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Posts posted by ManilaLover

  1. Go to the garment district called BoBae Area, there you find everything.

    Look for the ****Prince Palace hotel (better known as BoBae Tower) that starts on the 11th floor, underneeth are thousands of little wholesaleshops, and the whole district is filled whit everything you need, especially when it comes to t-shirts etc.

  2. Inappropriate inbound links, what do you mean ???

    If your website is linked from an iappropriate website it's not your problem I guess, personally I only do not allow people í-framing' my website into, what happened a few times, after one email they removed it, no bog deal. And yo can implement an ánti i-frame-code' in your site.

    sorry for errors but my corsor has been sdisappeared...very annoying...

  3. ....Spammy, scammy and creepy hosting providers (like Blue Voda with it's misleading promises) you won't find there......

    I tried Blue Voda. Once they have your credit card details, you'll find it very difficult to cancel the yearly charge even after you stop using them. Luckily my card expired and I didn't need to worry but I still receive their spam telling me the end of the world is coming if I don't reactivate my account.

    Bleu Voda is a scam, everywhere they shouting around about their 'free websitemaker' but right after you spend days creating your website on 'their' pagecreator (that is not even their product) you will be suprised by information they did not give you before... if you ever want to see your newly ceated website online you will have to marry them, or your work will become totally useless.

    But this kind of lying seems to become normal, like everywhere you can 'download for free' but only after a payment you can use the shit, or: 100% free shopping at Tesco, only on exit you need to pay for everything... cheap and discusting.

    So far one.com is the best hosting provider I used, no bragging (european company), very clear information, VERY EASY user interface , live chat support even for non members, standard a huge serverspace, many extras.

  4. Here in a decent browser everyhing works fine. Only the 32th element keeps loading (due to poor thai internet quality) but after 5 seconds it stops. Try also Maxthon, Opera, Chrome, Mozilla, Safari of Firefox.

    Well, the instant of credibility you had, based on your first post, has just gone out the window.

    For you to dismiss the feedback sent to you by implying we are not using a "decent browser" is just : laughable. The idea that an html page element would be re-loading frequently because of "poor Thai internet quality" is : ridiculous : the logical hypothesis to assume would be that the page is very poorly designed and/or not standards-compliant. Note the use of the word "hypothesis."

    Internet Explorer is the most widely used browser in the world ... for now ... :

    Browser Use Statistics

    IE version 8 is more standards-compliant in some ways than the other browser brands. And that may change three months from now given the intensity of the battle for "hearts and minds" being waged by Google, Microsoft, Apple, Mozilla, and others. Viva le change !

    By the way, that statement, from our point of view, is in no way a criticism of FireFox, or other browsers : ioho it's a very good thing for the consumer to have their choice resulting from real competition. Opera is very strong in Europe, it's interesting to note (if you do the research). And, of course, within the "MacAVerse" you are going to find most users are using Safari or FireFox. We really look foward to the evolution of Chrome !

    We don't get involved in the "religious" aspects of hardware or software, in the ways people "fall in love" and "socially identify" with different brands of hardware and/or browsers : we've been involved in technology since 1985 intensely : it's all boxes-chips-and-software to us. Our particular choice of IE8 at this time has to with our own technical software development efforts.

    From our point of view, technically, the evolution of the JQuery library, and its near universal adoption (by Microsoft and everybody else) is more important in the long run than the "browser wars" : the nature of what jQuery is, and its smashing technical success, is, from our point of view, an indictment of how bad JavaScript is : as if, in a world of three wheeled carts, suddenly there appeared a four-wheeled cart, and everyone had an "aha" moment, and, from then on, no one could remember why they had ever used three-wheeled carts :)

    Those of you who know the history of JavaScript know it has very little to do with Java : they just tacked the name "Java" on a script language that was something like (semantically kin to) Java which was used for internal use at NetScape (first named 'Mocha, then named 'LiveScript) : for years Microsoft insisted on referring to it as ECMAScript (NetScape submitted the technology to ECMA, a global standards body, and it was approved as a standard under the name 'EcmaScript'). It's also the direct result of a marketing deal between Sun and NetScape where Sun allowed NetScape to use the word "Java" in exchange for NetScape packing up the Java run-time with their browser.

    Once again : we are not "demonizing" JavaScript here : it's fine for what it was (and was always much better, as a kind of junior programming language, than the old VBScript that Microsoft once pushed which did lock you into using Microsoft browsers only : in just the same way that Apple is now locking their iPhone and future IPad users into using the Apple company store).

