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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. Lucky man to live in Point Reyes, beautiful part of the world. I was a pauper and lived in Santa Rosa, couldn't afford the Marin stratosphere let alone the national seashore
  2. I got divorced in California. Cost us $100. We mutually agreed to split our assets, wrote a mutual separation agreement Neither of us were worse for ware, still friends, mother of my children, we talk every week Divorce doesn't have to be contentious
  3. You gotta love Thailand for never disappointing. Break out the popcorn, although I believe I've seen this rerun multiple times before
  4. I'm must admit I was shocked and amazed how fast they pivoted to LNG, building LNG terminals in 100 days I seem to recall reading. I'm sure Putin never dreamt that would happen
  5. Non Imm says it all, you are not an immigrant, you are a tourist on a long term visa, but nothing more with all the rights of a tourist
  6. It's almost impossible to tell what 'might' happen. First things first, lets see if they actually manage to become a Government before they get dissolved for some spurious reason! Folks bitch and moan about the leaping through rings of fire to get their Thai spouse permanent residency in mystical magical farang land. But once done that spouse is for all intents and purposes the same as any citizen, work, benefits etc although without the right to vote. If Thailand could adopt a similar system, well the 'long term tourist' might feel a whole lot safer and secure. Yeah, you might have to jump through those flaming rings of fire, but at least there would be long term security
  7. Go to your local Amphur. Take Mom, they have form letter that she will sign, along with ubiquitous stamp and you'll be all set at immigration
  8. I like Isaan. Our house is on the outskirts of Khon Kaen. But realistically if you were blindfolded and dropped into any Thai city, not by a beach you'd be hard pushed to tell where the Hell you where, since they all look pretty much the same. Obviously there is not the farang bar scene you get in Pattaya or Phuket, but that never interested me anyway.
  9. Coming probably from a Brit... Been there, done that, Got the tee shirt seems appropriate!
  10. You say you haven't seen them in Three years. Did they learn as babies to speak your language, or do you speak Thai? If not you are going to be in a very tough spot, neither of you will be able to communicate. Regardless of the visa stuff, have you considered how hard this will be if they don't speak your language, and you theirs?
  11. Last time, for those of you in Thailand long enough, prior to the last 'event' I can't use the real word, I think it was a group of 20 of Suthep's mob who were spouting the same nonsense outside the embassy. I think the general belief is that the new Government will be more Western looking rather than China focused, That I'm sure in certain circles won't be welcomed. The idea that the US, or any other Western Government gives a rats a**s about the Thai monarchy is ludicrous, but this is Thailand and you just roll your eyes. But I do hope it this isn't a sign of a repeat performance of last time is in the making!
  12. I saw her in 2000 along with Lionel Richie in San Jose. By far the best live concert I have/had ever been to. After the trauma of her life with Ike, what an amazing life and career this woman had, and without her I doubt the likes of Beyonce would be here today. Wonderful woman, sadly missed
  13. I think we're conflating a few issues here. I think your post illustrates 'why' Western visas are so hard for Thai's to obtain, since your wife went to South Korea and worked illegally, visa exempt, then you wonder why an embassy CO is suspicious of the intent of the applicant! Nothing racist in that, just reacting to reality As for travel insurance, we go around and around on this. I'd say a combination of stupidity, ignorance and insurance greed are to blame. I believe most of us have at some point witnessed stupid, doing things, driving like they would never even think about in their home country, yet in Thailand, just go for it. 'If' and thats a big if they bought travel insurance they, they often opted for the lowest possible price, never bothering to read the actual limitations of the policy, like being drunk, riding without a helmet, the list goes on. So who picks up the tab? Well I'll be a little hard nosed, the individual. No Government Thai or Falang should be penalizing their taxpayers for someone else's stupidity, or ignorance
  14. I recently had an idiot counter agent put 5 large Lithium batteries back in a passenger bag after being flagged by TSA. The aircraft is being pushed back when I learnt about this, I towed the aircraft back to the gate where we retrieved the passengers bag and he carried the batteries in the main cabin He wasn't the most popular guy on that flight for causing a 30 min delay. But then again everyone flew out safely, nobody died
  15. I'm not commenting on the visa aspect, but you'll be hard pushed to find any insurance company willing to write a policy for your Mom at that age at any price. You have to realize Thai private medical insurance is a true insurance market based on risk. Even in the crazy US we basically exit that at 65 and enter Medicare, not so in Thailand.. So good luck but even 'if' you find a company there will be so many exclusions it'll be money down the drain. Hate to sound a doomsayer, but thats the reality of medical insurance for older expats in Thailand
  16. I work for an airline, and I've had countless 'interactions' with passengers over why they can't have Lithium batteries in checked bags. One thing if they decide to catch fire in the passenger cabin and the crew can deal with it, quite another scenario if they decide to explode in the cargo bin, and basically set fire to the whole cargo load, hence you crash in a fire ball
  17. Maybe I'm just being dumb, always a possibility, but I'm struggling to understand how you fall into a sewer. Thailand I know is awash with sewerage, but generally you see it pushed out to sea and those 'quality' beaches. So was a manhole cover left off, or did he crawl into a sewerage outlet? One of those car wreak stories you hate yourself for actually being interested in!
  18. Well thats all true But none of us can escape the reality that we will die, sooner or later Lifestyle may well be a factor, but our genetics play a huge part of how long we live. Live life the best you can every day since none of us know, fit, healthy, fat none of us know when it's gonna end. Last week me and Mrs G were in San Diego with our Grandson, thats how the circle of life works. I could die tomorrow, but I'll live on in some part in my daughters, son and grandson
  19. They don't Hilariously many years, elections and coups ago one Democrat candidate made a complaint to the Electoral Commission claiming that he had paid for more votes than he received! Sometimes even after all these years Thailand always has the ability to make me shake my head with disbelief.
  20. I to had wondered about Colin
  21. I think as time rolls on, you start to realize you are going to an increasing number of funerals. Two weeks ago Guy a friend of mine, only 62, pretty healthy, went to bed and never woke up. Massive heart attack totally out of the blue. No rational person wants die, but I think most of us also recognize that the days ahead of us are sadly diminishing, and no amount of going to the gym and sucking down wheatgrass is going to make you immortal. So you live your life the best you can, but knowing that like UJ and my friend Guy, nobody really knows when the lights will finally go out
  22. Now I'm an American, but I love your country. But that said I think that with the death of the Queen many of the overseas realms will be moving towards a Republic, it's just time to break the colonial link. Maybe Canada might buck that trend, just because it's a defining feature that sets them apart from the behemoth southern neighbor, which apart from that, Canadians look and sound much like Americans. I could be wrong and long after I have departed this mortal coil, the monarchy may still rule over many people. Time will tell
  23. Very true, but Thailand is awash with senior men trying to relive their youth, strutting their stuff at the disco, equally disturbing lol I'm just editing this, since I realized it's not disturbing, more more rather sad and embarrassing.
  24. I kinda chuckled a little just at the language. Yes back in the day it was a 'one night stand', for the kids today it's just 'hooking up' We are but products of our youth, but time marches on and all we can do is watch!
  25. I've been married twice, both pretty successful. The first one failed pretty much that i was traveling for work so much i was never at home and we just drifted apart, but 20 years wasn't bad, and we're still best friends, talk many times a week. My Thai wife, we've been together another 20 years, although the only reason we got married a fews back was to get her a green card. But overall I think I've been pretty lucky in love as the saying goes, no complaints
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