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Posts posted by ALLSEEINGEYE

  1. then perhaps the REAL police can explain why the illegal food stands, pan handlers, extortion taxi's etc etc are all parked on the streets such as Sukhumvit 11???

    It's so bad you can't walk on the sidewalks of even get down the road on a motorcycle in a reasonable amount of time.

    Someone is getting paid to let them all operate there. You are the police in charge of keeping the streets clear so what is your excuse for these people being there?

    If they are not paying you then why don't you move them all so that the rest of us can walk on the sidewalks and drive on clearer streets?

  2. There is little or no management and enforcement of any kind in Thailand so it's no surprise that they will over fish and eventually deplete their stocks.

    In Canada you cannot keep any female crabs and you can only keep males that are a certain size, depending on the species, to ensure that they have at least reached the age where they have reproduced at least once.

    Thais will eat anything they can find, in some cases, as we have seen on reports here, they will even eat dead fish that they find.

    No hope for the future here.

  3. AYJAYDEE, on 10 May 2016 - 06:27, said:

    Rats usually LEAVE a sinking ship! Fat boy's got it wrong again!!

    I wonder how would an eggs on your face will feel when trump will be the next president and Christie is VP?.....

    The whole of the USA will have egg on their face if they allow the ring leader (and head clown) of this circus to become prez (FYI, I mean Trump).

  4. “That was not the easiest entrance I’ve ever made. My wife called. She said there are helicopters following you and we did, and then we went under a fence and through a fence and, oh boy, felt like I was crossing the border actually.”

    Exactly, such a good point. Why waste countless billions on a stupid fence (or wall) when people can just go under or around it? A high percentage of all undocumented people that they are trying to prevent from coming in, actually arrive by plane, bus or other more tradition means, NOT by foot. So why build a wall that won't address and fix the majority of the problem?

    Keep fear alive!!! Don't let the facts get in the way.

  5. Thai thugs damage the countries image.

    Stupid and corrupt police and Gov officials that try to cover up this violence damage the countries image.

    A useless and corrupt justice system that does not show any consistent examples of accountability and punishment for criminal actions (unless you take a mushroom from a national park) damages the countries image.

    Stop pissing around and worrying about tourism and do something concrete to punish the violent offenders that literally get away with murder in this country!!!

    That will do more to improve the sullied image of Thailand that any coverup will ever do.

  6. The entire Pattaya police farce needs to be removed and replaced by the Army or Navy to get a grip on the town....ASAP, it needs a serious tidy up that clearly the BIB are not capable of doing.

    A lot could be solved by roving patrols. But, that would require the police to actually do some work instead of manning checkpoints for money.

    you clearly are not familiar with how the BIB operate.

  7. Casinos are rigged too but Trump somehow managed to go bankrupt in 5 of them.

    Obviously this idiot isn't qualified to run a casino or run for president.

    To those uninitiated in bankruptcy laws, four instances of corporate bankruptcy in a row can seem staggering. “To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management.” He has never filed for personal bankruptcy — an important distinction when considering his ability to emerge relatively unscathed, at least financially.


    Yeah that's a nice little spin on paper but it does not really address HOW Trump managed to get into all the financial trouble with 5 CASINOS in the first place. You don't really hear of too many casinos needing to file for bankruptcy do you?

    As for him not filing personal bankruptcy, that is not very likely considering everything he does is through the TRUMP entity.

    Your statement also does not address how filing for bankruptcy (either personal or corporate) allows you to screw over all of the people that you owe money to.

    This clown is worth billions (by his own admissions) yet he needs to find underhanded ways to screw others out of the money he owes them, even though he is so successful and has so much money.

  8. I asked my Canadian friend if the Canadian government parks and private ventures practiced dual pricing against non-Canadians.

    He looked at me dumbfounded and as if I'd just landed from outer space!

    "No" he said. "We take pride in our country and ourselves" "We work to welcome people not offend them."

    When I visited Doi Inthanon this season and paid several hundred baht more than my Thai friend only to find rubbish littering the place, washrooms that reeked like horse stables this notion of "pride in one's country and pride in oneself" came to mind.

    I really didn't feel "welcomed" nor "un-offended".

    Sad isn't it?

    As a Canadian, I can tell you your friend is wrong or perhaps doesn't go out much.

    There is in fact dual pricing at parks in Canada but of course only minorities get away with it.

    Take a walk on some of the hiking trails and see what happens when you get to the Indian land.

    They are probably still pissed off over the facts that all the land was once theirs and that people still refer to them as Indians.

    Some folks just can't let go of a grudge, eh.

    How many borders around the world have not been set by someone getting their asses kicked? It is the way the world as we know has come to be. How for back do you go? How long do you keep whining about it?

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