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Posts posted by ManilaLover

  1. The last time I checked, Pattaya and close areas did not have any boxes to offer.

    Buy your own safe.

    A safe measuring a cubic metre outside, takes 4 strong guys to carry it, even with the door off,

    so not much danger of it walking off on its own.

    It will pay for itself in 3-4 years.

    No need to go to the bank.

    I have no experience with large quantities of black money, but personally I would prefer to have a fireproof safebox installed in my house. There are plenty of ways to do it the secure way. I don't trust the banks either.

  2. Did you know, at bookstores (like B2S Central) they sell very nice interior decoration books (only 200-250b each, the rest paid by advertisers) with room/kichen/bathroom and various other themes and great pictures of interior/exterior in contemporary Thai style. They give great ideas and inspirations and very useful even before you start building.

  3. Simple solution: For those who are complaining and saying negative things about C.M., why not move on? That way those of us who appreciate the simple life here can enjoy it without having to hear others bitch and moan about it. I never could understand why ex-pats would live someplace that they don't like.

    Perhaps they should all move to Manilla - plenty of desperate women and a goldmine of things to complain about there!


    I can't recommend Manila as a place to live but having a darling Made in Manila is a good thing here ! (communicable/gossip proof/big boobs/great laugh/no soupchicken)

  4. Nice input. Anyone with half a brain can see that this town has a future :):D for the reasons stated. CM is a place held dear to the hearts of the Thai people as a vacation destination. Twice as many Thais come to CM. It can only grow from here. The expat community is also growing yearly. Its just a nice place all around. Meet the Immigration qualifications and you found a nice place to live.

    Not my business... but what happened with the other half of your brain ??

    (just joking, I'm happy you like place where you live)

  5. As noted in another posting, he isn't staying away from that detestable Sunday Walking Street, as noted in his posting about 'Okinawa'.

    Just for your information, I HAD to be on the walkingstreet to get something repaired, I didn't know how fast to leave that crowd again, feel not relaxed there.

    (I hate shopping and crowds)

    PS, halfway Wulay Road at the 3M shop you can buy mouthcaps per 100pc-pack, saves you lot of money and hassle :)

  6. The best place of ChiangMai is the departure hall of the airport. It's a shithole without anything that makes a city a good place to be and nothing different from any random outskirt of Bangkok mixed with an overdose of WaltDisney temples. They just don't know how to create a city. With such a management Chiang Mai will never be a nice city.

    Glad I'm living 20km away from it after 7 years inside !

    Compare: Vientiane, how poor and simple even that city has grandeur, class. Not like any Thai city.

  7. Seems they have some problems - I keep getting an error

    The server is temporarily unable to service your request

    due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems.

    Try again?

    Best is to try again, internet quality can be a quitte disaster here.

    PS, click RADIO link -upper left button- (not playlist as mentioned before) to get the Radio Directory, from there you can add to playlist and search your own station.

  8. I recently heard that psoriasis is strongly linked with heart disease. Those who have it are advised to check out their hearts. Sorry to hear about this nice man is suffering so much now.

    Probably it's not real psoriasis but the side effect of long time use of prednisolon etc. that has many terrible side effects like skin problems. I know some doctors here sell prednisolon easy if it's aspirine, very dangerous.

  9. Buddhism doesn't teach evil. Evil can be anywhere and it's wrong to blame Buddhism. Buddhism is the antithesis of evil.

    I agree that it's also our responsibility, if we are aware of these people and their activities, to do something about it.

    Living here for 10 years but I have never seen a Buddhist (only people who think they are)

    They are Animist, with all their amulet BS. Enough written about that.

  10. Curious - how did Okinawa get himself in this state?

    Nobody asks for a desease !

    Guess one of those doubtful fish spa's might be a solution for him, but guess they will never allow someone with serious psoriasis, and the nibble fish would become way too fat and not eat for 3 weeks.

    Perhaps there is a fish spa that has no customers and is about to close ?


    The fish spa is not good fro psoriasis at all. it exposes the skin after the fish have nibbled.

    sunlight is what is needed.

    I don't know either, just remembered a neighbour back home with a psoriasis problem he went on a nibblefish holiday and said he had good results.

    But guess you are right.

  11. Thanks ManilaLover for your warmhearted post and information about Okinawa.

    I had the pleasure of enjoying his music about 5 or 6 years ago but haven't met him for a long time now. Always liked his big smile. 

    I agree with the OP that it is very sad to see him in very bad health without money.

    As ManilaLover wrote, pls. post his contact address if you know it. Probably a few TV members out there would be happy to help.

    Hi Tawai, thanks.

    Good plan, I will try to get some information, allow me few days for this.

