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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. Just dont change it to Vinnie or you might become the village Weenie Dont feel too bad my inlaws do the same thing with me and they can say my name Im refered to as The Falang ..... make sure the fans on him ...... dont put chilis in the falangs food .... I just laugh and smile ... They dont mean anything by it ....

  2. My wife and I share whats hers is mine and whats mine is hers . Our names are both on the bank accounts our spending money we place in a box in the kitchen . It works for us . I know quite a few men that pay there wife / girlfriend a salary nothing wrong with that if it works for them . If your going to get taken to the cleaners its going to happen either way . And it might not be an ex bar girl that washes your pockets dry .... How many here complain about our ex wives back home wearing them out ..

    • Like 1
  3. I have used my pension for the last three extentions . I provided the letter from the US embassy the first year , that was fine . The next year at immigration I was told I needed the letter and also proof of my pension , I have talked to some that have never had to provide proof other than the letter and some others like me who have had to . So who knows really ...

  4. 1. It should be mandatory.

    2. Under no circumstances should they extend the 30 baht scheme to farangs.

    It's a scheme for the Thai working class and poor, not a scheme to assist farangs in lifestyle decisions.

    I think it's ridiculous.......RIDICULOUS!......that anyone in all conscience would try to use up the few precious resources available to the Thai poor.

    Just in case your confused, I think it's ridiculous.

    Just so you know. coffee1.gif

    So what do you think foreigners with Thai wife and children should do?

    Those who are too old to get any insurance?

    Those who are too poor to afford insurance?

    Are you suggesting they should desert their wife and family and move back to their home country?

    What would you suggest they do?

    In most civilised countries married foreigners already living in that country are allowed citizenship.

    A foreigner who is married to a Thai spouse and is in the country on a marrage visa and listed in the yellow book can get on the 30 baht plan . I have talked to several foreigners whos wifes got them on it . This is not by any employment it is the normal 30 baht plan that thai people use ...

  5. Like this one: http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/air-conditioner-calculator

    (And then fill in 'no insulation' and 'very sunny' smile.png )

    Superb response - many thanks.

    (looks like c15000 BTUs for 40 sqm)

    p.s websites I already looked at never mentioned insulation or Sun.

    Tony wai2.gif

    I would check more I just installed a Mitsubichi inverted 18000 btus for 24 sq meter ... I personally think 15000 in this room would not have cooled it to my liking ........

  6. I have been here almost three years most months I spend less than 40.000 baht eat good have a car and a motor bike and a house . So its all in what you need to be happy . If you need all kinds of things that cost more then well maybe you need 100,000 baht to live here . But if push came to shove you could live on alot less .....

  7. I love to go to events here . I dont like to go to cremations but I was that way back home too . Wife doesnt like to go to much of anything so most times I go alone. Being a non drinker I do get some funny looks but thats cool . I have alway felt more than welcome and never felt like an outsider by Thai people ... The music is fun !

    • Like 1
  8. From many years of AC in many different rooms and locations 18K sounds about right.

    There are many different variables but 13K would work if you like the ambient temp to be set at 25c or higher.

    With a 3m ceiling I would go with 18K if you want to drop the temps to lower than 25c, in any event I would personally go with 18k

    Thanks ! I like it cold so may be my best bet even if its too much Id rather go more than less !

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