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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. Your kit looks impressive at first sight, but I am sure from the shape of the plugs and materials (some are made out of foam) that Ohropax beats them all by lengths. There is a reason why they get shipped to me 10'000 km. Of course I have tried what is availabel here and they all were useless.
  2. Lower frequencies are indeed difficult to control. The best I came across is the following which a friend of mine sends me sometime from Switzerland. At least it dampens about 27dB and some of the low freuqency staff. Maybe it is available somewhere online as well:
  3. Anybody may believe what he wants. This does not make it more valid. What you say in your first paragraph is simply not part of the Buddhist Teachings which I have studied for many decades. Your second paragraph is a reflexion of your acquired mindset for which there is really no point of discussing.
  4. You obviously did not read my posts carefully enough or did interpret them in a certain way. But you are right that intolerance is for sure not a reason for a happier existence.
  5. They may be designed that way, but they do not always work that way. In my case my sense of hearing nearly completely vanished suddenly on one ear. It was after I took a shower. The wax had formed a plug and the water plus the hot weather caused it to swell and closing the ear. No medical condition involved.
  6. You may call it religion if you like. Does not change a thing. But a common misunderstanding arises when you do not realize that this is a non-theistic religion which distinguishes it from for example Christianity and which is at the core of many discussions I have read here (believing in something invisible etc.). Both are valid attempts to find a solution to make people ultimately happy though even their view on a "creator god" is totally different.
  7. In my case it was done by a specialist (for ears that is) in a hospital, not a massage girl. It took more than 30 minutes. They used a machine which delivered a constant stream of liquid to rinse the ear. But you are right, this was a long time ago.
  8. Good comment. In fact it is even much more than that, some say it is more like the science of the mind. In any case it is not a "religion" believing in a creator god. Ethical and moral principles do play a different role in different Buddhist Traditions of Mahayana and Theravada (of which there are many).
  9. I never cought Covid although many around me did. Maybe the vaccinations did really in my case prevent that I got it. For which I am grateful. I am not young at all and have a whole database of comorbidities. I expect that when I would catch it it might be desastrous (or maybe not - I have survived a lot of critical situations - but as they say a cat has (but) 7 lives). Will keep on boosting if it makes sense (=vaccine available for the latest strains).
  10. I doubt he goes anywhere in person soon. Fear of snipers, contact poison and you name it - regardless of the country.
  11. I am surprized of the complicated method you are discussing here. Last time I had it done, they just did wash it out using a kind of small pipe with pressure. Takes some time, but then it is completely clean. Done at a Phuket Hospital once I was on holiday there.
  12. But I AM vaccinated. 4 times. You sound like you assume I were not. Now waiting for the right vaccine to fight the latest strains.
  13. When it comes to food, of course a huge amount of subjectivity sets in. I think that Thai Food is good - although I have my problems with an excessive use of Fish Sauce. And I have learned that country folk here would to a large degree not eat anything else. What I find a bit exagerrated, though, is that some include Thai Food in the Group of International Great Cuisines. I think this category should be reserved for China, France, Japan, Italy, India and probably even Spain and Germany. But as I said, this is a subjective thing as can be. The Tasteatlas List does list a lot of dishes which are not very well known around the globe, whereas a Peking Duck or Fillet Rossini is missing. Even some South East Asia dishes like Rendaeng. But it lists 4 different kinds of Ramen. A bit questionable.
  14. When a couple of very rich people were interviewed it showed that there must be some magic barrier around 100 M$. Below that the advantages outweigh the disandvantages - but above that amount it may well turn around. That's at least what they testified. I have to admit I would like to test this result ????
  15. Many times monkhood does not equate with an "easy" life as we normally define it. Quite the extreme opposite as demonstrated for example by the life within Wat Pah Pong - the Forest Monastery in NE Thailand. https://www.watnongpahpong.org/ As we all know there are some controversial issues concerning monkhood in Thailand. But it must be noted that It is not everywhere the same.
  16. You are right. But nothing beats Swiss Cheese Fondue. Own experience. Fortunately an item that is less available to the Thai populace. There seems to be some kind of nasty law saying that what is tasty is not healthy and vice versa.
  17. If I multiply all the factors that are applicable to me then I arrive at a Risk Factor of nearly 15. Should I now be still careful or is this just like the flu and I couldn't care less ? (Rhetorical Question)
  18. Not exactly. Example: Switzerland/Germany (looking at your name I suspect you might come from Berlin) where they think that a giant number of non detected cases existed that never went into the statistics. They are discussing to reintroduce masks in certain situations. Source: "Blick" online. However there is hope on the horizon because predictions also state that with more and more mutations, the lethality of the virus might diminish. I would not mind to get a cold-like ailment from time to time if this were all that was to it.
  19. The jackpot for Euromillions in Europe amounts at times to more than $200'000'000. And the US has a big draw with even more (dont know how many times a year). I remember that a couple investing US$ 2.-- once won the big one there. My mother nearly got the jackpot in Euromillions once. There was a 1:50 chance for that. But it did not happen and she got only some $ 10'000.-- instead.
  20. This is one of the big differences to the flu. For the flu, vaccination tailored to the latest strains is readily available every year. Not so for Covid. I recall with horror how difficult it was to get all my (now 4) jabs and the jabs for my wife and stepdaughter. Of course we would all get the latest Covid vaccine if it only was available - but I suspect it will be like the last time.
  21. I agree that is a great possibility for anybody living away from his IO. And it is nice to hear that they introduced a customer friendly procedure with those emails that you mention. However, I have never had the slightest problem with them in person, be it for extension, TM30 (if necessary) Residence Certificate or 90 day report. They treat me politely, with respect and procedures are very swift. My 90 day reporting dates (due date, first possible, last possible) will be put into my calendar on the PC after I return home from them. All in all a matter of minutes. However my wife can drive me to the office, she drops me off in front and then uses the parking they provide. All very much convenient and we are nearly every day passing nearby anyway when we are bound for the city to do some shopping, eating out etc.
  22. I did not mention that quote, but as I said I think it seems to me as well outrageous expensive. It's more than 10 - max 15k for a Will and Living Will, both perfectly written with translations.
  23. Absolutely. But this is peculiar to Thai inheritance law. If there IS A WILL, then statutory heirs may be left out. If there is no will, then not. But with a will you might inherit your condo to your girlfriend and not to your son. Of course not the other way round. "He promised me etc...." does not count. A question might arise if you have lived together with a GF for a very long time while not married. These cases are prone to cause trouble but I do not know the Thai Civil Code enough to say if it is here the same as in other countries abroad. That is why a will is so important and to set it up correctly is so important. I cannot understand the posters here who want to save a few thousand Baht with do it yourself methods only to cause the decendants and Loved Ones possible headaches. Of course it all depends on the individual case which may range from super easy to super complicated.
  24. I am totally surprized of that ruling in this case. How can the rest of the siblings stipulate what a valid reason was for the mother to exclude one specific person and the judge even ruled for them. I mean, that is exactly what a will is for. To tell your intentions. This would be like saying in your will that you give your condo to your girlfriend but the judge decides that she is not worth it and gives it to somebody else only because there was some objection.
  25. For assets in Thailand for a probate with a Thai court, the will must be in Thai language - this is at least what I can say that because of statements from a very experienced lawyer on the subject. To sign something that you do not understand is very common here. Ever opened a bank account ? They not even give you copies from what you have signed, even if requested. You have to take pictures. This is allowed ????
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