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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

    Not really.  From the AP article:

    "Today, the only people who lost are the children of St. Jude," Eric Trump said after canceling the fundraiser for the children's hospital. "


    They were trying to do a good thing and get beat up over Politics...:sick:


    They were trying to peddle influence under the guise of a "Charity event".

    Trump's always telling us how rich he is, why doesn't he actually donate some of his OWN money for a change?

  2. You can "two factor protect" most of the Cloud email providers (and you definitely should if you are a Yahoo user!).

    Your Banks may offer two-factor as well, either via an SMS/EMail PIN or a crypto device like kkerry's.


    There are even Payment cards that use that technology to generate a constantly changing CVV for online shopping.


    But I've still never heard of an ATM that asks you for anything other than a PIN (Cardless ATM transactions excepted of course, but my banks don't use that yet).

  3. 12 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Very easy to sideload many regular Android apps, including Kodi, onto the Amazon Fire TV devices. Especially the Fire TV box, which has a built-in USB data jack. Just load up a USB stick with whatever APKs you want, and use ES File Explorer app on the Fire TV box to install them. Can  likewise install onto the Fire TV sticks, which don't have a USB data port, just using a different method.


    You can do the FireStick using ES File Explorer, but I prefer ADBLink, as you can install APK's and push over any Zips you might need later on in Kodi.



  4. 7 minutes ago, Morch said:


    It's a government mouthpiece like VOA, definitely nothing like CNN.


  5. 13 minutes ago, Nemesis7 said:

    so sad, unbelievable. No way Turkish government can escape its involvement, how can a duty cover police agent carries out such an act? Who detailed him at the first place? What sort of security do they provide to such VIP diplomats, especially on such a crucial time?


    Not sure about involvement, but negligence perhaps.


    One suspects the next one will have a slightly larger Russian detail with more authority over security at events like this.


    Russia does not seem to be blaming Turkey for this attack. In fact it seems to be saying that it is an attempt to destabilise Russia/Turkey relations.





    Russian investigators have been sent to help their Turkish counterparts, who have given assurances of a comprehensive investigation, and that those responsible would be punished.

    Mr Putin has ordered extra security measures for Russian embassies around the world, a Kremlin spokesman told news agency Tass.



  6. 5 hours ago, TimTang said:

    The Arab Spring was a fake false-flag operation by the Obama administration to create an excuse to take out Assad.



    Complete and utter nonsense. The Arab Spring was a genuine uprising that spread across the Gulf countries and is still reverberating today in many of them, to a greater or lesser degree.

    In Syria it started when State security forces in Dara'a arrested and tortured some kids who mimicked some anti-government graffiti they'd seen on television from other Arab Spring countries: "The people want the fall of the regime". In the resulting protests, they opened fire on protestors, killing some of them, and the rage of decades of oppression came spilling out all over Syria, just like it had everywhere else. It was just fomented under Assad; his father had decades of arrests, torture and murder under his belt.

    This was a genuine civil uprising, and there was a chance to end it there and then, as in Tunisia, if the leader had departed.


    But he already had Iranian backing, the conflict got more violent, and when the UN attempted to intervene, Putin and China veto'ed any chance of timely action.


    The US had nothing to do with it up to that point. Weapons were eventually funneled to the Syrian people to defend themselves from Assad's attacks. Unfortunately, lots of weapons were also funneled to Assad by Russia and Iran, and it blew up into a full on civil war, which left wide swathes of the country ungovernable, and ripe for takeover by IS and AQ.


    Whatever happens now it will not end peacefully unless Assad and his government are ousted. Even if he wins and quells the rebellion, there will be unrest and probably anti-regime terrorism in Syria for the rest of his reign.

  7. 16 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Isn't constant baiting against Thai Visa rules?


    Does anyone really believe that Obama will "retaliate" against Russia in a significant way?


    Be risky to do so, if cyber is the planned response. Why would you want to tell your foe your capabilities and what you've already got into?

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