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Everything posted by simple1

  1. Yet more MAGA BS.. How did Harris permit illegal's entry to US. She doesn't have responsibility for Immigration, nor border control. What you going to do when Harris achieves Presidency?
  2. Court cases are based on sufficient evidence for prosecution. Please advise which cases were proven, repeat proven, to have insufficient evidence.
  3. Again lies and misinformation from trump world. Harris did not fail in her brief. Migrant flow from the three countries she had responsibility actually dropped. On the downside immigrant / asylum seekers increased from other countries outside of her remit. The data at this point indicate that the Biden administration has made progress in reducing the number of migrants arriving at the US border from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador to levels last seen toward the end of the Trump administration, even as increased migration from other countries has contributed to a high level of overall encounters at the border. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/what-kamala-harriss-record-in-central-america-and-the-caribbean-reveals-about-her-foreign-policy-approach/
  4. Last election seven million more votes than trump rec'd were of the opinion trump was / is unfit to represent the Office of the President of the USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election trump legislates for the ultra wealthy, not the working person The law will boost the after-tax incomes of households in the top 1 percent by 2.9 percent in 2025, roughly three times the 0.9 percent gain for households in the bottom 60 percent https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/the-2017-trump-tax-law-was-skewed-to-the-rich-expensive-and-failed-to-deliver#:~:text=The law will boost the,one-tenth of 1 percent.
  5. The OP talks to one quarter, it is hyperbole to suggest the US economy is in recession. As the OP clearly states the inputs can quickly change and it is the Fed's role to respond, not just the Biden' Administration. We will have to wait for the next quarter to see if a trend is ongoing. Besides all this it is crystal clear trump is unfit to represent the Office of the President of the USA.
  6. I have read about Harris's role. It is been confirmed multiple times she was only personally responsible for managing push factors in three Northern Central countries. All the claims she was actually responsible for Border Control and Immigration are lies and misinformation from trump, as usual echoed by MAGA world without factchecking. Accordingly yet again I'll post the factchecked claims and clarification ... https://www.factcheck.org/2024/08/trump-tv-ad-repeats-false-border-czar-illegal-immigration-claims/ Harris is tasked with overseeing diplomatic efforts to deal with issues spurring migration in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as pressing them to strengthen enforcement on their own borders, administration officials said. She’s also tasked with developing and implementing a long-term strategy that gets at the root causes of migration from those countries. https://apnews.com/general-news-3400f56255e000547d1ca3ce1aa6b8e9
  7. I've come to the conclusion you have comprehension issues. You make assumptions / accusations completely out of context to what I've posted. I assume based upon your unconscious biases - not going to waste anymore of my time.
  8. It's illegal for asylum seekers to work whilst being evaluated which can take moths if not longer due to lack of resourcing. Are you being deliberately obtuse - sounds like it. One last time, employers abuse some migrants by paying lower wages and so on. Refuse to employ with legislated pay / benefits leaving people in a very tough environment. Accordingly owner ship is with government / employers to address this issue e.g. fining ot gaoling employers. Here in Australia legislation with be passed in 2025, the term being used is wage theft. I personally know a number of migrants in Australia who are currently being abused in this manner, but no option as welfare is insufficient to pay rent etc.
  9. Your link confirmed Harris was not the "Border Czar' no matter how much MAGA wishes to spin their nonsense. Border Czar was a term used by media, but not her actual function. Harris was did not have ownership of Border or Immigration policy; to repeat she was responsible for trying to address the push factions (root causes) in three Central American countries. To quote... Axios' Shawna Chen confirmed Kamala Harris had been appointed Biden's ‘Border Czar’ writing: Harris, appointed by Biden as border czar, said she would be looking at the ‘root causes’ that drive migration."
  10. So far as affecting middle class / poor the ownership of that issue would be employers, not migrants.
  11. To repeat SMEs take advantage, not just the so called elites.
  12. For a starter it was not Harris as she wasn't responsible for Border / Immigration, that's yet another lie from trump world. Harris was appointed to address “root causes” of migration in Central America. That migration manifests itself in illegal crossings to the U.S., but she was not assigned to the border. https://apnews.com/article/trump-news-conference-fact-check-misinformation-eb899c1fc734f5ecb42b8d0902e5c004
  13. Untrue, not only 'elites' but across all businesses as can get away with lower wages / benefits, not so mush in the corporate world as more monitoring. One of the loudest noise generators against migration, trump, employed many undocumented migrants until he was exposed when he first entered the presential race, same would apply worldwide.
  14. Not exclusively Biden. trump repeatedly lies, misinforms etc even though he must know or is mentally disabled as unable to recognise 'truth'. Now changed his story regards helicopter three times, must be a screw loose....
  15. I guess you're referring to the likes of Manifest Destiny and slavery....
  16. Would never provide excuse for Biden in similar circumstances - LOL -hypocrisy extraordinaire!
  17. You're wrong net migration figures are correct as a contributing factor to ascertain overall population changes in UK. A bit of insight into historical immigration. There are many other instances, so compared to the then population of the UK would have been significant https://www.historytoday.com/archive/englands-first-refugees#:~:text=Such a flood of these,throne (1660-1714).
  18. Do nothing is due to HMG not providing work permits. Though I would bet many are employed in the cash economy by UK employers. You cannot blame asylum seekers for lack of resourcing / policies which would have been driven by right of centre decision makers.
  19. Your thoughts on trump saying to oil executives if they donate a billion dollars he will take care of them. In comparison H. Biden's activities are miniscule. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/09/trump-oil-ceo-donation
  20. Unsustainable financials provided by whom - link. As of 2019, there were around 994,000 UK nationals living in EU countries, excluding Ireland. Oh BTW... 1.2 million people migrated into the UK and 532,000 people emigrated from it, leaving a net migration figure of 685,000. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn06077/#:~:text=The latest estimates on migration,and out of the country.
  21. the Right just loves conspiracy stuff - weird
  22. The storm in a tea cup created in trump world won't matter. trump / Vince will be defeated in November. Of course the concern is trump has already stated if he loses it will be due to fraud, even though in the two prior election he lost by millions of votes (saved by electoral college in 2016). One hopes US will carry one with minimal further damage by MAGA world this time round, 'cause right now MAGA has dragged US politics into the sewer.
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