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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. Where do you get an average of 15K?

    I was being deliberately conservative to illustrate that, even at a potentially low average estimate, 100 baht represents a minuscule fraction of the overall air travel expense.

    AoT have many, many expenses, not all of which are related to improving the customer experience. I merely expressed a hope/desire that a significant portion of any increased revenue be directed towards improving the customer experience.

  2. If one SWAGs the average international round-trip ticket price at 15,000 baht then a 100 baht increase would probably not be noticeable, and it certainly wouldn't have an impact on a traveler's decision. Travelers to Thailand are probably dealing with other costs: base fare, fuel surcharge, security/airport fees, excess baggage fees, local hotel/food/transpo., currency exchange, et al.

    That said, I'd like to see AoT invest this increased revenue in maintaining and improving the entire airport experience for travelers.

  3. To buy a train ticket you need to show I.D. which is entered on the ticket so unlikely you could buy, or more than one.

    Is this a new rule? Where, and when, have you encountered this requirement?

    I have purchased dozens of tickets, and witnessed travel agents purchasing thousands of tickets, for third parties without the need for an individual ID to be associated with each one.

  4. During the floods two years ago SBIA was overrun with parked cars - it was probably unsafe because it severely restricted access for emergency vehicles.

    They kept increasing the height of the dykes to protect SBIA as losing the airport would have been a huge issue on many fronts - although allowing protesters to take it over and close it seemed acceptable. rolleyes.gif

    I was at the airport last night and was able to park in the garage for a few hours. It remains unaffected.

    It does seem like they are enforcing stopping.parking on the long elevated access road into the airport. There used to be a lot of cars parked/stopped/waiting - maybe for subsequent pick-ups - there but maybe they have been moved elsewhere?

  5. Aside from don muang and swampy is there some other airport in Bangkok where these scamming taxis are apparently universal ?

    No. There are just two airports here in metropolitan Bangkok: SBIA/BKK and DMIA/DMK.

    I think taxi scams, in all their various flavors: hot meter, changing to a fixed fare/not using the meter, asking for help pushing the taxi and leaving with all the luggage, detours to retail/entertainment venues...., happen everywhere, and to everyone, including Thais.

    Obviously, you have lived here long enough to recognize some of them, and have thus far been unaffected by them, apparently. I guess the point of your post was to boast about this, rather than helping anyone else out. It takes all kinds. whistling.gif

  6. As Chancellor Merkel's call to Obama was ringing through she heard..."For quality control purposes, your call may will be monitored."

    "Press one to cancel the drone strike currently targeted for your location."

    "But Angela, we only do that in order to improve advertisements presented to you."

    "Angela, I love the wallpaper on your phone. Is that Vlad on horseback?"

  7. DNI's response, to the French dust up...

    DNI Statement on Inaccurate and Misleading Information in Recent Le Monde Article Security
    Wednesday, October 23, 2013 PDF
    October 22, 2013
    Recent articles published in the French newspaper Le Monde contain inaccurate and misleading information regarding U.S. foreign intelligence activities. The allegation that the National Security Agency collected more than 70 million “recordings of French citizens’ telephone data” is false.
    While we are not going to discuss the details of our activities, we have repeatedly made it clear that the United States gathers intelligence of the type gathered by all nations. The U.S. collects intelligence to protect the nation, its interests, and its allies from, among other things, threats such as terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
    The United States values our longstanding friendship and alliance with France and we will continue to cooperate on security and intelligence matters going forward.
    James R. Clapper
    Director of National Intelligence
    Anger Growing Among Allies on U.S. Spying
    BERLIN — The diplomatic fallout from the documents harvested by the former N.S.A. contractor Edward J. Snowden intensified on Wednesday, with one of the United States’ closest allies, Germany, announcing that its leader had angrily called President Obama seeking reassurance that her cellphone was not the target of an American intelligence tap.
    Washington hastily pledged that the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, leader of Europe’s most powerful economy, was not the target of current surveillance and would not be in the future, while conspicuously saying nothing about the past. After a similar furor with France, the call was the second time in 48 hours that the president found himself on the phone with a close European ally to argue that the unceasing revelations of invasive American intelligence gathering should not undermine decades of hard-won trans-Atlantic trust.
    "Current surveillance" means "we stopped yesterday". But will start back up tomorrow.
    • Like 1
  8. Closed from Sila At/Uttaradit to Chiang Mai until 31 October, suspect that date will not be met even though the work is 70% complete. Bus service between Uttaradit and Chiang Mai.


