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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. SIS and her husband had a nice dinner a couple of nights ago and they rejected the first table they were shown to. He said it was bad enough not having a bottle of wine without having to sit 2 metres from and staring at the locked wine cabinet.
  2. It's an odd situation. Virtually everything closed and restaurants not able to sell you a bottle of wine with your meal and don't forget the curfew. I have a problem to see what will be first. Open everything when there are no tourists or let all the tourists come first when everything is either closed or restricted. Who will open first most likely with the cost for the first two or three months at their expense? I'm glad it's not me making the decisions on how to go about it.
  3. Making you sign a new contract every year. Many companies believe wrongly it will have the effect of reducing severence payments etc. It makes no difference in any way. They cannot change conditions every year to their benefit unless you want to agree to the new conditions. Re' severence. The Labour office only look at number of years and months of continual tax records. Signing a new contract every year doesn't change that total.
  4. Persisted it down most of the night in Thonburi. Still spitting a bit now at 8.30.
  5. I believe Ban Chang had one before and it was purely based on $$$$$$$. Been told when it closed the 'hostesses' just moved to the strip.
  6. World class superstar?????? you must be 16 years old ????. Glad you didn't put the word music after the word rap.
  7. I don't like the picture that paints. Get off the plane and be herded about like a flock of sheep for a day or two before you can go out for a nice meal (where) without a beer or glass of wine to go with it.
  8. I think you typed it too quickly. Try typing it slowly to make it easier to read and understand.
  9. I think you typed it too quickly. Try typing it slowly to make it easier to read and understand.
  10. So, not to put too fine apoint on it, you come here to find/get cheap sex or am I mis-reading you?
  11. Yawning will be well in fashion if you can't get a glass of wine when you go out for dinner.
  12. It is sad but you just have to go with the flow. Would anyone really start being adamant and argue about the rules as written?
  13. First time at CW (married extension) I was asked for two copies of everything including every page in my passport. One year bank statement and copies of updated bank book. I did ask why one year of bank records and was told because it's your first time here. Updated bank book copy on picking up extension after 30 days.
  14. Because the usual package tour Chinese don't care about quality of accom' or services. They stay for a week and then leave. Note I said package tours.
  15. Tourist. Do you have a wine you could suggest to go with the meal? Waiter/Waitress. The red one sir.
  16. Flip your desk calander to Oct' 2022, then change some points, in minor ways, in your post. Done.
  17. Is this office a temporary or permanent fixture.
  18. You can get a work permit on a Non O visa. It is not essential to get a Non B, don't care who says different. Your initial Non O will be 90 days and in the last 30 you can apply for a married extension. That also supports issue of a work permit. The benefit being that if you stop work you keep what's left of your extension. If you have a Non B it will be cancelled at end of work and you will get 7 days to pack and leave. Your company should provide all the documentation you need and you just tag along to the Labour Office and sign where they tell you. Cost of WP is around 2000 baht. If the company use a lawyer that will probably be 25,000 to 50,000 baht and the lawyer will swear blind you 'must' have a Non B visa. (BS) by the way. Get your company to do the work for you, it's their responsibility. Forgot to add, Immigration don't issue WP's, Labour Office does.
  19. I'm sure I read on here somewhere that 90 day reporting will move back to Chang Wattana from Muang. Anyone have any update on this?
  20. Mid rate before (XE) was 37/38 for a while, now mid rate (XE) is around 45 for Sterling.
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