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Posts posted by fasteddie

  1. If Thailand were not 99% Buddhist it would be number 1 in road rage!

    Would be nice to see the jerk without the helmet get arrested for assault.

    The reason why Thailand has low incidents of road rage, is that it`s likely one of the parties concerned will have a knife or a gun and kill you. Common sense prevailing, most Thai motorists prefer to keep their heads down increasing their odds of getting to wherever it is they are going in one piece.

    It`s obvious the farang in black is in the wrong, plus he`s not wearing a helmet. Perhaps he`s a Brit? As these incidents are common place in the UK. One farang in black, the other in white. It`s like a clash between good and evil. Feel sorry for the guy in white, who was probably in shock and hurt during the incident and his motorbike may have been damaged. Don`t know what I would have done in that situation? Especially if having to deal with an aggressive imbecile like that moron.

    "Perhaps he`s a Brit? As these incidents are common place in the UK"

    Oi! I resemble that remark, step outside!

    • Like 2
  2. This country is a joke.. I understand what they are doing, and agree with them.. The Shin govt. needs to go, they've ruined Thailand.. But, taking over Govt offices like their doing would get them shot in the US or England. People in civilized countries can't understand why the police allow them to do what they are doing. Of course, if the police did step in like they would in the US or England and shot a few people, we would be looking at large riots and lot's of bloodshed and we would be saying, holy shit, this country is a joke. Not sure what the answer is..

    You've been watching too much of some inane TV programme, though God knows which one it could be. They might, just might, fire a few shots in the US, but certainly wouldn't risk aiming at the protesters unless left with no choice. In the UK, it wouldn't happen, unless terrorism was suspected, and a high public risk.

    You have to be joking! in the US they would be shot and in the uk they would have their heads cracked open!

  3. This country is a joke.. I understand what they are doing, and agree with them.. The Shin govt. needs to go, they've ruined Thailand.. But, taking over Govt offices like their doing would get them shot in the US or England. People in civilized countries can't understand why the police allow them to do what they are doing. Of course, if the police did step in like they would in the US or England and shot a few people, we would be looking at large riots and lot's of bloodshed and we would be saying, holy shit, this country is a joke. Not sure what the answer is..

    "they've ruined Thailand"

    Oh really! not too good with economics are we?

  4. nice sort of a bloke..........

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    the immigration department should sort this maggot out,

    send him back where he comes from.

    probably got kicked out of the boy scouts for being a wanke_r

    and looks like nothing has changed in his life

    I would stay well clear of knobends like these

    how do you know? do you even know him? he may just be a clever bloke making money from adverts or page clicks on the internet. he may even be a nice guy. why would immigration care about "this maggot"? nice term for someone you don't even know. i don't know him either... but not so quick to judge.

    Go to his blog site and read his opinions, then report back.

  5. In any society there are millions who disagree with the government in power but they do not go out on the streets in their millions or even hundreds of thousands unless something is very wrong.

    Thais are a fairly lazy race, common in warmer countries, and to motivate them to demonstrate like they are now seems to me to indicate that they think there is something very wrong with the government to the extent that it should not be allowed to continue.

    In 3rd world political style the government is grimly hanging on and continuing to abuts the processes of democracy time and again, meanwhile Suthep is blocking democratic elections on the basis that they would not really be democratic. Both sides are of course intensely self interested and neither is a solution to Thailand's problems.

    The country probably does need a people's council to effect some reform but perhaps it would be impossible to find people sufficiently distanced from one side or other to manage impartial reform for the benefit of the country rather than some group interest.

    Oh dear Thailand, if only there were a few more selfless politicians around, in fact a product of their society, then perhaps there would be some alternatives at this crossroads.

    It is truly sad to watch the infighting, not because of those involved getting hurt but because of the pain being inflicted on the poorest here like the farmers. It is shameful

    Millions? No. If they could have got millions, they could have won elections*.

    It comes down to the usual problem. The language barrier. So a few elite control the major Thai language media, and very few people get to see outside press. So we get bands of propagandized people at the extremes.

    The Bangkok elite, genuinely believe Thailand is close to financial disaster, and never run the numbers themselves. The farmers genuinely believe the Bangkok elite thinks their votes are worthless because the few people who say that garbage are the topic of conversation!

    People don't talk about the boring moderate reality, because it isn't a good news story. News flash, borrowing will be a little up this year because the rice price is down and the government rice subsidy has overrun.... Boring! News flash, most people like one man one vote..... Boring! See? The media is at extremes so the people who watch that media are at extremes.

