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Posts posted by ALLSEEINGEYE

  1. My visit to BC Canada this past July was the coldest wet month I can ever remember in my past 25 years of visiting.

    There is a complete difference between weather and climate.

    2 years ago I went to Lake Louise, the Glacier that has been there for thousands of years is a fraction the size that it was just 20 years ago.

    So 1 cool month in BC doesn't mean jack.

    Go to the interior and see what has happened to the forests. They have been killed by spruce and pine beetles because the winters don't get cold enough to kill them off.

    99% of all scientists agree that global warming is real.

    It's just evil CSers like the Koch brothers that pay to put out disinformation to protect their fossil fuel investments.

    Believe whatever you want to tell yourself, the climate change is happening fast and there will be no denying sooner than you might think.

  2. The military's witch hunt continues. More shaming of the police is due.

    A witch hunt implies that the accused, or shamed in this case, is not guilty but is being persecuted anyway.

    The BIB are as crooked as they come so this is not a witch hunt but an attempt to curb at least some of their corrupt activities.

    Bring it on!!!

  3. If I could speak to demonstrators, I'd tell 'em not to get too concerned. It's actually a good thing that The Divider got the nod. He's gonna lose big time on November 8th.

    If Republicans had the basic intelligence to pick a half-way decent nominee, then they might have a chance of winning.

    The real problem is that the Rep's didn't have a halfway decent person to choose from. All their candidates were nutters.

    Hard to believe that the USA with such a large population and world economy only have 2 parties to choose from, far right and far left.

    Leaves a lot of room in the middle for the possibility of some sanity, but no.

  4. Yet the general who abducted the country and is currently holding its people to ransom is still at large and running amok with any and every law.

    What a ridiculous post.

    I guess you prefer the previous Taksin by proxy dictatorship that not only allowed people to get away with blowing up children with RPG's but also celebrated the fact at their rallies. Not to mention all of the other greedy and evil things they have done.

    Thailand is the safest and most stable it has been in the 14 years that I have lived here.

    Long may it continue.

  5. doesn't the attorney general have some responsibility here? Surely it's not up to the Thai police to issue an international arrest warrant. Can't this punk be tried in absentia?

    The BIB are as dirty as the day is long but why not going after the main criminal in this case as well as the hi-so's that are protecting him.

    That being said, whatever cop let this punk get off on the cocaine charges should be jailed too.

  6. Things like this can happen anywhere in the world but they grow to epidemic proportions in Thailand because of the greed of the BIB.

    It is way past time for a complete reform of the whole RTP. They need to ALL be fired and start over from scratch.

    Start with no more buying your way into positions.

    Until the system is prevented from being set up as a money making operation, things will never change.

  7. Now if we can just get some high profile people to start complaining about the state if the sidewalks here too. I would like to know how many twisted and broken ankles happen here on a daily basis because of the sorry state of the sidewalks? Open and broken sewer covers, broken tiles or loose tiles that splash your leg with nasty water from the vendors cleaning their dishes.

    Why do they use those crappy little tiles anyway? Someone high up must have the contract to supply those useless tiles.

    Would love to see that improved but won't be holding my breath.

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