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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. We've (the U.S.A.) have used the "water cure" repeatedly: Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, War on Terror, even some Police departments used it.

    It's not torture if we do it as our reasons are beyond question.


    Many Americans were puzzled by the news, in 1902, that United States soldiers were torturing Filipinos with water. The United States, throughout its emergence as a world power, had spoken the language of liberation, rescue, and freedom. This was the language that, when coupled with expanding military and commercial ambitions, had helped launch two very different wars. The first had been in 1898, against Spain, whose remaining empire was crumbling in the face of popular revolts in two of its colonies, Cuba and the Philippines. The brief campaign was pitched to the American public in terms of freedom and national honor (the U.S.S. Maine had blown up mysteriously in Havana Harbor), rather than of sugar and naval bases, and resulted in a formally independent Cuba.


    Life Magazine cover from 1902...


  2. Not sure if humor is allowed....

    Fisher Price Chatter Phone Has Been Cooperating With NSA Since 2003

    East Aurora, NY -- The incredibly popular Fisher Price Chatter Phone, enjoyed by young children across several generations, has been cooperating with National Security Agency surveillance efforts since 2003, documents obtained by The National Protrusion reveal.
    "We have no comment on this report, as we have not had a chance to review the documents in question," said Claire Dunleavy, a spokesperson for Fisher Price, said in a statement.
    The document dump, made up mostly of classified internal NSA emails, show several agents talking about, "the arrangement with Chatter Phone," and the "agreement we've reached with Chatter Phone regarding recording device insertion."


  3. AFAIK, the process for pre-paid mobile data has been to add value to your account, and then subscribe to a mobile data plan. There are many options for both adding value, and subscribing to plans/promotions.

    Service providers may also have one-time mobile data plans, and monthly recurring mobile data plans. The former expire at the end of the term, while the latter will automagically renew assuming you have enough remaining balance associated with your account.

    What is it, exactly, that you are trying to accomplish? Please be very detailed re: your phone (exact make and model), budget, requirement.

    Finally, are you using TrueMove, or TrueMove H? TrueMove's GSM1800 concession was scheduled to expire on 15 Sep. 2013 but was given a sort of life-line until 15 Sep. 2014. I'm not sure exactly who is managing the old TrueMove network these days, and whoever they may be, perhaps they have new procedures (i.e USSD codes/plans/promotions) re: GSM (2G) data? You might be better off switching, either via the MNP process or with a new SIM, so the new TrueMove H subsidiary.

    Maybe the on-going dust-up between CAT, TrueMove and the NBTC is impacting service?





  4. Andrew Zimmern's Favorite sandwiches...


    Also, add The Cuban Sandwich to the list, maybe in Miami or Tampa?

    And that Vietnamese fav: Bánh mì, and a good Torta Ahogada (Mexico), even Gyro's (Greece) can be sublime.

    Adam Richman's Best Sandwich in America (I see DiNics Roast Pork sandwich won.)


  5. Can you describe, in as much detail as possible, your internet connection?

    Is it wired or wireless (WiFi)?

    Do you have any internet access device (modem/router/WiFi AP) within your living space?

    Do you have a contract with 3BB? Or do you pay your building manager for internet?

    Can you share any details re: the service you used in your previous living space?

    Without details it is challenging to offer ideas. Based on zero detail I'd guess your internet connection blows. Maybe it is shared with others in your building?

    Suspect there are Skype forums which might have some basic tests/guides for trouble-shooting.



  6. ^ I think there is at least one elevator at Phaya Thai, at least between the mezzanine and platform. Most people seem to go to the BTS - which is also void of down-escalators - but not sure there is either an elevator or escalator between the street and mezzanine.

    Note that Phaya Thai was not really meant to be SARL Express station, really just for the City Line. And it is was planned - feel free to kvetch about the plan - that load-bearing tourists would use the Express at Makkasan, while commuters would use the City Line.

    Then they added the Express to Phaya Thai, and of course, many luggage-toting tourists use Phaya Thai to connect to the BTS.

  7. I think both iOS (Carrier Settings unique to TrueMove H) and TrueMove H's network must be able to support this feature. I guess you may have to check with them (TrueMove H) to see if this supported.

    Otherwise just dial the access number, which I think is *99?

    Do you get any kind of notification about a new voicemail left for you?

    Voicemail isn't all that popular here; it is challenging to get a Thai person to leave one, and service providers all handle notifications and access a bit differently. Some here give notification, with a direct access cal-back link.

