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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. Good to see another avid member of the Watch Red Shirt group :D

    /edit - asinine comments aside, looks like there's a serious effort under way to arrest the militant side of the reds. The guy in the CNN video was apparently arrested this morning, and another number of arrest warrants have been issues - apparently for the people responsible for the attacking the military on the 10th April.

    This was reported on the radio. No wonder it was missed by people here :)

    The arrested FATBOY (in CNN clip) claim that he was carrying a BB gun. :D :D :D

  2. UN calls for Thai clashes inquiry

    The UN has demanded an independent inquiry into recent unrest in Thailand, when more than 80 people were killed in clashes between security forces and protesters.

    Continued here:


    The question is, is it possible to have an independent inquiry in Thailand?

    Not demanded:

    The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has called for an independent investigation of Thailand's bloody political crisis to bring those responsible for the human rights violations to account.

    Subtle difference

    The only difference is that monkfish is correct and you aren't.

    The BBC story says "demanded", not "called for".

    So what's the subtle difference?

    Isn't the crackdown an internal affair? I think Farang should not get involved.

    Same same as the Thaksin case. Farang should not get involved.

  3. How can we stop lowly educated people who don't speak English (like Thaksin) from voting in the next election.

    MP should come from appointment (at least 70%) rather than election. This will stop vote buyer from getting into government.

    Rucharee. I hope you realize that you're really only helping Thaksin and the Red side by posting absurdities like that. By the way - yes it will stop vote buyers. It will be much simpler if MPs buy their seats directly instead of painstakingly buying votes.

    Rucharee comments always put a smile on my face.

    I like the humour. Thai style. And I like to watch how the usual suspects 'experts' don't get it. 5555

    I believe if we only appoint foreign born, good English speaking Thais as MP. All the 400+ MPs in the house now will be smart, good looking, gentle, hornest, hard working, sexy, .... , just like our beloved Mark.

    This will be utopia, or haven in Thailand.

  4. Why is it always the Aussies and Brit who come to center stage here in Thailand for being just plain stupid.

    The Brits (some of them) are just pissed up, the Aussies (all of them) are congenitally stupid. Take a look at the ajarn forum to see how they're viewed on the ongoing multi page thread on them.


    Why must Brits (some of them) and Aussies (all of them) have to be criminals. Now I know why they send the convicts there in the first place.

  5. Thaksin hired Sae Daeng --- Sae Daeng trained the Ronin ---- yes ... that is a direct line for the terrorism charge.

    This Gov cannot easily get away by blaming everything on Thaksin.

    By no evidence, you said Thakin hired SaeDaeng. And SaeDaeng went rogue against the Gov.

    Does that mean this Gov can snipe out SaeDaeng ?

    What give this Gov a right to shoot people ?

    Is it appropriate that this Gov applying 'preemptive strike' policy towards Reds ? and finally left 80+ civilian deads ?

    Why is it so hard to arrange a new clean fair election ?

    I am sorry ----

    Who did "snipe out" Sae Daeng? (The Gov? The Army? The Red leaders he threatened? Power struggle in the Ronin? PAd retribution for the grenade attacks that killed those in 2008? The Mossad? The CIA :)

    The law in certain circumstances gives the government the right to shoot people. During a State of Emergency after proper warnings and whilst under attack they certainly have that right.

    Who killed the 80+ people? The illegal mob that was armed and occupying parts of BKK are certainly the ones responsible for it!

    Can you ensure that elections are "clean and fair" with armed terrorists still on the loose? Will YOU stake your life that all candidates can safely campaign anywhere? And why should there be new elections? They were offered and the reds rejected the offer.

    Are there any terrorist in the far south of Thailand?

  6. Nice attempt at baiting --- yet a failure again. The military were surely armed! They, however, were not a mob. Your boys in red were :) (both armed and a mob) You mean Tak Bai that was one of Thaksin's babies? Or were you referring to some other atrocity committed during Thaksin's reign?

    Well done on reminding us that the reds are all about Thaksin and that Thaksin is reponsible for so many many many many more Thai deaths than anyone has yet accused Abhisit of. Then again Thaksin isn't preening anywhere these days, he's just trying to find a safe country to hide in since The big guy in Montenegro has already indicated they have a way of dealing with Thaksin's citizenship if it becomes an issue.

