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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. There is a shop just up From Thape Gate that sells the Snuz . Its just past Mad Dogs bar you ll see a new paper rack by the sidewalk I but it there all the time . Its nothing like whats your asking for but all you can get here .... Expensive too 250 baht per can

    Yup same one in the picture Go past Mad Dogs cross Soi2 and its on the left .. Real nice people too

  2. There is a shop just up From Thape Gate that sells the Snuz . Its just past Mad Dogs bar you ll see a new paper rack by the sidewalk I but it there all the time . Its nothing like whats your asking for but all you can get here .... Expensive too 250 baht per can

  3. Unless you are doing it for reasons of work or the money requirements there is no advantage to a visa based on marrage and it is far more a pain in the AZZ . A marrage visa locks you in . If you divorce or wife dies you have to leave the country or revert back to a retirement visa .... Unless Im missing something its much better on a retirement visa if not working...

  4. I just got one in Hang Dong needed the blue book copy of our marrage certiicate pass port copies one photo and two government employees for witnesses . Seems now all that goes to Bangkok and sent back to the district . Two weeks later they called went in head guy signed it and I was done. Oh needed a certificate of residence from Thai immigration as well .....

  5. If you travel south on Canal Road turn right after Master Piece Moo Baan then left on the next road you will find many places like this ... Hence we are all sitting on the dirt that came out of these canyons .... Further out that same road if you keep going the road forks to the left there is a large area they are excavating far bigger than what is shown here and I would guess much deeper .....

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  6. Very interesting. I might have to give it a try one of these days....if I can find some Borax. Those little yellow pellet things (in the clear green container) doesn't work too well.

    Yes, thats what I have.

    They are useless. I will find some borax somewhere, I will just have to ask some Thai friends.

    But how do you say Borax in Thai?

    ime="1343032074"> i just ordered two kilos from them I hope it works Im tired of fighting these ants and loosing the battle

    I found this site that sells borax http://www.healthfoodthailand.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=borax&x=7&y=7

  7. We used the shop right next to Chiang Mai Klaymour Hospital "sorry for the spelling" on Hang Dong road . Black out curtains 3 rooms two sliding glass doors and blinds in the kitchen .

    $25,000 baht installed . Very pleased with there service and the quality . We checked several places and they seemed to be the best price wise . Im not sure what percentage of UV blockage we have but in the brightest time of day I can close the curtins and have almost total darkness .....

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  8. I do what most do. I have two bank accounts here in Thailand one has an atm card one doesnt . The bulk of my funds are in the account I dont have a card for . In order to use the atm I must go into the bank and transfer the funds to the atm account .. They would be disapointed in either of them ... Just like me ........

  9. Anything is possible in Thailand . Gold for the wedding is normal but the bride is suposed to keep it . That I can say hardly ever happens and it did not in my case . Just my opinion you are tossing good money out the door three years is a long time and alot can happen . No doubt they will want gold for the wedding but asking for it now . I think your being tested and I would say no Im not comfortable with it ... If she takes off . One thing about Thailand woman are like trains you get off one and the next one rolls right up .. Dont be a sucker right off the bat . But if you do deside to follow suit before I gave anything I would want to know how much money and gold they expect the day of the wedding... Then ask yourself is it really worth it when you can hire a Ma Baan for 6000 baht a month hahahaha

  10. Having been there and done that and survived ... After living here a while and seeing and learning more than I did on my two week stints here before I got married . I say for a roll of the dice I was very lucky .. My advise keep your mind and eyes open at all times .... Even then your still not 100% safe . I dont care how well they treat you and how many smiles and presents you get you are and always will be the Farrang ...

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  11. I had them too . Wife turns on the lights at the gate before any lights go on in the house . Once they swarm the gate lights they generally stay there . Then when the neighbors come home and turn on there lights we shut off the gate lights and they go across the street ....

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  12. my understanding is that the wife must be a US citizen to collect your benefits outside of the USA... if living inside USA, she only has to be a legal resident.

    That is not correct! A non-citizen can collect spousal and survivor benefits - if he/she lived in the US, as your spouse, for the necessary 5 years.

    Even as a citizen, however, the spouse must be at least 62 to draw any benefits as a spouse. If you have eligible dependents under 18 (I think) a surviving spouse can draw benefits as long as the dependent is under 18.

    Close, but still not quite. I had our financial counselor call the IRS with this exact question when we were on a military base in Japan. My wife has never lived in the States. IRS said when she is 62, she is entitled to spousal benefits regardless of her work history, nationality, or residence. She rates it solely on the basis of her U.S. citizen husband.

    I checked before I left the USA . If she did not reside with you in the USA for 5 years as your wife she is out of luck . I was advised by Social Security in the USA and then confirmed it with the office in Manila . My wife did work in the USA those 5 years but did not reach the 40 quarters needed . She can collect nothing at 62 if I am alive . If I die when she reaches age 60 she can collect survivor benefits based on my contributions even if she is residing in Thailand and that is only if she does not re marriy before reaching 60 . After 60 she can marry whoever wants her and still collect ... It is possible that if you were on a miltary base that would count as being in the USA , That I would hope would be correct but I did not check that ...

  13. I would love to be able to buy into Thai social security . I have a policy now I pay for , I would much rather see my money going to the government and them providing my treatment... One a second note I think its also unfair that myself being an american have paid into medicare for many many years. But becasue I have chosen to live outside the US its useless to me .....

    Gimmie my money back then ... Fat chance

  14. Its my understanding that if you are married to a Thai and here on a marrage visa and are listed in the yellow book you can register for the 30 baht plan . I have talked to a few people who have got on it and have used it . Waiting for my yellow book now and will attempt it myself soon .. But I still probably will keep my private coverage as well ....

    I got the yellow book today with my name in it . We went to the hospital and tried to enroll . They entered my ID number and it would not except it . Anyone had any experience with this ? Pm me if you have I really would like on the sytem

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