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Posts posted by huangnon

  1. Quote

    Mr Anutin said he had requested leave from the cabinet meeting. He believed he caught the virus during the trip as he had met many people who were not wearing face masks. While making speeches and chairing meetings he also had to take off his mask.

    I bet he doesn't even have Covid. Just making a point about non-Thais, not wearing the ... masks.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:




    --10,000+ people are currently hospitalized in Thailand because of COVID.

    --610 of those are in serious condition with pneumonia type symptoms.

    --and another 286 are in such bad condition that they've required intubation in order to breathe.






    And then, of course, there was this little nugget in today's news:


    COVID cognitive decline more widespread than thought, say researchers at Australia's first long-COVID clinic


    "And the team has found something startling.






    Does it state the average age or co-morbidity of those 10,000 people.?


    "Pneumonia" is basically the intrinsic cause of death of old age or "natural causes".


    • Like 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Where do they do these tests for ‘sub-variants’....  Every PCR test I have taken simply responds negative, 

    But for those whose test returned a positive, was the variant listed ?... 


    Does every lab test that returns a positive test also test for a variant and sub-variant? does every lab have the equipment and expertise to test to that level of detail ????



    They've all got genomic sequencers that they are fully-trained in the use of. I'm sure...


  4. On 6/24/2022 at 6:31 PM, kidneyw said:

    You know, I have tried using these predicted lottery numbers.

    Be it car crash number plates, banana trees; monitor lizard with talcum powder; cow with two heads; snakes etc. and you know what I have never won.

    I am sorry, I don't believe this spider knows any better.

    Auspicious numbers are all around us..


    Eight-legged creatures however, have a history of being able to forecast sporting / betting events. ????


    Ollie the Octopus

  5. 2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Pull the other one will you, I drive for hours on end and never see a cop in sight, however if there is a VIP that is going to pass by, they will be at every junction, i.e. off of their lazy aces.



    Yep. That's all they are. An army of the rich.


    The horrendous accident stats here don't seem to bother the collective hive-mind at all. Just an unemployment solution.

  6. On 6/18/2022 at 4:51 PM, alex8912 said:

    Then how can millions of Americans who have been purchasing legal weed in many states NEVER EVER have had ANYTHING compared to a bad acid trip!!  This of course includes weed that is 30% and higher in THC levels. You are scare mongering beyond belief!  Acid and weed are completely incomparable. Your post should be flushed down the toilet! 

    You've obviously never tried skunk,

    • Confused 1
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