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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. Have one to tell on the wife .. Now she is very educated sometimes too much.... knows everything .... Thinks ... Back in the states we worked opposite shifts and she was not home , came home one night went to the kitchen to make something to eat and things just seemed out of place . Wife had been having issues with her boss for several days prior which really upset her ..

    I went to cook something in the pan in the stove , but its seemed to have an abundance of salt in it , then I noticed the water pitcher was sitting on the corner next to the stove , strange but oh well I cleaned the pan cooked my food and put the pitcher back in the refrigerator .

    Next morning before going to work again I asked her what she cooked the day before why was the pan full of salt .. Well I got this blank stare like the one the dog has when it gets caught stealing food off the counter ... I could tell something was up so I pressed on . Seeing I was not going to except some have whitted answer she fessed up . She had had enough of her bosses crap and she Voo Dooed him .

    She said she put a bunch of chili pepers in the pan and started frying them when they started to burn she threw salt in the pan and cursed him over and over . She said she didnt belive in it but he was driving her nutz and she had to do something ... I laughed she made me promise I would try it on her ! I asked well what was the water for ... in case I started a big fire I needed somethign to put it out with . I just laughed my butt off ... Next morning she s all smiles I asked her whats up . Tells me she had long talk with her boss and all was well . A couple minutes later I m looking over and shes pouring water down the sink mumbling something ..... I asked what are you doing ..... Im taking the curse off just in case it worked . I just shook my head ...... I do know Thais have what they call an imaginary child suposed to bring them good luck ..... To each there own I guess .

  2. Hi I did one Wednesday you need tw photos copy of your lease , or book whichever fill out the form I has told to give it to the center window this was at 10:3o am was told to come back at 4 pm pick it up . Came back at 4 picked it up gave them 500 baht and I did not get a reciept either ..........

  3. Its always good to have a back up plan if something does happen . Me I would maybe have to do visa runs for a month or two until I scurried up the extra cash I would need for a retirement visa . As far as the house is concerned if she dies its paid for , its willed to me I d have a year to sell it . What else can you do its the way it is .

  4. I have been told if the wife makes a will and leaves everything to you and the will is done properly there will be no issues . The land and house they will give you one year to sell . Sad its a pitty we can not own what we have worked so hard for over the years ......

  5. Can speak from experience having delveloped DVT on a flight from Japan to Atlanta . Best advice is dont sleep on the plane drink plenty of water and get up and walk around the plane and stretch your ankles and knee joint as much as possible . A good thing is to also have your blood checked for factor V .

  6. Concerned yes , panic no as for returning back to the USA not an option , when I left 3 years ago no way I could live on what I get every every month in the US . Just have to tuck it in a little to adjust the current status of the baht ... I didnt come here to be a rich farrang .. Came to enjoy life ..... Maybe a few more 30 baht meals is all it means to me ....

  7. Ok curiousity got me and I checked out Burito House . Was ok but no match for the others in town . The lady running the place was real nice and it was very clean and like the OP says very empty . The food was bland to my taste . I had a chicken burito and a taco with a salad and water 150 baht . The other items on the menu looked good but thats all I tried ....

  8. I saw another post about this . They say there is a shop on the road just past Siam TV that sells the tint . You can also buy it at home pro but its very expensive . I am going to try to get over there and see what they have as well ... Thats

  9. Further down Hang Dong road in Sanpatong is another place that has alot of carvings for sale dont remeber the name but is on the left going down .... Worth the visit even if your not going to buy anythng

  10. I prefer the bus to the nightmare express . I had to take it once coming to CM becasue I was traveling with my dog . Could only get 2nd class sleeper . 17 long hours .... For the extra money its much easier to fly . I try and travel light so the baggage fees dont get me and I dont get hung up at check in and pick up .....

  11. When my weight pushed 100 kilo I started out on my bike riding atleast 40k everyday . I felt good and slept good and got my weight down to 84k in a couple of months . Been building a house the last 4 months and needless to say the biking was the last on my list of things to do . Scared to get on the scale now , not sure I could even step up on it hahahah . Will get back to riding in the next couple of weeks ... Would also help if my wife did not eat every waking hour of the day . I dont know where she puts it unless she is feeding some poor family and not telling me ..... I see too many people here spend there entire life working to retire then just let themselves get in bad shape . I want to milk my retirement to the very last dime and smile all the way !

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  12. Yes I know be much easier to plant the young ones and watch them grow but Im impatient as I am old . Anyone know a good place to buy them where they will deliver and also plant them ....

    Im in HANG Dong and prefer someplace close by. But beggers can not be choosers as the saying goes .....

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