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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Yep. Their treatment of the Rohingya and Uighur people was particularly callous.
  2. Please don't allow anyone who believes in reincarnation to operate machinery..
  3. Right. Same sort of person as made the headlines today, you mean?
  4. Shooting a dog with a harpoon gun is hardly a concerted effort to keep numbers down, is it? Just an act of random cruelty, or casual sadism.
  5. I'm looking at options now. I have a friend who recommended Rutnin also (he had lens replacement done there). Thanks for your advice. ????
  6. Yep. Just been diagnosed (I'm mid-50's) with a cataract in my left eye. I see floating shapes / shadows and get halos around bright lights, etc. Will probably need surgery.
  7. Long overdue. Meth has created massive societal problems here for decades. It is under-reported because too many "top" people here have vested interests in producing and selling it. Hopefully, this terrible incident will put some of these people under the spotlight.
  8. Perp named as ex-cop Pol Cpl Panya Khamrab..
  9. Widespread, city-wide flooding but hey, lets take the Lambo out for a spin..????
  10. Perhaps attendees could wear yellow vests to make him feel at home here.
  11. Time to put football shirts on the soi dogs.
  12. As if people's nasal passages haven't been ravaged enough by the intrusive PCR test.. ????
  13. I think we should start expecting the Next Big Thing, after Covid-19,
  14. I used to get Gout, and after a couple of years replaced Celebrex with the much better Voltaren (50 or 75 mg tabs). The Celebrex gave me stomach problems among other side effects. Voltaren is very effective as an anti-inflammatory with no side effects (for me). (I got rid of gout for good, by using baking soda and other alkaline foods to bring down Uric acid levels).
  15. Isn't the US floating a CBDC (central bank digital currency) later this year? Digitizing the dollar? Should be erm, interesting. https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2022/09/16/technical-possibilities-for-a-u-s-central-bank-digital-currency/
  16. Um, he got caught.. The 'hit' on this guy wasn't very professional either. Hey, but vigilante justice is great in Hollywood movies, eh?
  17. Probably retired and bored of arguing about nothing on Thai forums.? ???? Anyway, hats off to him for showing a bit of community spirit.
  18. The actual bank office buildings are usually elevated to denote status here. Their employees sit with their feet well above head height. That attitude certainly works its way down.
  19. Certainly seems to be about to gain parity with the GBP and the Euro..
  20. They'll wear masks, but not crash helmets..
  21. Thanks for that. We had a private tutor teaching my 10yo son math, but now not available. Will take a look at the Kumon system. ????
  22. Source: https://www.britannica.com/event/Asian-financial-crisis The "Buffet Governments" of Gen. Chavalit, and earlier Banharn were mostly responsible for not having enough currency to support the peg, after acquiring a lot of foreign debt (from IMF and World Bank), but there were a lot of other factors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Asian_financial_crisis
  23. The Taste Police are filing separate charges..
  24. Yeah. Mine is dead-bolted to the floor also. I would probably need TNT to remove it.
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