    The real dis-connect is between HTML (even with CSS added on to it to abstract out style from content), and whatever scripting language, and security concerns. That whole stratified conglomeration of over-layed technologies has become a "dinosaur."

    And that "dinosaur" is part of the motivation for erasing the distinction between what are now "desktop applications" and the internet via "web applications" (rich clients, RIA's, etc., the "Cloud" and so forth).

    We are not a Microsoft "devotee" : for example, we think ASP.NET, and with the Ajax and MVC "grafts" onto ASP.NET, frankly suck. And we'd go with PhP for web design, using JQuery ... as of ... right now.

    We also look forward to the coming of HMTL 5, and the fact that Adobe/MacroMedia (where we used to work a long time ago before they acquired MacroMedia) is now really under great pressure to innovate since neither the new IPad from Apple, or the just annouced Windows Mobile 7, support Flash ... yet.

    Flash is a staggering giant that "owns" the world (even sources critical of Adobe will agree it probably has over ninety-per cent penetration of all browser users, while Adobe will argue for at least 98%). And you no have Flash : you no have YouTube, for example. Also Flash is in no way an "open ecosystem" for softare developers : distrubution is subject to approval by Adobe, and agreement to a EULA, and even some of the best software (even "forensic level") designed to remove your history of browsing the internet cannot remove the internal list of stuff you've used Flash to visit/see.

    Many advocates of "open source software" argue that there is something open-source that can equal the quality and features of Flash, the very "openness" of the internet itself is threatened (fyi : we're not into the "open source" thing, either).

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure."

    Mark Twain

    best, ~o:37;


    CAT CMDA (used to be the best internet in Thailand...)

    Very interesting and agree about most points etc, but before you continue your outcry, please contact your THAI internet provider !

    Internet in Afhanistan must be better right now !!!!

  5. ... snip ... I suggest have a look at this directory http://webnavigator.org

    Sawasdee Khrup, Khun ManillaLover,

    Just wanted to let you know that the webnavigator.org web-site has page-load errors in Internet Explorer 8 (Windows Vista SP2), and in IE8's "compatibility" mode, which is equivalent to IE7, and is not usable. The "page load error message" is appended below.

    good luck, ~o:37;

    "Webpage error detailsUser Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB6.4; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)

    Timestamp: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 03:44:35 UTC

    Message: Object expected

    Line: 827

    Char: 5

    Code: 0

    URI: http://webdesign.coolstart.nl/

    Message: Object expected

    Line: 834

    Char: 5

    Code: 0

    URI: http://webdesign.coolstart.nl/

    Message: Object expected

    Line: 847

    Char: 5

    Code: 0

    URI: http://webdesign.coolstart.nl/

    Message: Object expected

    Line: 891

    Char: 1

    Code: 0

    URI: http://webdesign.coolstart.nl/

    Here in a decent browser everyhing works fine.

    Only the 32th element keeps loading (due to poor thai internet quality) but after 5 seconds it stops.

    Try also Maxthon, Opera, Chrome, Mozilla, Safari of Firefox.

  6. Hotel for 200 baht ? Sorry, I do not want to be rude towards you, but you can not mean this question.

    Those times have gone. You can find a guesthouse (not a hotel) for that money at the soi Rimkhong with lots of short time things and noise. Drunks all time of the day. No good doors and windows, your stuff not safe. Better count on at least 400 to 500 baht per day excluding breakfast.

    Next to Lotus is the Tip Hotel. I have never been there. Ask them. In the soi Rimkhong there are some places with low rates, at the river-side, not the town-side. In Thanon Bantungtjit is a cheap hotel too but you share this with ladies who, let's be polite, have the oldest job in the world, as they say.....

    Tuktuk trainstation to town 40 b but they will try to charge you more. In town tuktuk between 20 and 40 baht. To remote places up to 100 baht.

    Good luck.

    Are you sure ? the Nongkai information websites mentions various hotels from 80, 150, 200b. Just I like to hear which one is recommended by a local. I don't care if there are hookers living too, if it's just clean, no bedbugs and friendly staff it's fine for me. I dislike spending money on sleeping as I can sleep everywhere, and usually the more simple the more cosy and adventurous. Nothing more boring then those pretentious 4 and 5 stars.


  7. here too, today I called with the customer care center, after some pushing I was forwarded to a senior officcial who told me there are indeed network problems that has to do with a technical department in Taiwan, and seem to be over in two weeks, by a mayor upgrade.

    well lets see.

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