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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. I got scammed on the Gillette razor purchase from Lazada, too. Felt like shaving with a broken bottle, and I stopped immediately.???? Also got reamed on a pair of "Hush Puppy" shoes, which were just a pair of <deleted> loafers with "Hush Puppy" insoles. Given up with Lazada and the likes, tbh, other than a source of cheapo spare parts. I'd rather buy from a walk-in shop.
  2. Assimilate, conglomerate, aggregate, amalgamate... Buy up all and any competition, and then <deleted> your "customers" up the <deleted> Rinse, repeat. ????
  3. Surely a coincidence that "cool" season is kicking in, right now.? Lower temperatures and humidity. I'm probably due my annual cold anytime now.
  4. Good thing that it was only the elephant that touched the wire laid by this feckless <deleted> If wasn't an elephant, would another electrocuted human even make the news.?
  5. Seems that we could be on the brink of nuclear war, similar to 70 years ago during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. One of the only differences being that back then, the US had a President that opposed the Military-Industrial complex and the bankers that were pushing for regime change to any country daring to defy them. (He of course paid the price for this, 1 year later). Fast forward seventy years later, and the media are now showing us the well-appointed nuclear bunkers of the elite, and indeed advising people of steps to take during a nuclear attack, <deleted>: https://abc7ny.com/nyc-nuclear-attack-psa-emergency-management/12044514/ This can only be solved by diplomacy / detente, yet the prevailing narrative is all-out aggression against Russia. Utter madness.
  6. The Army (allegedly) have a big hand in actually producing them, with their counterparts over the borders. The cops just franchise the selling part.
  7. Exactly. Vast military structures need an enemy, and it's usually their own populace.
  8. I suppose that as a newly appointed "Director of Climate Change & Disaster", he shouldn't be sounding too optimistic, then? ????
  9. And the rest. His Daddy got Newin started into politics in the rather murky Buriram political arena. His Dad famously bragged that he had no political enemies in Buriram, as he'd had them all murdered. Lovely little family.
  10. Pretty much. Decent cardio will get you away from most dangerous situations. Excepting of course stuff like bear attacks. ????
  11. Yep. Their treatment of the Rohingya and Uighur people was particularly callous.
  12. Right. Same sort of person as made the headlines today, you mean?
  13. Shooting a dog with a harpoon gun is hardly a concerted effort to keep numbers down, is it? Just an act of random cruelty, or casual sadism.
  14. I'm looking at options now. I have a friend who recommended Rutnin also (he had lens replacement done there). Thanks for your advice. ????
  15. Yep. Just been diagnosed (I'm mid-50's) with a cataract in my left eye. I see floating shapes / shadows and get halos around bright lights, etc. Will probably need surgery.
  16. Long overdue. Meth has created massive societal problems here for decades. It is under-reported because too many "top" people here have vested interests in producing and selling it. Hopefully, this terrible incident will put some of these people under the spotlight.
  17. Widespread, city-wide flooding but hey, lets take the Lambo out for a spin..????
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