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Posts posted by huangnon

  1. 2 hours ago, macahoom said:


    A quick Google turned up this:


    "Vinegar is one of the home remedies suitable for getting rid of frogs.
    So, yes, vinegar will get rid of frogs.
    Vinegar can keep frogs away by causing a burning sensation at their feet. This is a more humane way of discouraging frogs from infesting your home.
    For maximum effect, mix the vinegar with an equal amount of water and then apply it with a spray bottle in the area with frogs. Avoid spraying vinegar on plants."

    Vinegar is also a serving suggestion and condiment with deep-fried frogs

  2. 7 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Why the raid? After hours? No food supplied? Naked ladies on display?

    Last I heard was they got the ok to open a week or so ago.

    I'm not sure.. Most of the bars on the "Strip" were covertly open without lights on the outside, indicating that full opening had not been given by the cops or local authorities.

    Pathetic, whatever the reason..

  3. 33 minutes ago, longball53098 said:

    Story is accurate the police raided the whole soi outfitted in riot gear I learned. But, Bangkok Police came to Soi Bar last night in full riot gear and shut everything down.  Only one fined was MC Sport, 30,000 thb

    Don't miss any opportunity do they? What a shower of @#$%^

    • Like 1
  4. On 4/6/2022 at 12:25 PM, Eff1n2ret said:

    My missis said the big site that's been cleared beside Bangkok Bank is where they're going to put it. We go to Makro in Rayong every now again and find most of what we need. If the Banchang one is similar I guess that will become our main source.

    The difference between Makro in Pattaya and same name in Rayong is pretty marked. Like different companies, tbh.

    Anyway, wait and see..

  5. 1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

    I used to have more issues than I do now. I worked on my attitude, which was getting in the way of appreciating Thailand for what it is, and was clouding my experience here. Used to stress over stupid stuff, as you can see from some of my past posts. Used to allow the politics to make me angry. Now it is not something I take seriously, just something I comment on, without anger or an emotional investment. Now, I just tend to laugh it off. Spent some real time back in the US recently, and it allowed some clarity and perspective, that I am very grateful for. Now, I just chuckle at most of the nonsense. Water off a duck's back, so to speak. 

    Yep, I hear you. Just had a much-needed perspective check myself (back in the UK) for the first time in three years.

    Turned a few mountains back into molehills, thankfully. ????

    • Like 1
  6. On 5/16/2022 at 6:53 AM, ezzra said:

    As said before Thailand hasn't got the balls to run it's own affairs when it comes to health issue 'waiting for the ok from WHO' funny because on other issues Thailand said many times that the US and the UN are 'not our fathers'.... 

    Yep, the WHO planning big things with their "Pandemic Treaty". -Effectively overruling countries' sovereign rights to manage future "pandemics"; lockdowns, medicines, vaccines, etc.

    There is a petition that UK citizens can sign to overrule this globalist grab:  https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/614335


    Guess which country will be itching to sign anything the WHO put in front of them?

  7. 12 hours ago, Credo said:

    Unfortunately, their economy and many of their products are essential for the economic growth and stability of other countries.  

    I hope that following this crazy and totally arbitrary lockdown from the power-mad CCP, that a lot of companies, and maybe whole industries re-locate outside China, and start becoming a bit more self-sufficient.

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  8. Me and my family had it last year, before I got vaccinated. I had flu' type symptoms for around 10 days. The missus had a slightly less severe version, and my 10 yr old son had a sore throat for 2 days..

    I worked from home for a week after all symptoms had gone.

    Around 50% of my Thai staff have had it. They mostly fear having to take time off work (and thus losing overtime, bonus, etc.) more than catching the virus, which has been mostly mild or asymptomatic. The ATK-testing kits are all over the place in diagnosing infection, imo. Anyone popping + should demand a retest or PCR before submitting as a "patient".

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