    I remember one of them (the Japanese friends) runs an artgalery, somewhere between Walkingstreet and Ratchamanka street.

    Perhaps another reader he knows more.

  12. I have loved the place since I arrived in 1989 and the good has always outweighed the bad. Things have kept improving over the years - IMHO - and I don't want to live anywhere else.


    Been looking for a pair of those all over thailand,but can't seem to find them anywhere!!

    Where can i get a pair?????????........did you have them custom made??????......can i buy them from you...pleeeeaasssee!!

    You can get your own pair of pink glasses very easy here !

    That feels good does'nt it :)

  13. THis is not only in Chiang Mai.

    Experiences in Thai Buddhist temples as Monastic:

    When is Thailand going to set some standards for Thai's becoming monks ?and

    clean up the numerous problems within the so called bikshu sangha?.

    1. WHD 5

    Royal First class Thai Temple .Bangkok Thailand

    Thai monk supposed to be my meditation teacher helps me put on my new Thai monk robes compliments me on my penis size and says he gay and would I like to have sex.

    I accidentally see Thai monks having sex in the bathroom when I went to take my bath.

    I hear Thai monks having sex with each other inside their rooms.

    I see bowls plates spoons and left over food outside Thai monk’s rooms in the evening

    I see Thai monks smoking cigarettes and chewing nettle and other substances.

    A Temple boy says he has sex with monks every day.

    Much more / source

  14. Okinawa is his nickname and were he came from. A short and very cute guy who is always friendly to everbody, he sung a few times in my former café and was always present at the sunday's walking street where he played his traditional Japanese ukelele singing together with his Japanese friends for many years.

    Few months ago I talked with him and he already looked terribly weak and sick and sitting in a wheelchair. But today at the walkingstreet I was really shocked to see in what deplorable shape he now is. Wearing shorts and short sleave shirt and his skin totally covered by psoriasis. His whole face covered with a cloth, could not even see his eyes so asahamed he must feel, thus he hobbled around begging with a can with few coins in it.

    I knew him as a very lovely and always optimistic guy who made many people laugh and applaude, and see what tragic life he has now, if someone does not deserve this it's him. I'd love to start collect some money for him and get him decent treatments and a more worthy life then this....

  15. You don't open the window in the aircon cars ManilaLover. And yes, train travel is nice if you want to see the country side and meet new people.

    I'm talking about the 2nd class without aircon. Indeed there is also a second class with aircon, but will not recommend that one.

    When walking through that car on the way to the restaurant I see only bored, freezing and unhappy looking people.

    2nd class no aircon is the real fun ! :)


    Keep looking to this pic for a minute while listening to Bangkok station sound and you have an idea of the Amazing Thai Rail Experience :D

    (click this link by pressing the mousewheel)

  16. Goog Chrome ? No thanks I tried it a while ago but I just dislike it I thinks it looks horrible and I don't wanna marry Google for everything.

    My main browser if Firefox, 2nd is Maxthon and for few things like double checking websites I make I use IE.

    Perhaps I'm gonna try another antivirus, currently using OnlineArmour and though it's a very advanced one I'm not completely satisfied with it.

    ps, I can't live without few of the addons that FF offers like smooth scrolling, unhide passwords, screengrab and my NASA Night Launch theme.

  17. Interesting topic.

    Humour indeed can make some people feel frustrated, those types who take themselves way to serious and always pre-occupied with themselves.

    I don't like those peeps because they are just assh*les.

    I'm sure they don't like you, for the same reason.

    By way of a question, is it more offensive to dislike people in general, or to take a dislike to people individually?

    Personally, I think it is worse to dislike complete strangers, because that seems like bigotry, although when you base your bigotry on something like "taking yourself too seriously and being pre-occuppied with yourself", no-one goes off on a rant the way that they do when you express a bigotry against people from elsewhere in the commonwealth.

    Anyway, I think that you ought to be more tolerant, and make allowances for people that take themselves too seriously. Very few people are lucky to have the same combination of wit, patience, humour and good looks, not to mention humility, as you and I,


    I don't say I am not tolerant, I am a very tolerant person and basically show a respectful attitude towards anybody, just with some peeps I have my doubts and won't go with them on a holiday.

    But peeps who easy get frustrated from humour have a real problem and I don't envy them.


  18. At this point I really don’t give a shit who is in charge as long some sort of rule of law is in place. For everything will be the same for like of us.

    I had heard these people are very passive but I can’t not believe how much it really is.

    Agree also me I don't give any shit aymore about this country, but if he comes back into power I will not await it because I not wanna live in a country with such a failgov, but I'm gonna leave soon anyway, so not my problem.

    Actually I live in a real 'red-shirt' village but (luckily) none of the people are wearing red shirts and they are all such kind people, most elderly.

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