  8. Is this your phone: http://www.samsung.com/uk/consumer/mobile-devices/mobile-phones/bar/GT-B2710IKAXEU-support

    It is correct that you will have to configure settings which allow it to connect to the internet. As it is not an Android phone the term "APN" is not particularly valid.

    You will need to connect to the internet to send/receive MMS as well, an MMS is a sort of text message which can include a picture.

    Not that you will also have to subscribe to a monthly mobile data plan. If you do not then you will pay 1 baht/min and if you do not turn off data you will burn through your balance quickly.

    Do you have a new AIS 2100 MHz 3G SIM? How recently did you purchase this SIM? Can you describe the exact wording on the SIM package?

    You'll have to grind through your phone's menu/user guide to figure out how to set-up/create an internet profile, and configure MMS.

    For the new AIS 2100 MHz 3G subsidiary, and a similar phone, they don't have the 2710 here: http://www.ais.co.th/3g/setting3g.html

    I found these, which may contain the details you require to configure your phone.

    Note that MMS is less than successful, for a variety of reasons, most people are now using smartphone apps. like WhatsApp! which make it easy and seamless to send photos, text, video, etc.

    And you phone may prove challenging to use for browsing?



  9. More detail/follow-up on the NSA's (and UK's GCHQ) apparently successful interception of encrypted Google and Yahoo traffic. The outright prevarication by the NSA mouthpieces is insulting.

    How we know the NSA had access to internal Google and Yahoo cloud data

    The Washington Post reported last Wednesday that the National Security Agency has been tapping into the private links that connect Google and Yahoo data centers around the world. Today we offer additional background, with new evidence from the source documents and interviews with confidential sources, demonstrating that the NSA accessed data traveling between those centers.

    We do not know exactly how the NSA and GCHQ intercept the data, other than it happens on British territory. But we do know they are intercepting it from inside the Yahoo and Google private clouds, because some of what NSA and GCHQ collect is found nowhere else.


    Detailed slides here...

    What Yahoo and Google did not think the NSA could see

    Today The Post answers some of the questions they raised in an explanatory story and offers additional evidence drawn from documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. The documents do not tell the whole story, because our report depended in part on interviews with public and private sector sources. But these slides demonstrate that the NSA, working with the British GCHQ, intercepted information it could only have found inside the Google and Yahoo "clouds," or private networks.


    NSA lawyers do not dispute spying on Google, Yahoo data overseas

    The lawyers also told the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board during a rare public hearing that a secret overseas Internet data-gathering program exposed last week was not an attempt to evade scrutiny by the federal intelligence court that supervises such operations

    The government did not dispute that it tapped the cables overseas for Internet traffic but said it wasn't doing so to avoid U.S. legal restrictions.


  10. I don't believe there is any way to predict how one might be impacted by any potential future unrest.

    Any situations may be localized, fluid and dynamic and only impact certain people in certain areas.

    Monitor ThaiVisa, TV news. If you are overly concerned travel to a different part of Thailand or the world.

    When the Yellows took over the airport(s) only those wishing to fly were impacted.

    When the Reds did their thing we lost power for one night, believe a nearby substation was set ablaze, some food/water shortages (hard to get to Khlongtoei market) and deliveries into the neighborhood impacted, never lost internet, mobile phone service was spotty on certain days, ATMs cleaned out/branches closed, acrid smoke from burning tires a bit a of a pain. We had lots of people walking through our neighborhood as it was the only route for some.

    In all the disturbances here I think only two foreigners have died.

  11. http://www.foodandwine.com/slideshows/best-sandwiches-in-the-us





    Odd ones/favs:

    Muffaletta: NOLA

    Goetta: Cincinnati

    Roast Pork/Broccoli Rabe: DiNics-Phila/Reading Market

    Chaps Pit Beef: Baltimore

    Al's Italian Beef: Chicago

    Kelly's Roast Beef: Boston (Reveah)

    I go back every ~ 60 days so always indulge. I'm partial to pulled pork, roast beef, meatball/sausage parm, italian (grinder).

    • Like 1
  12. Note that you might also be able to catch the train at Bang Sue Junction/train Station, which is ~ 8 Km SSW from DMK. Given that SRT trains run so far behind schedule you might even be able to catch your desired train. assuming you were using the Hua Lumphong departure time as a target?

