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Everything posted by Ginkas

  1. Welcome back Briley. Note: If your 800,000 baht has been in the bank for some time it can still be used to obtain the Non-Imm visa. If not, you have to show that any new entry has come from abroad. I know you've lived in Chiang Mai for more years than either of us care to remember, did you 'remove' your money before leaving Thailand?
  2. Just to give a year's update. Went to Thai Watsadu with my rubber end, found the area mentioned, no rubber ends. Asked the staff, after much discussion and calling in a senior person "no have". Looked around definitely nothing like this. Went to Chiang Mai Vittaya Hardware, showed the item, immediately "not have". Looked around, nothing, they don't even have ladders. Any other suggestions?
  3. Exactly the same for me. Been playing this game since January last year. Explained error on their website link for current tax code query, accepted and told I would receive a reply in 15 days. - Nothing. Rang and spoke to some who said "DWP had notified them of the increase"! Said I should send proof that I had not received it. Sent copies of a selection of bank statements for the last 7 years showing no increase. Rang again after a couple of months, told the letter had been received but is was "in the backlog". Rang DWP and they said they would send an 'e-form' to HMRC which would clear it. Tax code received this April - increase applied again! Sent all bank statements for this year, explained everything, again, plus copies of the DWP website showing where increases aren't paid. Also wrote to DWP with copies of the Tax Code notice. Has been two months now and NOTHING!
  4. Agreed, mania. On further research: you have to have a Bangkok Bank Card to use this 'facility'.
  5. I clicked on the link to Bangkok Bank shown in mania's post above and scrolled down to Cash Deposit Machines - Deposit cash to any bank account "A quick and easy way to deposit cash into your own Bangkok Bank account, or an account with another bank. Simply enter the bank’s name and account number." So, according to their website it's possible. Whether it can actually be done is another matter!
  6. Unfortunately, for the "Inland Revenue" side of HMRC there appears to be no email address. There are plenty for various aspects of Customs and Excise taxes and other matters, but none for basic tax. I searched long and hard but could not find one, I think it is deliberate. However, if anybody has found an email address for this side of HMRC both billd766 and I would be grateful. Someone who is paying too much tax on his lowly State Pension.
  7. A UK Visa limits the passport holder's right to enter and/or remain in the UK. As they are your sons they are entitled to UK Citizenship (unless your citizenship was by descent). As British citizens they cannot have their rights of entry and abode restricted by a visa and therefore are not eligible for a visa and it's associated restrictions. They therefore have to have a UK Passport or the certificate for right of abode. (If you can show they are not your children and do not have the right to British Citizenship then they can have a visa.)
  8. I use Best Friend Visa, they take my photo, copy passport, bank book, fill in the forms and arrange to meet me at the Immigration Office the next day. At the office I'm led to the room at the back where my photo is taken for the computer, my passport and bank book handed back with an official receipt and a one year extension within 5 minutes. I started using them when you had to queue up outside Promenada from 4 or 5 am to get an appointment, continued using them as it was so quick and easy compared to doing it myself for many years originally.
  9. That article is from January 2022! We are now in 2023, does it still apply?
  10. I sometimes get this problem. If the download is not finding peers after a reasonable time (5 minutes), and there are a reasonable number of them, I shut down uTorrent (file - exit), wait a couple of minutes and then restart it. After starting it quickly finds peers and starts the download(s). This may work for you.
  11. Just tried it, came up without any problems. Perhaps only a temporary glitch?
  12. So, your GF is coming to the Philippines for 30 days. What is her nationality and where is she coming from?
  13. There's no such thing as a "Teaching Visa". Presumably you mean a non-immigrant B visa, which you would get from a consular office, often in or near the embassy and maybe in other cities.
