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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. I feel sorry for the injuries this man got and wish him well. But -

    who knows who is telling the truth ?

    And I am not surprised by the guards being alert and using force when being attacked or something happens that looks like an attack. In those situations there is no time to consider. Better shoot first than be shot.

    There is a reason for this. All the attacks on the peaceful protestors. Grenade attacks every night. Shooting and killing on a regular base.

    Without these attacks security would not be necessary and this would not have happened.

    Always keep in mind the violence came from the red shirts side first and guess - who are the unknown grenade attackers and shooters. It is a joke talking of a third party.

    Clearly it is solely this group of violent undemocratic thugs that has to be accused - not only for this but for all the violence.

    You are hard to follow! You spend most of your post slagging off the red shirts, then you sum up by admitting it's the violent undemocratic ones fault,

    wish you'd make your mind up.

  2. The general has repeatedly refused requests (orders) from his C in C, personally promised to protect and uphold the rights of the people to freely exercise their right to vote and didn't lift a finger to help them, moved troops on to the streets of Bangkok without orders from, and against the wishes of the government.


    Whereas The Police were repeatedly ordered to protect and uphold the rights of people protesting peacefully, and the only finger they lifted was to point it at someone else.

    Par for the course.

    Try to keep up! this post is about the army.

  3. There's a very old maxim that sometimes women should be seen and not heard.... and here's an example of why.

    It was bad enough that Yingluck (who was as qualified for the position as General Prayuth was to be a supermodel) was foisted on the army in the first place. This had to be some kind of cruel revenge on her brother's part wink.png but to have her actually telling them what to do must be even more galling.

    To the general's credit he has handled this and the entire political crisis impeccably. Worth of the Nobel Peace Prize nomination perhaps?

    "To the general's credit he has handled this and the entire political crisis impeccably. Worth of the Nobel Peace Prize nomination perhaps?"

    Sarcasm right? Given that his actions throughout this terrorist uprising have been tantamount to mutiny!

    Mutiny? Are you serious? By whose definition? Ah, yes, Yours!!!! Oh well, never mind. No one takes statements like that seriously on this forum except you & your 6 or 8 mates.

    The general has repeatedly refused requests (orders) from his C in C, personally promised to protect and uphold the rights of the people to freely exercise their right to vote and didn't lift a finger to help them, moved troops on to the streets of Bangkok without orders from, and against the wishes of the government.


    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. I think that this article is far more pretentious than the actions of the Army and is typical of the myopic red ideology.

    If no one in authority takes a hard stance against suggestions of secession then we will end up with similar problems that we already have in the South.

    Yinglucks caretaker government should have been the first to condemn such rhetoric, however ,she was more worried about sensitizing her loyal lemmings and losing their support.

    Keep up son! she already condemned it, not that there's anything wrong with discussing secession.

  5. There's a very old maxim that sometimes women should be seen and not heard.... and here's an example of why.

    It was bad enough that Yingluck (who was as qualified for the position as General Prayuth was to be a supermodel) was foisted on the army in the first place. This had to be some kind of cruel revenge on her brother's part wink.png but to have her actually telling them what to do must be even more galling.

    To the general's credit he has handled this and the entire political crisis impeccably. Worth of the Nobel Peace Prize nomination perhaps?

    "To the general's credit he has handled this and the entire political crisis impeccably. Worth of the Nobel Peace Prize nomination perhaps?"

    Sarcasm right? Given that his actions throughout this terrorist uprising have been tantamount to mutiny!

  6. Further coup will not end any situation. The armed forces should stand on the side of the democratically elected government with the King as the head of state to reinstate law and order and enforcing the rule of law.

    where have you been for the last 2 months

    There is no democratically elected government

    The country is in caretaker mode because of corrupt practices

    what rule of Law

    any time the law is against the Taskin family

    the law is no good

    where do you come up with all the BS from

    "The country is in caretaker mode because of corrupt practices"

    Once again, you really haven't got a clue!

    The PM dissolved parliament and called fresh elections to try and end the insurrection by a minority of old guard led terrorists unable to accept the will of the majority of voters. Then the terrorists forcibly blocked voters from exercising their democratic rights with the collusion of the Democratic (sic) party not fielding candidates.

    That is why the country is in caretaker mode, as you put it.

    Don't be bloody ridiculous. The terrorists are the people throwing bombs.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Don't be bloody ridiculous! The terrorists are those that want to destroy democracy!

