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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. So I decided to make another transfer from my Chase account in America to Bangkok Bank in Chiang Mai the other day. I wanted to transfer $5000. At Chase they call it a Wire Transfer and it cost $40 (1238B). They then asked me if I wanted to transfer in American dollars or in Thai baht. They said transferring in Thai baht might take longer, and the rate would be 29.90 baht per dollar. That seemed a bit low to me, as I've seen high 30's the last week, so I decided on US dollar. I thought, what's the worst that could happen, I lose a few baht as Bangkok Bank takes a fee? So that's what I did, transfer in US funds. Now today when I looked at the transfer into Bangkok Bank, it said that I sent 154,812 baht. That comes out to 30.96 baht per dollar! The cost of sending Thai baht would have been 5312 baht or $171.58!!! Crazy. Did I beat the system? No. Do I feel fantastic? Yes.

    For transferring that amount of money, it might be cheaper still to send the money by ACH to Bangkok Bank's New York branch than to do a Wire Transfer. See http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/PersonalBanking/DailyBanking/TransferingFunds/TransferringIntoThailand/ReceivingFundsfromUSA/Pages/ReceivingFundsfromUSA.aspx

    I have been using this option for the last three years . Cost me $3.00 from my bank and I think the most BKK Bank has charged me was 300 baht the max they will charge you on any amount is 500 baht . The money generally takes about 5 days from send to spend ..

  2. I also go regular to sausage kings restaurant he does large fish and real chips with a choice of Australian garden peas or British mushy for 99 baht or Atlantic cod and chips etc 199 baht.

    Let me strongly advise AGAINST the 99 baht one; it's horrible. It was either the cheapest mushiest fish from the Makro freezer, or something like Pla Nin / Pla Thab Thim.

    If the chips were better I could see trying the 199 baht one, but the chips weren't very good either.

    The place is very hit & miss.. some things are pretty good like the sausages and pies. And the kebab BBQ thing they do sometimes. But most other food needs improvement. It's too bad because I do like the overall setting.

    The fish & chips at Yummie Pizza (Canal Road) was WAY better, but just too pricey.

    I have had the sausage king fish and chips several times and its spot on.However he does use beer batter i believe. He gives you a choice of real hand cut chips or American frozen fries which i feel is fair.The cod is the better fish out of them both at 199 baht.wai2.gif I did try the kebab platter for the first time last Saturday and i loved that but is only available every second Saturdaywai2.gif

    Never had a bad meal at The Dukes , Sausage King , and Yummys .... I too had the Kabob last week it is very good !

  3. I found him the other afternoon in front of SCB at the moat . Ordered two pieces of fish and fries with Tarter sauce . It was real good no complaints . Felt like it was a bargin and good fish .. I couldnt finish all the fries .. Well worth checking out ...

    • Like 1
  4. I ve been to Success and Dukes . At the Dukes with both my wife and I eating its generally around 700 to 900 baht depending on what we order. Always walk out full, and happy ... I do wish that he would include the vat in the menu price though .... Makes it easier for the wife to check the bill , and shes going to do that even if we eat at Mc Donalds . But never had a bad meal at either of the Dukes locations ........... Bottom line is you get what you pay for ............

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  5. I stopped by this place and had the pizza . I was not impressed . Other things on the menu look good but the pizza did too . Doubt I will give it another shot . Staff was very nice though and service was very goood and the place was very clean ... I just dont care for waffer thin crust pizza ......

  6. I emailed the consulate and got a fast responce . They said 14 days .. I was very amused at the email . Very poorly worded . I can assume it was written by someone whos first language was not english .......

  7. I have to renew my passport in the next few months ,,,,,,, the website says 14 days. Sounds nice but ............ Lets get real this is the government ...........Has anyone done it and can tell me the turn around time .

  8. dam_n !!!!! That was a sword attack, not a knife stabbing.....

    I know what I would do if attacked with a knife, but will have to

    think what to do about a sword.

    Someone comes at you with a knife you better run fast , they come at you with a sword my advice run faster ............ Proven fact person can kill you faster with a knife than with a gun ......

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