  14. Just a heads up from me. Logged on to my K-Bank account to find my K-Web shopping card was no longer listed. Spoke to someone at their head office who told me that the K-Web shopping card is no longer available. My card expired yesterday and when a card expires it is not being 'replaced'. A new type of card is coming out which can be used "everywhere", but you cannot just change the credit limit online. Also, it costs 500 baht! Anyone got anymore information on this?
  15. 1. Multiple Entry Visas can only be obtained from a Thai Embassy or Consulate outside of Thailand. Hence the fees being in USD, AUD, GBP whatever. 2. You can obtain an extension to your Permission to Stay in Thailand, standard fee of 1,900 baht per extension. 3. Presumably, you want a one year extension for being married to a Thai. You can then purchase a single or multiple Re-Entry Permit for the life of the extension. A multiple Re-Entry Permit costs 3,800 baht.
  16. What? There's no Dukes opposite Panthip Plaza that I know of.
  17. There never was a 45 day Visa On Arrival. It's always been 15 days and the price was raised from 1,000 to 2,000 baht some years ago. Perhaps you are thinking about the Visa Exempt Entry, which is free and gives 30 days on entry. During covid it was extended to 45 days for a short period but then reverted to 30 days. VEE (Visa Exempt Entry) stay can be extended by 30 days for 1,900 baht. VOA cannot be extended, extension application will be refused and 7 days given to leave the country.
  18. easybitez.com I get a 403 error denied access. This could be because Thailand is blocking it, OR because easybitez.com is blocking access from Thailand. They have a facebook page so you could try asking there.
  19. I've got one of those, although it's blue in colour. It's a whole house filter to clean the mud and muck that comes up from the bore in the garden. Without it the taps, toilet valves, water heaters, etc. would soon clog up. I backflush the tank once a month (cleans out the accumulated muck) for about 5 minutes or until the dark brown water runs clear. The filter material, anything from gravel/sand up to more scientific stuff, needs changing every so often. Depending on how mucky your bore water is the filters could need changing from 2 years upwards. Mine was changed after eight years, probably should have done it a couple of years earlier but my attitude is 'if it's not broke don't fix it', i.e. I tend to be lazy! Every house in your area that is not on 'City Water' will have one, you should see large blue tanks outside premises that install them, they will also change the filter material. Anyone who does plumbing should be able to point you to the nearest blue tanker. I note from your picture that there are only 4 taps/valves directly connected to the tank, mine has 5 so that after back flushing I can forward flush for a minute saves even a little muck coming into the house. Also, as far as I can tell from the one picture angle, a couple of the valves look to be pointed in the wrong direction, can you get a picture of the instruction sheet on the side of the tank?
  20. Similar thing happened to me a few months ago. 90 day report due April, extension (retirement) due 18th June. Completed 90 day report online in April, approved but print out showed next 90 day report due 18th June!! Did the extension in May and then the 90 days online early June. 90 days approved, next due September. So, even online could not get past the extension expiry date. Something new or just IO here? Chiang Mai.
  21. Oh memories! I remember those days, that 'new' office looks so different. There was one occasion I went with the lady agent and her 14 year old son to the Immigration office. No one there, at lunch. The boy went behind a desk, opened the drawer and took out various stamps, stamp pads and forms. He proceeded to fill in and stamp the forms and then stamped my passport! I was somewhat concerned but his mother said he does it whenever the officers are absent. When I got my passport back the stamps showed I had exited Thailand, entered Laos, exited Laos and entered Thailand. All official Thai and Laos stamps. Was wary when I next left Thailand but nothing said and no problems!! Those were indeed 'the days'. Everything so relaxed.
  22. Sorry, but I don't see any new location for Chi Chang on Facebook. It shows their main office and storage in Chiang Mai Land, where they have been for 15+ years to my knowledge. Very limited display space so there's not much to shop around, you'd need to have a pretty solid idea of what you want before you got there. Is there somewhere else, like Pantip (where they used to be before moving to Promenada)? Glad to hear Immigration has moved to 'Cent Fet', needed over this side of the city, airport area is too far away. Thanks for that information.
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