    BANGKOK, 20 October 2013 (NNT) - More than 70% of the train tracks in northern Thailand have been repaired, according to the State Railway of Thailand (SRT).
    Mr Suprabhat Seniwongse na Ayudhya, a chief engineer at the SRT, said on Sunday that the tracks in the North, running between Sila At station in Uttaradit and Chiang Mai, have been closed for maintenance since Sept 16, 2013.
    He said that over 70% of the train line in Chiang Mai, Lampang, Lamphun and Phrae provinces has been repaired so far. Railway sleepers are replaced, topped with new 100-pound rail tracks.
    The chief engineer said the maintenance work was not disrupted despite some heavy rain in upper Thailand over the past few days, especially in Lampang province. The work will certainly be completed by the end of this month, and the rail service should resume its usual service on Nov 1, 2013.
  9. Some people enjoy a bit of adventure and uncertainty

    Are they flying to Thailand? If so, why? Sounds "boring".

    So walk to Chiang Mai? rolleyes.gif Now that would be adventurous and filled with uncertainty.

    Seriously, save the 12+ hours and utilize that time with an adventure in/near/around Chiang Mai.

    The trains to the north have derailed dozens of times, and while the SRT trains go so slowly - it is not unusual for the train to be 6+ hours late - they just flop over when they derail with no deaths. No one who has experienced a derailment considers it to be an adventure.


  10. I think TP-Link and D-Link are pretty much the same, the UI's look the same to me so I assumed they were made by the same manufacturer - I would have avoided D-Link - many people also have similar DSL problems with D-Link and we also dropped them as a supplier. But if it is working for you then great. Problem solved.

  11. If your device(s) support 3G/850 MHz, this was not obvious from your previous post(s), then definitely go with TrueMove H. You can buy a SIM for 50 baht, anywhere, and subscribe to a daily plan for 49 baht to evaluate (*900*3302#).





  12. ^ What is the make/model of your phone? Does it support 850 MHz? If yes, then /CAT/TrueMove H/850 MHz would be a good choice as it appears as though you can "see" that network.

    An MCC/MNC of 530xx would indicate you are in New Zealand. Technically I guess that is "east of Pattaya". ;)

    Guessing you see an MCC/MNC 52005, which would be DTAC/DTN/Tri-NET, on 2100 MHz so maybe try a new DTAC/Happy/DTN SIM?

    TrueMove has run out of money to deploy 2100 MHz - they are trying to sell an "Infrastructure Fund" to generate capital - so they've chosen to use what little cash they have to deploy LTE on 2100 MHz. They do have targets to meet on 2100 MHz deployment so not sure what might happen if they fail to meet those? Maybe a fine, which will not be paid?

  13. Yes I had similar Sim recently-only moves forward one day at a time. Does not advance 30 or 60 days except the first top up which gives 30 days. Clearly the objective from their point of view is to get short term tourists to depart with credit on their Sims which is then subsequently lost

    My best guess is that these TrueMove H Tourist Inter SIMs are targeted at, well, tourists. These would be people who come to Thailand as tourists. As near as I can determine these seem to have a rolling 30 day validity based on usage (make a call, send an SMS, top-up for as little as 10 baht). Given the number shortage TrueMove probably wants tor recycle these numbers, and people should be aware that these are meant for tourists. If your plans call for a return to Thailand then another SIM/promotion/plan might be better utilised? If anyone has questions regarding options just ask.

    I think the objective is to provide a service. Any revenue is generated/recognized upon purchase or top-up rather than as a credit left unused. But I understand everyone is always on the lookout for a "scam". rolleyes.gif

  14. But not at 2.1GHz

    Correct. I was addressing Udox's misperceptions re: 3G here.

    The NBTC auctioned 2100 MHz spectrum twelve months ago, and in that short time there has been a massive deployment, by DTAC and AIS anyway, and a huge number of customers who've transitioned. Pretty amazing.

    Yes, TOT has had a nationwide 2100 MHz 3G network for a few years now, and many of us have enjoyed - and continue to enjoy - robust, high-performing 3G/850 MHz, as we have for more than two years.

    My results using AIS/2100 and DTAC/2100:



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