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Everything posted by biggles45

  1. Yes, I agree, in fact an elderly friend has raised 2 kids on it. It's still quite a way short of the 65k required for an extension tho. So they need 800,000 baht in the bank, 400k of which has to be there for the year.
  2. I would have thought that electing Kamala would indicate a much lower intelligence level! Just look at her performance over the last 4 years, particularly her lies about Bidens health and mental abilities. Whether you like Trump or not, no one could doubt he is a better President than 'giggles' Harris. I feel sorry for 'loyal' Democrat voters, they should have been given a better candidate.
  3. It's not about how LONG you will live but about how you are living. We don't let our pets suffer, why should we?
  4. That is the rate paid to residents, they have a lower rate for those living overseas which excludes some allowances.
  5. Philippines has a working EPass system. Twice now when using it from my phone I have had it lock when trying to enter my flight number. I had to find an internet cafe and do it on a pc, which worked fine. A few people on line had the same problem. Imagine this happening when you try to fill it out just before leaving for the airport!
  6. Immig at BKK does have 'priority' lines for certain classes, eg families with kids, disabled and those 70+. Perhaps the helpful immig officer thought you were a senior?
  7. I was referring to the Inspectors checking the 809 buses, as in the posts topic and headline, not the specific bus that caught fire. Presumably these 809 buses have been inspected regularly and any illegal work would/should have been already discovered.
  8. Are these the same inspectors who already inspected these buses, including the one that caught fire, on a previous inspection, and found nothing wrong?
  9. That's because they can get regular income to ignore these activities. Within 100 yards of the Soi9 police station on beach road there is a stall openly selling porn dvd's, sex toys etc. Been there for years!
  10. Note also that you don't need an IDP for use in another ASEAN member country, your local license suffices under an agreement they all signed. I have used my Philippine license in Thailand for many years.
  11. Curious as to what constitutes a Royal Funeral, do members of the Royal family attend?
  12. Probably hired from a local beach outlet, who he left his ID with. Shouldn't be hard to track him down.
  13. Why aren't they investigating also him for getting a 10% commission? Oh, they all do that!!
  14. Come to the Philippines Mike, just the same. Pulling out onto a highway, on a motirbike to save 10 seconds. Sometimes I want to be driving one of those 2 ton Jeepney!
  15. Haha, watch the little darlings ride out, 3 on a bike. No helmet, no license and the police hold up the traffic for them. No one cares folks, it's just a fate! Oh, and the police can't be shamed here, they are beyond all that, a law unto themselves.
  16. I am in the Philippines but having grown up in Australia I have had a lot of skin cancers. Most have been Basel Cell, the mildest, and a few Squamous. A few were removed by surgery during Covid but more recently I have had laser removal by a specialist Doctor, trained overseas. I can recommend it Perhaps check for clinics that do this, but not the 'beauty' treatment ones
  17. Respect is not an automatic right and given her history Granny didn't deserve it.
  18. Why is this here, it belongs in World News, if anywhere at all!
  19. Why is this here, it belongs in World News, if anywhere at all!
  20. Much crime in Thailand never gets recorded, or proceeds to the next stage of prosecution. BIB negotiate a settlement, for a fee of course! A friend tried to break up a bar fight between 2 foreigners. One guy swung a punch, which hit my friends wife, smashing her teeth. BIB arranged compo to repair the damage, but as wife had a lot of pain she wanted him charged. Never happened, as he paid off the BIB and the records went into the bin.
  21. 'So you can't even clean a friend's business as a favour now ???' I can recall past reported instances of foreign volunteers being arrested. The most famous was after the Phuket tsunami when lots of volunteers came to help. Very negative publicity for Thailand
  22. Worth nothing until he faces court, is convicted and punished. The people he did the illegal titles for will make sure he is protected
  23. I do find it hypocritical when Thais, who have probably the largest number of ladies taking money for sex, criticise foreigners for lude behavior.
  24. Really, Enter Thailand illegally, or overstay, and you go to the detention Centre and get deported. No free accom, food or cash given out here
  25. Not sure how making the Russian guy hire a dodgy Thai 'electrician' will do that though!
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