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Posts posted by huangnon

  1. 14 hours ago, Eleftheros said:

    UK excess deaths at the moment are consistently up about 10% over the long-term average, of which very few are Covid-related. Deaths at home are up by 30%, described by one Prof. Levinson as "horrific numbers".


    An investigation is expected to focus on a narrow set of possible reasons:

    • pandemic response (lockdowns, masks etc, leading to downturns in physical and mental health)
    • lack of access to healthcare and delayed referrals
    • cost of living crisis, deprivation, stress
    • heart problems caused by the Covid virus

    The last of those seems improbable, given that the Israeli Ministry of Health has completed a study of 500,000 people and found no link between Covid infection and heart ailments such as pericarditis or myocarditis.


    So there must be some other reason why people - mostly of working age - are falling off the twig with such regularity.

    Yep. Was "SADS" (sudden adult death syndrome) ever a thing before?

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

    Hoteliers are not idiots, they don't stay in business if they are. Unlike TAT staff, who are on the government teat.

    The hoteliers can see this moronic proposal will damage Thailand as a tourist destination, and do them no favors with foreigners residing here long-term either.

    Exactly. Utterly stupid thinking, and proving just how out of touch these people are with the situation (and reality in general).

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    A few of y'all need to unplug from MSM.


    Thailand & China together ... how would that ever be a bad thing.

    ... Make enemies with the worlds #1 manufacturing country ????

    ... Top tech and producer of alternative energy components for home

    and vehicles.  Compare prices here for solar & EVs to your home country.

    ... Top supplier of raw materials so Taiwan can make all those components, chips that keep the world functioning.


    Without China the cost of everything would be way beyond what you are all crying about now.

    True enough. Think of how much your trainers would cost without Uighur (slave) labor?

    • Like 1
  4. Good luck. Most Thai vets won't do this. I live in Banchang, Rayong, and there was only one vet I found that was willing to help when my old dog was in terrible pain. He supplied the syringe and "pentobarbital" (?) solution, and I made the injection. I think this business / shop has since moved premises now, though.

    I would inform the vet that you are willing to inject your pet first, I think a few of them have the materials, but won't perform the job.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Caldera said:

    Since the mask mandate has ended, I've hardly ever seen any Thais unmasked in public anyway (in Bangkok, might be different elsewhere).


    Foreign tourists are a different story, but they didn't seem to care even before. 


    So, what difference would this really make?

    The mask mandate ended only to try attract foreign tourists back here. It's only the main tourist areas that you also see Thais without masks, tbh.

    Thais are still getting their info and news from masked newsreaders, masked cartoon characters on Line app, Mor Phrom, etc.

    In the workplace, a lot of factory workers, contractors, etc still have to ATK-check every 3 days. If they come up positive, they will have to isolate (and lose money) for 10 days, pending negative results. So it's also the fear of losing earnings..


    Mandated or not, the mask-wearing will be here in Thailand for a long time.

  6. 4 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

     is a lung specialist and has 31 scientific publications to its name. Can you please share your experience in and contributions to medical science?


    At the start of this year, he was urging the populace "not to be scared", and being positive about an endemic status of this virus.

    Now, he is looking to postpone this, and scare-mongering..

    A large section of society is trying to rebuild their lives and livelihoods right now. Are you happy to have this guy dictate the parameters of your life for you?

    • Like 1
  7. Quote

    According to the prime minister, the Thai government has been working with foreign governments in an effort to promote industrial development and strengthen the nation’s industrial base.

    He also defended the government’s borrowing, arguing that the loans were essential to stimulate spending and drive economic growth in the kingdom.

    Translated: "Signed up to shonky trade deals, in return for loans to buy jets and weapons".

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