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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Henan hopefully gaining natural immunity then. None of the vaccines prevented transmission anyway.
  2. The amazing Dr Yong again. ???? Govt mouthpiece in a white coat.
  3. Listening to most of the pronouncements from this corrupt globalist org, from its communist rat "President" downwards, is damaging to your health.
  4. OP sounds like it was written by some Thai Govt stooge. Utter <deleted>
  5. Yep. Maybe depending on the upcoming election results also.
  6. Maybe Khun Chaiwat is just deflecting.? Or being unfairly murdered.?
  7. Saw the video on a local FB page. Took the cops an eternity to get this nutcase out of his little car.. ????
  8. Yep, literal death-traps to tourists accustomed to using zebra crossings safely in their own countries.
  9. A "Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine" has powers of arrest / search, etc.? ????
  10. To reject or refuse in Thai is: "patisett" (Phonetic pronunciation). ปฏิเสธ in Thai
  11. Around 10-15k / month. I go out to eat locally with the family 1-2 times / week in Banchang, Rayong. Choosing between Thai (seafood), Italian, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc. Sometimes if it's a special occasion we'll book a table at a fine dining outlet in Pattaya or environs. We'd probably eat out a bit more if the missus didn't enjoy cooking at home most days. Fortunately, most of our favourite local restaurants here have seemingly survived the 'rona. ????
  12. Yes, that is the part that is puzzling. Was talking to someone after the kayak turned over.
  13. Doesn't say if he drowned or died from other causes... Every kayak I've ever rented here has mandatory life-jacket requirement. Strange incident.?
  14. If not too involving or damaging, I'd check under the floor for broken or leaking drain pipes. Might be seepage under the tiles causing the problem.
  15. Erm, the story in the OP.. Perhaps you should go back and read it again, as you have instructed other posters to do.? At the risk of appearing pedantic; I am cut and pasting directly:
  16. Property owner might want to smoke a bit of what he's growing and chill out a tad.? Granted, the guy was a thief, but kicking him on the ground enough to kill him seems like a large overreaction to me.
  17. Maybe combine with the "where do I obtain a high-powered air rifle" thread?
  18. Appreciate the positive outlook, but I'm not sure how much recent tourist volume is due to pent-up demand following Covid, and thus short-term only. Factor in rising airfares, inflation, and what will be criminally high energy bills for a lot of countries this Winter, and I'm not sure how long this will last into 2023.
  19. Yep. Looks like the view from Gotemba. Nice place to stay if you enjoy skiing on Fuji. Air fares have more than doubled since last time I visited in 2019, so not sure how many Thais are actually visiting Japan, as opposed to it being a "most desired" destination described in the OP. Pretty misleading storyline, tbh..
  20. Iran has to be rather scared of the regime-change intended for it by Israel-backed US Govt. It's not really 'jew-haters' expressing protests and dissent against an ultra-Zionist regime that is carrying out a massive land-grab and persecution of Palestinians. A lot of actual Israelis hate what is being done in their name. Israel, btw, is the country with all the nukes in that part of the world.
  21. Agree. I normally take April off in the UK and other parts of Europe. All round I'd say the weather here is fine (for me, anyway), even residing in hot 'n sticky Rayong, E. Thailand. Certainly, spending a full Winter in the UK seems a lot more daunting. And expensive. Perspective, and all that.
  22. Continue to purchase masks, PPE, "boosters", and ATK kits. We're making a bundle. Thank you. ????
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