveniently placed on top of a pile of weapons that was "found" in that abandoned building?

    Ludicrous. They staged it upon themselves? The return of the spin doctors, with framing conspiracies. Can't you do any better?

    "Can't you do any better?"

    Well you certainly never do!

  13. Red supporters, Cambodians

    STOP THE KILLING of innocent people.

    Yingluck, their blood is in your hands.

    ....do you think there is any love or concern for her 'fellow man'...???

    ...the orders are to steamroller over the anti-government protesters....

    ...slaughter a few...or several......

    ...make sure none of them come out to vote.....

    ...and win the election....obviously at any and all costs......

    ...they have not finished r*ping Thailand yet.....

    .....sociopathy at its best/worst......

    ,,,,this is scary sh*t....is anyone watching.....can anyone do anything to stop this travesty...

    ".can anyone do anything to stop this travesty..."

    Yes! Suthep and his fascist hordes could go home and respect democracy!

  14. How could the protesters believe that they could overthrow a government elected by the majority, destroy the democratic system and commit countless criminal acts... without consequences?

    It is time for these naive people to go back home to avoid more incidents.

    Not only the majority of Thais are against them but also the whole world.

    Suthep and the other leaders of this anti-democracy movement should be held responsible and punished in the toughest way for all the mess and death that they brought back to Thailand.

    Sent from my iPhone...

    LOL! Shinawatra 'democracy'! They shoot dead their enemies but blame the other side for the deaths! Punish them in the toughest way indeed! clap2.gif

    Ah shriek 2010 2010 coup coup coup.

    No coup attempt = no muppets following a fascist = no violence.

    Fighting FOR democracy is not frowned up on anywhere outside N Korea or Burma. Cry Thaksin all you want.. it's already fallen on deaf ears at the Army..

    Meanwhile, still no detail on Sutheps Poodles Council. Other than he will appoint them and tell them what to do or else!!! We know nothing about it. smile.png

    Could someone translate what this person is on about? Drinking(or perhaps drugs) plus posting on TV don't really go together.

    "Drinking(or perhaps drugs) plus posting on TV don't really go together."

    Perhaps you should take your own advice!

    • Like 1
  15. From day one the USA has made it clear it supports the elected government. That was the appropriate response at the time and its position has not changed. I very much doubt that the Suthep antics are high on the Washington agenda. They support the status quo.

    Nonsense. Show us all the links to where the USA has specifically supported Yingluck, Thaksin or PTP.

    The USA has quite rightly supported freedom of expression, freedom of protest, democracy and the rule of law. The last to are unfortunately sadly missing from Thai politics.

    The USA has also quite rightly appealed for non violence, and for resolution through dialogue.

    All the pro-PTP sympathizer like to pretend, just like No.1 cousin, that the words the USA and other foreign governments say can be interpreted how they want.

    You are a very troubled person!

    How many interpretations are there of "We support democratic elections"?

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