    Looking at the SRT schedules: I see a "Rapid" # 171 departing/passing Bang Sue at 13:33 arriving Hua Hin 18:42 and a "Special Express" #35 departing/passing Bang Sue at 15:09 arriving Hua Hin at 18:42.

  13. Applications are limited given the need for a VPN to access some of the interesting premium services, and a lack of bandwidth. So you're not going to cast NetFlix in HD here. ;)

    In the U.S. this device is fantastic, here meh. I use mine to cast YouTube, from my Android phone, tablet and iPad. YouTube casts fine/easily here in HD, which is pretty cool.

  14. Most people over-think/obsess on this issue to the point of failure when it is incredibly simple and straight-forward.

    All of the branded service provider USB Aircards I've had to support/trouble-shoot have been unlocked, meaning you can use any SIM.

    That said, I always recommend an unbranded, unlocked aircard which supports (minimally) 3G: 850 and 2100 MHz. Branded cards come with their own SW/UI which can sometimes be self-defeating.

    Unbranded, unlocked aircards can be purchased everywhere here for 1,000 - 2,000 baht.

    Step 1. Buy an unbranded, unlocked aircard which supports 3G: 850/2100 MHz - it will also support GSM for 2G (EDGE/GPRS) by default.

    Step 2. Buy a SIM from TrueMove H, AIS/2100 MHz, DTAC Tri-NET (50 baht).

    Step 3. Add value

    Step 4, Subscribe to a mobile data plan

    Step 5. Configure your device as required

    Step 6. Use

    Most issues arise when folks don't have coverage - less of an issue these days, have not subscribed to a plan, have a device which does not support 850 or 2100 MHz 3G, have improperly configured their device.

    We've had nationwide 3G for well over two years now, and one should be able to 5 Mbps/1 Mbps easily. I average 20/3 with any/all three service providers.

    The websites eventually get translated and have English versions, we are in the midst of a big swing from concession to auction, so various sites/pages are only in Thai. But often, with just a little bit of common sense one can figure out what they mean.

    • Like 2
  15. If your Softbank iPhone is unlocked and can accept a different SIM you could use it here in Thailand on 3G/2100 MHz (same same as Softbank). DTAC and AIS have reasonable broad 3G access on 2100 MHz. In-building penetration, and signals to upper floors of taller buildings can vary quite a bit as you can imagine.

    We have limited LTE here, just TrueMove H in select areas on 2100 MHz.

    We do have broad 3G, on 850 and 2100 MHz which will suffice for your applications.

    Cost depends on usage, with pre-paid monthly usage plans of 1 GB/450 Baht up to 5 GB/1,000 baht. These plans have their speeds throttled to 64 - 384 Kbps for continued unlimited internet access once you reach your fair-use cap.

    Not sure when/if the new N7 will be available here.

  16. Your port will not go forward - i.e. succeed at the clearinghouse - unless your TrueMove (H) account is clear/in good standing.

    Have you satisfied any/all terms and conditions re: your existing TrueMove (H) account?

    I would begin the process a but earlier in the billing cycle, or even change to a pre-paid plan at TrueMove (H), then MNP to DTAC.

    You may have to settle with TrueMove H, hopefully on a pro-rated basis, before the port will clear.

    All my ports have been pre-paid to pre-paid.

  17. FYI, magicJack used to offer free call forwarding. They now charge for that service, in that you have to purchase a minimum 100 minute plan to cover the charges for forwarded calls.bah.gif

    With Google Voice call forwarding is free, and they offer a follow-me service, which allows you to utilize up to six (6) numbers to ring through in progression, for free. With Google Voice multiple people can share a forwarded number, for free. You can even set up temporary call forwarding numbers, for free. You can set up call forwarding to your GV number to ring all your other numbers, for free, or even based on who is calling (circles) or time of day, for free.

    Google Voice also allows you to receive and generate SMSes for free, you can also forward inbound SMSes to your GMail account, for free.

    You get some quasi auto-attendant features like having callers announce their name, for free. Do not disturb, pass/block CPID, free.

    Voicemail transcription (speech to text, sent as an email) is pretty cool, and free. You can share voicemails via email, for free. And you can even create a conference. Oh yea, for free.

    There's probably quite a few more slick apps I haven't even discovered yet. And Google seems to keep adding features and functionality, all while magicJack strips out functionality or charges for it.

    I understand it is not fair/reasonable to compare mJ and GV as the differences are so immense - a bit like comparing Ma Bell with the internet, but people may want to consider getting a free GV number/account.

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