  7. Further coup will not end any situation. The armed forces should stand on the side of the democratically elected government with the King as the head of state to reinstate law and order and enforcing the rule of law.

    where have you been for the last 2 months

    There is no democratically elected government

    The country is in caretaker mode because of corrupt practices

    what rule of Law

    any time the law is against the Taskin family

    the law is no good

    where do you come up with all the BS from

    "The country is in caretaker mode because of corrupt practices"

    Once again, you really haven't got a clue!

    The PM dissolved parliament and called fresh elections to try and end the insurrection by a minority of old guard led terrorists unable to accept the will of the majority of voters. Then the terrorists forcibly blocked voters from exercising their democratic rights with the collusion of the Democratic (sic) party not fielding candidates.

    That is why the country is in caretaker mode, as you put it.

  8. It looks like the events kicked off following the refusal of a small minority to accept the TRT (PPP / PTP) 2005 landslide win (375 out of 500 seats) are finally coming to an end.

    Its always interesting to see the truth twisted for some ones own ego

    PTP won 265 seats not 375


    Yingluck's quiet and restrained approach to dealing with Yellows has outsmarted them

    The truth is she nothing but a puppet from the start and always under order to keep her mouth shut


    and won the ultimate victory for truth, justice and freedom.

    afraid to talk to the Thai people is truth, justice and freedom.

    have you been watching too many Superman movies, total fiction

    In the fullness of time, good always triumphs over evil.

    well at least once you where correct

    The good Thai people will triumpth of the evil PTO Party

    As usual you have no clue!

    Thai general election , 2005 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  9. Is this the idiot doctor who said Yingluck should get vaginal surgery and a host of other shameful suggestions ?

    Is it possible for you to sink any lower in your attempts to demonize the anti-government side?

    Unfortunately, I suspect you will show us.

    Shooting policemen dead, shooting and beating people trying to vote, storming and occupying government buildings and threatening the occupants,, throwing grenades at unarmed policemen, threatening to kidnap the PM and sew up her vagina.

    Who needs to demonise this lot? Fascist filth!

    I thought you were talking about the Red Shinawista,s , up till the bit about the Vag. I missed the report about sewing it up, but did see the red Thugs attacking the PM,s car in Pattaya a few years ago. which is a lot more evil than talking about sewing.

    Ah diddums! Did the naughty men bang on his car and shout at him? Poor little soul,

    shouldn't have stolen power then!

  10. Is this the idiot doctor who said Yingluck should get vaginal surgery and a host of other shameful suggestions ?

    Is it possible for you to sink any lower in your attempts to demonize the anti-government side?

    Unfortunately, I suspect you will show us.

    Shooting policemen dead, shooting and beating people trying to vote, storming and occupying government buildings and threatening the occupants,, throwing grenades at unarmed policemen, threatening to kidnap the PM and sew up her vagina.

    Who needs to demonise this lot? Fascist filth!

  11. No details, he filed no charges or complaints?

    Just BS. Let me guess, he goes to the anti democratic rallies himself every day.

    Most people that work in hospitals have better things to do than file complaints. We generally our more concerned with our patients well being. Irrespective of race, gender or political persuasion. Only disgusting idiots or the Khmer Rouge threaten, intimidate and harass hospitals and hospital staff.

    "Only disgusting idiots or the Khmer Rouge threaten, intimidate and harass hospitals and hospital staff."

    Quite right! Because Suthep's Army murdering nurses and medics in 2010 was alright because it was only in a Temple!

  12. Doctors are always there trying to heal everyone, whether red or not. But these reds cannot help themselves. They always have to intimidate someone. Do we all remember when they stormed the hospital at 2010? What kind of animals go after people who are actually trying to help others? The attacking of medical professionals is the lowest of lower.

    "What kind of animals go after people who are actually trying to help others?"

    Oo Oo, I know! The army, they murdered at least one nurse and one medic and wounded others while they were attending to the wounded in a temple in 2010.

    Whilst under the orders of Suthep, (the butcher of Bangkok giggle.gif.pagespeed.ce.AcGRO3FsZu.gif), I believe.

    Next question.

  13. Maybe someone should do a side-by-side video of Suthep and Hitler speaking. The face expression, the movement of the hands and the tone of his speeches are exactly those of the madman Hitler and the gullible masses falling for him is a perfect example.