    One has in the grimmest of circumstances (Tak Bai) have to wonder at the mindset of zealots who apparently believe that the Thai army had nothing to do with Tak Bai and other massacres.It was one of Thaksin;s "babies" we are told.Quite amazing.

    No doubt we will shortly be told by this genius that Red demonstrators shot themselves in the back, and then turned their attention to journalists and those seeking refuge in a temple.

    One can more or less understand when the elite take action to protect their interests, but when no account visa runners start pitching in on their behalf, it's unbelievable.This fellow is really just the counterpart of that English moron who took up with the thuggish end of the Reds.A curse on both of them.

    Nice second attempt at baiting ---- but during that time the situation in the South had escalated by Thaksin's plan. He was telling the Army what to do. You can't cry about Baangkok's use of troops being Abhisit's (it is!) and then say that the South didn't belong to Thaksin.

    Reds were directly quoted as saying they would target journalists. Reds (Sae Daeng's Ronin) did apparently fire into reds deliberately to increase the body count on April 10th and there is no reason to think they did not later. The basic premise of the reds was that provoking violence from the government would cause the governent to collapse. That has so far proven to be a flawed idea. Why? Oh yeah! The reds announced in advance that they were NOT PEACEFUL and that they had no intention of being peaceful.

    Apparently people will excuse the use of the army to put down one armed insurgency and not another.

    If the reds had been unarmed then sending in police (in an intelligent way) would have been the way to proceed. Since the reds ARE (still) armed ... the army was the answer.

    For the reds saying that troops were firing indiscriminately into the reds, you will have to explain why so few died! Yes, every death is a sad thing. No, it is not an evil thing when those that died were attacking fixed military positions.

    I guess people missed the point when you saw people on the red side baiting the troops with firecrackers etc. (Covering for rifle fire?) I guess people missed where EVERY international mews source described "firefights" which by definition means that people on BOTH sides were shooting!

    "Reds were directly quoted as saying they would target journalists. " Who, when and where? Do you have a source, a link?

    Do you have evidence that "Reds (Sae Daeng's Ronin) did apparently fire into reds deliberately to increase the body count on April 10th"? a link to a source?

    "For the reds saying that troops were firing indiscriminately into the reds, you will have to explain why so few died!" How many people have to die that you would call it not a few anymore but a signifiant number, that proves the army most have shot and killed some of them.

    I heard somewhere that Seh Daeng shoot himself in the head, just like Hitler did. May be he felt guilty, like Hitler did.

  7. Does anyone know the international standards for evicting a large mob of criminals from a barricaded section of a major city? What is done in the UK or the USA when armed terrorists occupy the streets and attack security forces? Suggesting that there is a standard method for dealing with the Thai crisis is ridiculous, when has a similar event happened anywhere else?

    But Chad dont you remember this was a peaceful rally till the army marched in. Abhisit or whoever had control stuffed it right up. They let the UDD, PT, whoever, right in the door. The traffic was still flowing it was like a carnival for many people not only the reds. That fateful night apr10 the army marched towards the protesters, no barricades. All hel_l broke loose, what a stuff up. Had the controller, Abhisit, whoever, waited for them to make a wrong move. He would be a hero,

    Peacefull? In what Western Country would the government allow people to storm the parlament?

    Whatch the link of "peacefull red sh*theads.


    Thailand? Taiwan? I wonder if Obama knows the difference?

  8. It's time to get away from elections entirely until they install a tax based election system. The more taxes you pay, the more votes you get.




    Glad you liked that one, LP. Everyone else so serious so much...


    I disagree with 1 person 1 vote.

    How can a vote from an rich educated fair good looking smart Bangkokian have the same weighting as a vote from an uneducated rural poor ugly country side buffalo pushing farmers?

    See you disagree with me already.

    PAD said that 70% appointed by Bangkok smart. Balance 30% vote by all (not just buffalo pushing farmers).

    See, not so bad after all. Sondhi/Chamlong for the next PM pair.

  9. To bad Seh Daeng had just started explaining all about Thaksin's involvement and their plans to fight when someone blew his head off.

