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Posts posted by huangnon

  1. Not heard much from Nong Natt for a while, so I did a bit of a search...



    Last but not least, to the shock of her fans all over the world, Nat has gone lesbian as she revealed her new sweetheart on Instagram on Wednesday — a younger Vietnamese girl.

    Nat wrote, “She’s only 24 — nine years younger than me. I never thought I’d be dating such a lovely and beautiful girl. She came in when my heart needed someone, who has true feelings for me and respects me. From now on, I have to work hard, save money, and fly to you every month. #MyLittleVietnameseGirl.”

    Pure comedy gold, with nice t!ts.  ????


    Check out the rest of the link:


    Coconuts Bangkok - 2018


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  2. 4 minutes ago, internationalism said:

    yes, schools are factors in dengue infection, mosquitoes are at schools, playgrounds. That's exactly because of closed schools dengue fall by 30x within the last 2 years.

    I had dengue at least 2x, also had 3 dengvaxia since became available in thailand in 2017

    I would think Dengue would be prevalent where there is stagnant water for mosquitoes to breed . I don't see how schools factor into this.?

    Dengue has just been under-reported due to the all-pervasive Covid pandemic since 2020.

  3. 2 hours ago, marcho said:

    Why isn't Tiger on the list, that's my choice. But with the one's on the list, I am  with Chang

    Tiger is okay. The Tiger "Light" beer was my go-to favourite, but they seem to have stopped making it for some reason.?


    I don't enjoy any other Thai "beers". Luckily, Beer Lao and Asahi are available in local marts at decent prices now.

  4. 6 minutes ago, mrfill said:

    ... because if you didn't cut the education budget it would mean more could be spent per child to improve their education, but we can't have that, can we?

    Education has always been bottom of the pile when it comes to the budget allocations here. Always has been, under which ever government, and presumably always will be.

    Entailing rote learning and blind nationalism, it's not really "education" anyway.

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  5. 16 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

    Very strange how adamant Uncle Tuu is about wearing masks in Thailand, yet when in his recent US trip meeting Biden he is pictured completely maskless shades of hypocracy (sp.) don't you think?

    Totally in keeping with our governments and ruling "elites" utter disdain for their own mandated rules. Masks, lockdowns, travel, distancing, etc.

    It was bumbling Boris and his Govt's "partygate" episode being made public that ended all Covid restrictions in England, making one wonder if a political decision could end these "health" mandates, were they just arbitrary in the first place..?

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