    Hahahahahha we're comparing the charismas of Suthep and Yingluck but there's always some little guy who will bring up Hitler! Eventually, they can't help themselves and will have to use the F word also. Fascist! clap2.gif

    Why not? that's exactly what he is, a fascist thug, the butcher of Bangkok.

    Oooo 'the butcher of Bangkok'! How poetic! Did you strain yourself coming up with such a witty name for him? While I do like the name and all, who exactly did Suthep 'butcher' again? clap2.gif

    Mmm let's think, well as the man who sent the army in in 2010, nurses, medics, reporters, taxi drivers and dozens of innocent protesters.

  14. What a terrible world it would be if the red shirts actually had power.

    No freedom of expression.

    Democracy red style, zero tolerance.

    Such is the color of red. Plenty of examples around the world.

    Sorry to bust your pink bubble but the PDRC were the ones who said it was okay to cancel concerts based on political opinion:


    A concert by Sek Loso scheduled to be staged in Phuket Sunday night was abruptly cancelled due to a protest by anti-government protesters.

    January 6th, 2014

    Nice one! but it wont shut the fascists up, their twisted little minds are so full of hate towards those of us that support democracy and the rule of law.

    Makes you wonder what their motives are.

  15. She will reject it. There's no way she can have a talk 'live' on TV. She will need 'advice' from overseas and love him or hate him, Suthep has more charisma than her. Of course, she could always cry on live TV. That way the stupid people can say Suthep bullied her. whistling.gif

    I never thought I would hear Suthep and charisma in the same sentence.

    You should seriously think about doing stand up comedy. People would roll around the floor laughing at your comments.

    Why not? When Suthep speaks, he's fiery. And he when he's sarcastic, you can feel the sting. Ask the drunkard.

    Yingluck? Teleprompter needed and she's like a boring professor reading, you just want to snoreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Only gets interesting when she starts crying. Boohoo.

    Maybe someone should do a side-by-side video of Suthep and Hitler speaking. The face expression, the movement of the hands and the tone of his speeches are exactly those of the madman Hitler and the gullible masses falling for him is a perfect example.

    Hahahahahha we're comparing the charismas of Suthep and Yingluck but there's always some little guy who will bring up Hitler! Eventually, they can't help themselves and will have to use the F word also. Fascist! clap2.gif

    Why not? that's exactly what he is, a fascist thug, the butcher of Bangkok.

    • Like 1
  16. "We must be ready to come to Bangkok within 24 hours for one purpose... to protect democracy," senior Red Shirt leader Nattawut Saikuar said at a press conference Tuesday.

    The Reds will stage rallies over the coming weekends in the northeast as a show of strength, he added.

    Protect democracy? Stage rallies. You guys weren't very democratic when you guys prevented the farmers from rallying this morning were you?

    It's funny that AFP mentions 'violent incidence' conveniently ignoring the fact that thse 'violent incidences' were mostly directed at the protestors on a daily basis. The protestors have more or less been peaceful but whoever is responsible for attacking them daily is obviously not.

    yes of course to 'protect democracy' you think the fascist Suthep will 'protect democracy'? where is Suthep's plans? reforms? who makes up the fascist Council? we don't know anything about his 'alternative to democracy'

    only we must trust Suthep

    let the people decide at an ELECTION - that's the democratic way

    PS I'm against violence and will condemn it on EITHER side as should we all - good piece from AFP

    I trust the 'fascist' over the red shirts false 'democracy' anytime. Reforms first then elections. Until the problems are fixed, democracy will continue to fail this country. You guys talk a lot of about elections and democracy and yet we've seen years of unrest and kleptocracy. The violence that's happening right now is what Shinawatra 'democracy' has brought us. You guys love red democracy so much. Wait till they come to Bangkok again and when there are ashes of burnt buildings again like 2010, you'll see what red democracy is about.

    Democracy is worth fighting for!

    These demonstrations are just the death throes of the old guard.


  17. "After getting drunk, he put on a ski mask and broke into Preme’s home, as he reckoned there was a pretty girl living in the house, police said.

    Sounds like Mr "C"!

    He must have been drunk because she isn't exactly pretty

    Not much that's real to look at there, is there? I love the way people look down on "construction" workers here. I'd like to give her shovel and let her mix bags of sand and cement for 300 baht for a 10 hour day in the hot sun.

    She fought him off, yeah? Bogus story. I don't believe a line of it.

    Like we ever believe a word you say!

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