    *Security agencies put it at 300k (not Suthep's PDRC mob, the mob before Suthep created the PDRC and announced he wanted his peoples council). I crunched the numbers and thought it was 70-90k.

    Well we can argue numbers all we like, I think yours are low and you think mine are high, but there are protesters in more than just the rally sites. The fact is there are large numbers of people out on the streets and even the farmers are looking likely to mobiles themselves.

    The fact is that large numbers of people against a regime is not the norm and therefore something is very wrong with the regime in place because it should be in place working for the benefit of the whole country regardless of the political affiliation of the area.

    The Democrats ignored the poor to a large extent for years and the PTP have been ignoring everywhere except its voter base pretty much. Both parties are now seeing their support undermined.

    It is easy to promise shiny trinkets to the very poor to get their vote which is a hinderance to young democracies where education of the people is so poor. That is the policy of the PTP and it is neither sustainable nor does it benefit the country in the long run as the Labour Party in the U K demonstrates. You can only dine so many times with someone else paying before the party paying no longer wants to invite you.

    I do agree to some extent with your comments about the media as this is the case in many places in the world but perhaps the less so here because of restrictions on the press generally and the current laws of defamation and to a lesser degree lese majeste which make muting the press an easier job.

    Personally I think the PTP have failed Thailand in a huge way and been horribly corrupt with no thought to the future of the country and hugely self interested. The sad thing is that I fear the Democrats are only marginally different though the country does benefit from a thriving business model. Neither is the way forward as they are both devisive and self interested. Thailand needs something better than this.

    "The fact is that large numbers of people against a regime is not the norm"

    Of course it is! Look at the US and the UK for instance, the difference being, in the rest of democracies (except the Ukraine maybe), we don't stamp about like children, threatening to bring down democracy, kidnap the PM and other MP's, occupy government buildings and beat up and even shoot people trying to vote.

    • Like 1
  6. Maybe he can explain first to the world outside how he and his merry little PTP thieves raped Thailand and its farmers for everything they've got.

    Yes, and at the same meeting, perhaps the leader of the Democrat Party, Mr. Abhisit, could explain why he ordered troops to open fire on crowds of civilians when he was PM. Now, that would be an interesting exchange of ideas.

    Let me set you straight mr. red sheeple. Those 'civilians' were terrorists armed with stolen military weapons who were rioting and causing all kinds of chaos. They had killed many soldiers before the 'crackdown' and the government had shown great patience up to that point. The reds refused the offer for elections and normalcy had to be restored. The rioters made a concious decision to fight to the death in he name of the fugitive Taksin. Taksin is responsible for their deaths. His propaganda networks including Asia Update tv, Voice Of Taksin magazine, his terrorist 'leaders' whipping the brainwashed into a murdrous frenzy at least 3 of whom are now serving caretaker MP's. Abisit did nothing wrong.

    Actually you're only partly right. Of the cases so far investigated I believe none of those killed were rioting or posing a threat. That being the case there was no justification for shooting them. That would seem to be borne out by the ROE so the army were responsible for not following orders but aren't being investigated.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Actually you're only partly right, he wasn't even partly right!

  7. According to this lot they already had the backing of the world democracies as per their bull crap for the last few months, so why seek it now.

    I think you will find most countries have said the support and will continue who ever is in government. Foreign governments don't take sides and don't care who is driving the bus.

    "Foreign governments don't take sides and don't care who is driving the bus"

    Exactly! But what they do care about is free democratic elections unhindered by reactionary thugs.

    • Like 1
  8. You seem to forget the first people killed in 2010 were the soldiers that were killed by the reds including a high ranking Colonel. Your selective memory must be very convenient for you.

    Actually the first person to die on April 10th 2010 was a UDD supporter who was shot by the army in the afternoon.

    Please cite a source to aid my poor memory. Would like to know the circumstances surrounding the incident.

    For "poor memory".read "selective memory"

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. BTW, you don't have a drive cam?

    For 2-3k baht you should get a front and rear camera set up, starts automatically with the ignition, you just press a button and it saves the last hour of footage.

    Completely necessary in a country like Thailand (unbelievably poor driving) populated by Thais (who are far more likely to lie or run off in the face of an accident, or explode and attack you, like you experienced).

    With a cam I would have taken that footage to the police, TAT and media outlets.

