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Posts posted by huangnon

  1. 14 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    That's your personal experience and at odds with thousands of others who had a tough time getting Covid. Not to mention long Covid.

    I had mild flu-like symptoms, aches / chills for around 10 days. The missus similar but less. My 10yo boy had a sore throat for 2 days..

    Some of my Thai staff have had it also. One guy was pretty sick, but he regrets not isolating at home after spending 2 weeks in a field hospital.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Tropposurfer said:

    I wonder how many RR's he'll bring with him? A real piece of work this guy. I can see how he and Putin would be best mates. After all they have so much to talk about; e.g. despotism, cold calculated murder, rule by terror and their love of amassing huge personal wealth. 

    He, and his fake royal family have been the US' best mates in the ME for quite a while now.

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  3. I reckon Prayut is just keeping this card up his sleeve until the next election at the end of this year.


    Him and his massively-unpopular "government" can then be the saviours of the nation by dropping all Covid restrictions and giving 'happiness back to the people', before the vote.

    "Never let a good crisis go to waste" - Churchill.


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  4. 1 minute ago, Saanim said:

    Why Thailand should be more courageous than others? It will surely not get changed over night. 

    Or will it need some immediate political problems like BoJo is having? To make surprise concessions? 

    Bojo ended restrictions due to political unpopularity, and the press hammering him and his cabinet for breaking all their own rules.

    If those restrictions were all removed purely due to political expedience, were they totally arbitrary in the first place?

    Thai PM Prayut is similarly unpopular here, but has an election at the end of this year or early 2023. He could be waiting until that time to be the "hero" that ended Covid misery in Thailand, bringing happiness back again.? ????

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