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Posts posted by ManilaLover

  1. There are some army surplus shops on Manee Nopparat which is the outer northern moat road. They should have what you are looking for.

    Great - thanks!

    Did you try the police shop near Chanpuak gate ? They must have them there.

  2. It won't take a million people to wind up the authorities and instigate violence and headlines in the worldwide media.

    Three days ago on BBC's website.

    Greece hit by third general strike in a month

    Riot police fired tear gas at stone-throwing protesters during a large demonstration in the capital, Athens.

    Thursday's march in central Athens was the largest since the troubles in Greece began, with an estimated 25,000 people taking part, says the BBC's Malcolm Brabant.

    Riot police, who were out in force to avoid a repeat of the violence seen during the previous strike last Friday, fired tear gas to disperse dozens of hooded protesters who threw rocks and other projectiles at the start of the march.


    I don't say anything, hehehe, hehehe

  3. In Thailand things always tend to work out totally different from expected, like when you have a house build here, or started a relation.

    Do we read in the news soon that some country has arrested him ? Guess after all being imprisoned in Thailand will not be an option, that will be oil on the fire for the reds and lead to never ending trouble, then he might released on bail also to avoid a war. From the moment he will walk around freely however he immediately will start heating up the fire again with very big chance on a real civil war.

    So personally I guess Thailand does not really want him back also not in prison. Best option left he just keeps moving between countries for a year or ten, then might be flown back horizontally in silence ? Guess I will put my money on him getting a base in Cambodia and thus trouble like now will go on for many years and become a part of the history of Thailand.

    What else are the remaing options... Anybody ?

  4. Go to the police station to inform them in advance you will have to pass there, and what times. Perhaps a guy there you can accompany you and others two times a day, try to get a phonenumber form a cop in case you need help. Don't wear red or yellow shirts, but wearing a small button with T's insane face could save you, if you have to go trough the crowd smile at them like they are your best friends, something like 'yo brada !'

    Stack the fridge full of food and booze and if you have a good view, in your free hours enjoy and take some videos from your skybox, post them on TV !

    You could even invite foreign journalists to stay at your place. Perhaps you can make some money out of it !

    But go to the policestation in advance so they know you !

  5. Could you please add information about if you send an SMS for 'emergency updates' regarding the rally etc. only, or for all 'breaking news' like you also send emails for ? (of which in most I'm really not interested) When for 'emergency updates' I think it's useful, but I dislike to be disturbed for all that 'normal' breaking news updates.


  6. Forget Goog Adsense, it does'nt make real money unless you have few thousand of visitors online for 24 hours, it just pulls your website down.

    Unless you don't mind spoiling your website for 12ct a week ?

    I had that illusion few years ago, tried few years but choose for the quality of my websites instead.

    I tell you it's not worth the time, not worth the effort.


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