    It isn't exactly a secret that the US gave Thailand information regarding financial transfers and probably signals intercepts as well (communications). This plus public statements of various people including Thaksin himself as well as Sae Daeng and others is substantive enough for an arrest warrant and a trial.

    Public statements from Seh Daeng? He said that the black shirts with the guns were send by a secret government operation to create evidence to blame the red shirt people. He said furthermore that the security forces used snipers on April 10 to kill reds shirt protesters.

    The US gave Thailand information regarding financial transfers and also taped the communication of the red shirts and Thaksin?

    Can i read the full story somewhere? Do you have a link to a source?

    LOL Yeah --- that explains the black shirts wandering unmolested throughout the reds on April 10th.

    but here you go .. with plenty of his statements


    It has quite the collection of SehDaengisms .... all but the last one just after Sae Daeng said in his final interview "They'll never get me in here!" which I suspect was followed by "ooooooops"

    Feel free to look at the threads here on Thai Visa about the funds transfers and signals intercepts are mentioned in the same threads.

    Where he claims to have trained the ronin

    Where he claims they fight for the reds

    Where he denies he is thier leader (ooops he trained them, he's the new generation Red leader, they fight for the reds ... he must have appointed another leader for them :)


    edit --- you need to go back and read what I wrote about Signal intercepts that you failed to accurately represent in your reply.

    "Public statements from Seh Daeng? He said that the black shirts with the guns were send by a secret government operation to create evidence to blame the red shirt people. He said furthermore that the security forces used snipers on April 10 to kill reds shirt protesters."

    That's the reason why Seh Daeng have to go. I am sorry.

  10. Al Jazeera isn't exactly the most credible foreign source. They are completely bias and blatently pro-goverment - probably in the payroll of the government propaganda machine along with most of the local media.

    Have you actually watched any Al Jazeera? :D

    Can you give us an example of an unbiased media outlet?

    Lots of unbiased media outlet in Thailand.

    CRES, NBT, ASTV, PTV, etc for a start.

    Want me to list more? :)

    Shame on BBC & CNN.

  11. No request will be made, the message from interpol is pretty clear - they won't be used for politically motivated reasons.

    Abhisit will probably back off, but if he does push ahead its highly likely that the request will get formally rejected. Interpol is not stupid, they see what is really going on.

    They will not allow an excuse of "political motivation" when dealing with substantive evidence of terrorism.

    Is there any link where this "substantive evidence" can be seen (or read) or do you have any idea if there is indeed evidence that the Thai authorities have and will send (or maybe already have sent) to Interpol ?

    Did the government already show this evidence to the -Thai and/or International- Press and if so what exactly is/was the evidence ?

    Were this clear documents in black-and-white from Banks for instance, proving that money was transfered from Thaksin's accounts to other Thai entities or individuals ?

    I ask so because I have no idea about this so called evidence that everybody is talking about.


    I think Kasit has misplace Interpol fax number.

  12. No suprise really. Only a few working braincells are needed to realise the arrest warrant is political.

    Terrorism is often a political offense. The Thai extradition act also prevents a person from being extradited for political offenses, however there are some exceptions.

    1. extradition would not otherwise be contrary to Thai law and the offense is not political or military in nature (political offenses do not include the commission of an act of violence against the King, Queen or the Heir-Apparent or any head of state, government leader or member of a family of any of them or the commission of any crime not defined as a political offense under any applicable extradition treaty),

    Fortunately Thaksin doesn't seem to have many working braincells and has committed crimes that are serious enough to extradite him for. If there is evidence that he organized and funded terrorist attacks I don't think many countries will be eager to protect him.

    Terrorist = Freedom fighter.

    The different is which side you are with.

  13. I sure wished that was true.. free tickets out..

    I find all these freebies good for tourism, but I live here and went to the ATM machine yesterday and was told the exchange rate was 32.14. I proceeded to get money from the machine and lo and behold the ATM exchange rate was 30.48 and there was an almost 5$ fee plus 150.00 badt to use the ATM. What kind of rip off are the banks here pulling now. They have always taken money off the top, but this is too much. Who could you complain to about this outrage. Just last week they were not doing this at my bank and now they are. I now have to figue out how to git around using the ATM machines here as I don't intend to pay this rip off amount for money exchange.