    "With a cam I would have taken that footage to the police, TAT and media outlets."

    What for? Give 'em a laugh?


  10. Fast becoming the world's number one islamic terrorism capital.

    One great advertisement for tourism.

    Complete animals the lot of them.

    This is a part of Thailand that we would be better off annexing and giving them independence.

    If I was government, I would not want these sort of people to be able to call themselves Thai.

    This is precisely what the Muslim separatist, terrorist. want...to govern southern Thailand...

    The problem with this line of thinking is two fold...one is that once they gain a foothold there...they will continue to move north...create havoc in other areas...killing innocents in other areas...

    Secondly...succumbing to the terrorists wishes...just encourages these mentally ill creatures...all over the globe...the carnage will just intensify in all countries where these scum of the earth live out their miserable lives...they have no heart...must be dealt with a no mercy...no prisoners...resolve...

    "The problem with this line of thinking is two fold...one is that once they gain a foothold there...they will continue to move north...create havoc in other areas"

    <deleted>! it's their land, stolen from them by the Thais with collusion from the Brits! They have no interest in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  11. You can say what you want to bout Thaksin, but he had a way of handeling things like this and the drug problem too.

    You have to be kidding, he did do some good things but those two examples were not any of them! unless of course, you think it's ok to give the police carte blanche to roam around settling old scores in the name of the war on drugs or the army carte blanche to rape and murder thai citizens because they wanted to practice their own religion, speak their own language and practice their own culture. Tak Bai pretty much kicked off the latest unrest in the south.

    Dumbest post this year!

    • Like 2
  12. Court rejects photographic evidence.

    You got to be kidding.

    Is the gunman some rich guy's son or something?

    What do they want? A signed statement from the gunman saying it was him?

    Court rejects arrest warrants for suspects, citing lack of evidence

    Yep... The police were obviously attempting to frame someone from the PDRC. I would bet my ass on it.

    Seriously? Suthep himself admitted that the gunmen in the photos were PDRC members. There's a whole thread on this here on ThaiVisa.

    Apparently not even that is enough evidence for the courts.

    This is protection of the innocent.

    Thai judges are very civilized, unlike many other countries.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif You crack me up!

  13. Will they issue arrest warrants for those guys too?!!!

    Arrest police officers for holding weapons?

    Do pink elephants walk around in your dream world, too?

    If there is an armed militia shooting at civilians on the streets, I would sure hope that the police have their weapons drawn, because it is their job.

    You mean Ms. Yingluck was lying when she said the police would be unarmed?

    Oh give it a rest, she said police facing protesters are not armed, not ordinary police, you really do like twisting things about to suit your fascist ideals.

  14. This court should be the first thing to be reformed.

    On what grounds are you basing this on?

    On the.grounds it was set up to veto democratic decisions using a constitution written to keep power with the elites.

    Sent from my LG-P880 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    What, so trying to remove transparency to make it easier to get away with corruption and avoiding parliamentary scrutiny are democratic????

    Attempting to pass an amnesty bill by ram rodding it through in the early hours of the morning (very early actually) and which benefits one person in particular is democratic?

    Your idea as to what democracy is and stands for is highly peculiar to say the least!!

    Why do you think that it was put there in the first place? to stop abuse of so called democratic power by a corrupt government perhaps!!!

    Good to see that it is providing the necessary checks and balances to maintain democracy.

    " What, so trying to remove transparency to make it easier to get away with corruption and avoiding parliamentary scrutiny are democratic????"


    "Attempting to pass an amnesty bill by ram rodding it through in the early hours of the morning (very early actually) and which benefits one person in particular is democratic?"

    Yes! if the dems(sic) choose to go to beddy boes whilst a bill is being debated, that's their problem, (not that they could have stopped it). Incidentally, why is everyone scared of square face coming home? Let's face it, he would be painted with laser sights the moment he steps off the plane.

    My idea of democracy is one man one vote and the government gets to govern without constant veto's by unelected courts.

    I don't always agree with the outcome of elections, some times they stink but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I come from the UK where at the moment, an unelected government with no mandate is tearing the heart out of our great social services to pay the rich and you don't see my leftie comrades spitting their dummies and blockading half of london, killing policemen and beating up anyone who disagrees with them. We just have to suck it up and wait for the next election when hopefully the filthy uncaring right wing scum will get their comeuppance

    Long live democracy! Down with the fascist Suthep and his ilk..

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