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Everything posted by biggles45

  1. If the foreigner can only have 49% of the company and he dies, what happens to the 51% of the house value, which is the companies asset? He may have a will but he can still only bequeth his 49% of the houses value (sale price) as the rest is 'owned' by the Thai nominees? Anyone have 'real world' experience of the answer here?
  2. Your right of course but I have had the same one for 14 years and she does like it darker.
  3. Yes, tho more salt and pepper but it also depends how short you cut it. It takes very little time to go back to a natural, in my case, brown. Of course you can choose not to use it on parts of your hair, sideburns for example and let them be grey
  4. This is the product to use, Discrete, by Restoria. It's not a dye but a restoring cream. I have used it for 15 years and no one ever realizes my 'naturally' dark hair, at 78, is not natural. Start applying it 3 times a week, reducing as the color changes. No mess, no fuss. Available in Thailand beauty shops, supermarkets. I get mine in Big C Extra in Pattaya.
  5. Yes, the usual. Hotel accom, return ticket etc. I also provided a covering letter, (with copies of my passport page and ID) even tho I was with her and getting a 60 day myself. Provide too much rather than too little was my motto. Never had one refusal over 7 years applying
  6. For future reference, the Thai consulate in Makati, Manila will issue Filipinas a 60 day tourist visa free of charge (ASEAN agreement). partner has had 2 a year for many years. Unfortunately it does take 2 business days.
  7. I suspect that many potential hirers cannot ride a bike with a clutch and gears. Catering to the mass customer market maybe!
  8. 'Without clear evidence, the police were unable to make arrests.' This never stopped the Pattaya cops who would often drive along beach road, load a bunch of LB into the pickup and off to Soi 9 A 100 baht fine usually and released. BIB didn't worry about' evidence' just being a LB there was enough. Maybe their just to damn lazy?
  9. KL is a favorite of ours, short and inexpensive flight with Air Asia, based in Malaysia. Clean, civilised, friendly people. Inexpensive hotels, if you want them. Been many times.
  10. It doesn't make sense to send the case back and for the police to investigate so many of their own. The case will go nowhere but if we keep it here we can move it forward and who knows how much money will come our way... Logic, Thai style.
  11. Thailand and the Philippines are both ASEAN countries. Filipinos get 30 days visa free, which they can extend. They also do not pay for a 60 day tourist visa (also can extend) from the Thai embassy in Manila. The LB are more likely to be refused permission to travel by Immigration in Manila than in Thailand. They can be tough on locals leaving.
  12. Didn't they mean 'after corrupt Thai govt officials allowed illegal land purchase and building...... The estates couldn't be built without approvals. Let's check the records and see who profited and jail them first.
  13. Well I just registered my partner and myself for cover on their website. 30 day stay, I am 78 and she is 45. It went thru OK and we got QR codes to confirm. I hope we don't need it but the process is in place and working.
  14. It's the same for overseas workers who leave the Philippines, around 10 million of them a year.
  15. 'You have to be in Thailand with a tourist visa to use this plan.' So if I enter Visa Exempt and I am a Tourist on holiday, am I covered? I am too old to get travel insurance now so this would enable me to keep visiting
  16. "It’s rather unfair for expats to foist care costs on to the Thai taxpayer. " Heard this often but everyone I know, lived here for 10+ years and still visit, has always been asked to prove their ability to pay before admission.
  17. I can't help but wonder tho what percentage of the million+ illegals who have recently crossed the border will be employable, pay taxes, rent accommodation etc and be a financial benefit to the American economy.
  18. There is no border crisis. The White House, the President, Myorkas and most of the media have said so repeatedly for a long time. The border is secure, read my lips. It was not necessary to introduce new legislation as the crisis was invented by Republicans to distract from Bidens achievements.
  19. Because the reason for the lower speed limit is "pedestrian safety". As the poster said, anything that forces pedestrians onto the road should be stopped.
  20. In his defence, running away and refusing to take responsibility is very common here. Part of that Thai culture we are always told we should respect!
  21. Had many skin cancers over the years, 78 now, removed by freezing and/or surgery. The last 2 years I have had laser treatments and I am pleased with the results. Much less time consuming than surgery (30-45 min for me), done in a specialist clinic and about one third the cost. Biopsies have show none have been Melanomas. I am in Angeles City, so my excellent US trained Doc is not much good to you but I would suggest you check the procedure out further based on my experience.
  22. From the full article "Furthermore, there were a few Thai individuals found in the area allegedly asking for money. The SDHS officials escorted them to the SDHS department for further processing"
  23. "many places (like the UAE) give people (from some countries) 90 days "visa free" on arrival. " You don't have to go that far tho. Malaysia also gives 90 days visa free.
  24. Same thing happened to a friend of mine in Australia. Senior teacher, 30+ years and a blemish free record. Several teenage girls accused him of sexual harassment. Immediately transferred to head office, no review done. It took 18 months before he was cleared of the false charges. Obvious the girls had issues with him and were vindictive. He took early retirement shortly afterwards. He said he had no wish to continue working for a Department that threw their employees under a bus. Male teachers need to consider their career choice perhaps
  25. They used the same guys that found no evidence of prostitution in Pattaya! Wonder what their next job will be?
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