    I don't know of any atm's that do not charge the 150 THB fee.

    I don't mind the 150 BHT atm fee, it is the fact that they charge an addtional $5 fee and only give you a rate of 30.48 when the cash rate is 32.14. Say anything you want but that is a rip off.

    If it is too expensive, don't use the ATM. FULL STOP. Problem solved.

  14. Found a free flight, but if I would BKK <-> KUL then the airport tax is 700 THB instead of THB 100 looooooooool

    That is, the tax on the trip I would have to pay for and they slap a THB 275 on the free flight, where there is NO tax/fee on it normally.....

    Hm, so that 875 THB extra fees to get a "free" flight....

    Yeah right.

    You have to pay these taxes with all airlines. I suppose it would be more accurate to call it a "pay the tax and extras sale" but a "free seat sale" sounds better.

    Thai International airport tax 700THB, no VAT

    Thai Domestic airport tax 50-100THB plus VAT

    Malaysian International airport tax 275THB

    I have had to pay these fees for all airlines I have used in the past few years, I don't understand how someone could avoid paying them.

    Airport tax are collected for the airport.

    Airline gets nothing.

    Unless you no show, airlines gets to keep, unless you ask for a airport tax refund. However most refund have a surcharge > the airport tax itself. AirAsia is the only airline I know that have a refund surcharge < international departure tax.

  15. German reporter? Nick isn't a reporter, he's a campaigner with a camera.

    A witness is a witness.

    German or not, does not matter.

    You can be just a boy, and still a witness.

    Go ask Ford about it.


    Don't care what nationality he is, i care that he purports to be a reporter, when he is nothing more than a red shirt who takes pictures for pushing his agenda.

    As for witnesses, some have more credibility than others. Some witnesses are independant. Others are not.

    Agree that BBC and especially CNN has no credibility left. They should both go home.

    CRES & NBT has always, and will always have 100% credibility, because the government can never lie.

  16. SONDHI LIMTHONGKUL is a good man, and greatest man in Thailand.

    Hence god protect him, even though he was showered with bullets, god stay with him. He live.

    I like him just like my uncle. Not just me. Million of Thai and Farang who watch ASTV and join PAD protest at the airports, all treat him like their kind and gentle big uncle.

  17. Why is the 'terrorist' running together with the soldiers? :)

    Maybe because he is a plain clothes 'terroist sniper hunter'.

    Call it Urban camoflage. Easier to sneak up on the real snipers,

    if they don't think you're army.

    Same as the men in black.

    They are the same group as the men in white in the clip.

    Or it is not possible? Prove it.

  18. Here is a video of an emergency worker saying the army stormed the temple and killed 6 people at overnight. You need to understand Thai so you might need to ask your wife to translate. (Warning: graphic images).

    Well I asked the wife as she talks Thai better than me

    And it seems a lot better than you

    At no time did he say he had proof it was the Army

    he was saying he a saw the army above and when the people where killed he assumed it must have been the army

    He could of coarse at this distance tell if they were really army people or people just dressed in army clothes

    Now if you where Thaskin and knew you where going to loose

    what's the best way to discredit the Government

    and if you have members of your black/red army mingled with others

    Any one who has played Chess know's the aim of the game is to Check Mate the King

    and how many pawn's you sacrifice to achieve this is part of the game plan

    You don't need to see who pull the trigger.

    Did you see Thaksin will the drag loards?

    Did you see Mark shoot Seh Daeng? will the drag lords?

    Still both Thaksin & Mark are guilty.

  19. No, I mean the innocent civilians that were shot in the temple and the foriegn reports that were shot, and the countless number of other innocent people that were killed under his leadership.

    You have proof of who shot these people?

    A german reporter, saw it with his own eyes, innocent, unarmed people getting mowed down by the armys bullets.

    From what I understand, he will submit his eyewitness account plus photo evidence he has gathered.

    German reporter? Nick isn't a reporter, he's a campaigner with a camera.

    A witness is a witness.

    German or not, does not matter.

    You can be just a boy, and still a witness.

    Go ask Ford about it.


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