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Posts posted by ManilaLover

  1. why do non thai posters seem to be negative about the supporters of thaksin, like him or not these are ordinary people for whom the previous regime was of benefit so they like and support him and his policy.

    i really dont know if he was good or bad when compared to others but i do know that those wearing yellow shirts are anti democracy as they have stated so the question is, if the choice is to have a vote or not to have a vote, who would you vote for?

    Don't forget it need brains to run a country and farmers to grow rice, not the other way round :)

    Yeah kolonialism had also it's advantages hahaha... But it's not too late for that is it ? How many members does Thaivisa have ?? :D

  2. It is a nice little Italian restaurant and I started a topic about it last year and I'm glad to hear it's still going strong but I'm not sure if it is worth travelling in from Chiang Mai for, there are so many good to very good Italians in the city.

    If your in the vacinity of Doi Saket I would recommend you check it out though.

    Eventually you can also enjoy a picnick/relaxation/boattrip/fishing at the Nam Mae Kwang lake/dam just 5km north of Doi Saket. Unfortunately the past year the waterlevel has gone down 20 meters, it's a very clean and quiet place good for some intimate moments with your lover or yourself, not like the popular over-cultivated Hui Tong Teaw fish farm near Maerim.

    Forgot to mention, the restaurant opens at 5pm


    (for Thai families: don't go there because many evil spirits !) :)

  3. Thaksin might want an early election

    Thaksin want, Thaksin want ??? <deleted> :)

    Hehehe... as if you need to be an academic to know this... uneducated rurals will go far for their master, very far till the very -whatever- end.

    A local 'friend' said to me yesterday more or less as a joke 'you also must help get Thaksin back' (Thaksin back <deleted>, dumbo you are) but his tone was not a joke and had something weird, as if he was not the one who said it, but programmed to think and talk like this.

    Once I met Thaksin from very nearby less then a meter, and felt his very amazing 'charisma', an 'aura with a 30 meter radius' like a real guru. Rurals are easy target for him and nothing will come inbetween, they own him. They only read pro Thaksin newspapers, listen to pro Thaksin radio have pro Thaksin friends, for such people he is 'stronger then Buddha' and only his very end can break the spell.

    The gov really need to keep their mind open if they wanna cope with this !

  4. Orgasm on food!!??

    If you really wanted to sound like an Islington Food Critic, you could have chosen a better term Old Chap????

    Sometimes food can give you the feeling 'wow this is better then sex' (ofcourse you have good, normal and bad sex)

    I'm not a food critic, just eat to survive with taste for good food, even dislike pretentious luxury locations. The real taste at unknown hidden places are the best.

    When trying a new Thai I always start with a Kao Pad Kai, if that's good the rest might be good. Unfortunately most locals don't know how to fry rice the good way and most street-Kao Pad Kais are discusting, they just reheat boiled rice and call it fried rice, most locals want to eat very cheap, not tasteful. Indonesian style has more bite and taste.


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