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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. Many of you know I'm a total Anglophile and a total aviation geek. This picture makes me cry. A fantastic aviation industry which produced some of the worlds best aircraft, reduced to making 'bits' of aircraft
  2. Does any man ever stop jerking off? I think not, and every woman on the planet knows that. Oh and btw married or not all men watch porn!
  3. We've come back in through multiple ports of entry; DEN, DFW, ORD, SFO, but by far the worst was ORD it took us 3 hours to get through immigration, unbelievably bad, The immigration officer even said "Welcome Home". I wanted to punch him
  4. I'd never thought about before, but you're right. Fresh meat paraded for all to see. It's quite sweet really lol
  5. I would agree Thailand is a great place for loners. I'm an only child, rare thing for our generation, but you learn to be very self sufficient. I'm pretty social, i can speak Thai, Lao and Mandarin fluently, so I have no problems communication wise. But I've never 'needed' friends, I can take or leave people. My wife, total opposite she needs to feel that bond, maybe a bit of being female or just personality
  6. Ugh, I remember when Mrs G went back to Thailand for a month last year, I had a frantic day of cleaning before her return. Of course it wasn't good enough, but it me out of Capital Crime territory.....just!
  7. I don't think I ever really thought about ethnicity. My first wife was American/Jamaican, so maybe my prediction is just for dusky maidans wherever they hail from. We met when we were working together in Singapore, I didn't even know she was Thai until after we'd done the dirty deed! 20+ odd years later here we are
  8. I think it's really the cities versus rural Thailand. In the end the youngsters will always push the envelope, as the young always should
  9. Yeoh as Empress Georgio in Star Trek Discovery. Ultimate sexy badass
  10. I showed my wife this, and she also knew the story. In 20+ years together we never talked about this, so definitely made for some dinner table discussion
  11. None of us deserve medals for just living up to our responsibilities, that just being an adult! Kids need their parents, Mom and Dad. If you ain't up to that I'd suggest looking up condom in the dictionary
  12. My wifes grandmother, 94 when she died, had no problem sitting outside topless. Not I would have to say the most appealing sight, but at 94 who gives a sh**t what folks think
  13. Well i don't think @Yellowtail was 'virtue signaling' But five kids at 32, probably a couple of baby mommas. Now I have three children and I don't think I would ever have left my small kids regardless of my marital status travel half way across the world to 'follow my dreams' and end up on a moped at zero dark thirty. There really is a thing about being a grown up and having responsibilities!
  14. Well the chances are 'its a <deleted> shoot' I think you have going in your favor is that you're not American. The CO's worry about two things. A single Thai woman arrived alone on a tourist visa and disappears into the Thai Diaspora A Thai woman with an American husband/bf who then apply for an adjustment of status to bypass normal immigration process. So you got some stuff going in your favor, but don't get giddy until that visa is stamped in her passprt
  15. As others have said, maybe seeking some professional therapy to work out the issues you have in your own upbringing might help you figure out where you are going in your adult relationships. Life's tough, but don't please think that talking to random folks online is going to help you sort it out. The fact that this is a Thai forum and many of us are in farang/thai relationships gives us no better insight into your issues than Joe Blow on the street
  16. I'm from a farm hand family in the Californian Central Valley. Surprise Surprise everyone was Hispanic. Everyone covered up head to toe, not a one ever had exposed skin. I worked every school vacation and my Mom would never let me go in the fields without being fully covered up
  17. I had to google it too since I'd never heard the word before; dox /däks/ verb INFORMAL past tense: doxxed; past participle: doxxed search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent. "hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures"
  18. So Mrs G not a youngster anymore. But even back in the day, never wore a bikini, always a one piece. Bra to bed, never Braless at home, often Braless outside, never And waaay past Daisy Duke shorts lol
  19. My wife is basically American, went to Chicago to live with aunt and uncle after both her her parents died. College in the US before going back to Asia. She from Isaan, very clearly Lao, I think she's beautiful, but she'll happily tell you that not a single Thai man of her intellectual equal would even look at her because of her Lao appearance. Lucky me I guess lol
  20. Oh Dear another relationship crisis. But don't I think this is exactly restricted to Thai/Farang partnerships, welcome to modern life. If you are really unhappy, well you got to get out, after all this isn't a dress rehearsal for life! Now here's some 'opinion'. Keep your daughter in farangland, wherever that may be in the EU. Educate her in the West. Would your wife go back to Thailand? If so she'll probably leave the daughter with you, thats not uncommon. On your relationship issue. What do any of us talk about? My wife grew up in Chicago as a teenager, college in Chicago, so we share similar backgrounds. But we talk about; Whats for dinner How was your day at work What do you want to do at the weekend Endless discussions about our kids and grandkids The battle of watching Thai or US TV in the evening We do argue about politics, she's a rabid Republican and I'm a bleeding heart liberal. But I can vote, she can't, so I always win that one! But in general for most of us, life can be pretty mundane, but we just feel comfortable with each other. You got decisions to make, but none of us keyboard warriors can help you at the end of the day
  21. I dunno what it is about Thai's and having a ground connection installed. When we built our house I literally had to stand over the electrician to ensure he pulled ground wires and a copper spike, since he just wouldn't accept why I wanted it. Not sure what they teach them in trade school!
  22. I've always gone in the foreign line with my green card wife. Never been a problem
  23. So, you are in some unnamed European country. I'm assuming she has some long term visa, so has a right to remain. Sounds like a typical breakup. You get a place of your own, you'll figure out the usual child visitation stuff, and you both move on with your lives. Try to stay friends at least, after all she is the mother of your child
  24. I think the Brits, especially the younger ones, with their NHS kinda forget that in most countries it's not a totally free system and there is a price to pay. I feel so sorry for the family, but the tales of youngsters in Thailand, little reckless, in a country renown for terrible traffic accidents are so common, and the subsequent 'GoFundme' accounts someone needs to set up a serious ad campaign before these guys get on a plane to tell them the risks
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