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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. Ok been to lots of places looking at A/C units going by there charts for a 24 sqw metter room they are showing a need for 18, 000 BTUS

    Can someone give me some idea if thats correct from what they use, is it just a figuire to get me to buy the biggest unit they have in stock . I do have 3 meter ceiling . I have checked some calculators on the internet and they all show less than that .

  2. We recently bought 8 LG Inverter units from Neom Panich, main store just across from Rimping at NIM centre (near airport plaza).

    Excellent attention by the salesman who knew what he was doing, very focused, very pleasant, got an overall very good price (we went to every shop with a plan of the house and room sizes).

    Installation team best I've ever seen anywhere, two young guys both obviously quite knowledgable about air-con, well organized, very pleasant, got on with the job and got it all finished in good time. Installation team leader gave me his card and said 'within next 7 days if any problem please call me, 24 hrs if needed'. The salesman called on day one of the installation (on his day off) to check everything was proceeding well.

    Salesman made it very clear, after 7 days any problems and he will coordinate with LG service for quick servicing / repairs if needed for first twelve months of guarantee.

    Also went back a few days later and got a new model LG plasma for 16,000Baht. (Posted price, 20XXX), discounted to 16,000Baht.)

    So far so good.

    Thanks will check them out ......

  3. If the man is up to 10 years older than the girl, it`s a 50 year prison sentence and a 500000 baht fine.

    Over 10 years older, it`s the death penalty. I know this is true, a man told me in a bar.

    I wonder why all these guys come on here with concerns about their and their mates love lives? I also have emotion, sexual and financial problems. Does anyone really care? Does anyone really want to hear about it?

    Give him my email I can fix it all for 25000 baht save him the rest for another fling ....

  4. 21 replies, and where's the OP? Somebody better check on his well-being. Maybe the GF is back.

    My guess is he thought about it and did the right thing and told his girlfriend what he had been doing while she was away ... Hence he is probably out hunting his privates in some trash bin between his flat and the bus station . Follow the blood trail my friend . Rules of the road He who sh-ts in his own back yard should not hunt worms in yard at night ......... Barefoot no less ......

  5. If you don't even have 20K bath for the move then I think it's risky.

    In a country like Thailand you should always have some kind of back-up money (overseas)

    in case of an emergency.

    The job don't sound too firm to me, you didn't get the offer from the school direct? but from your friend.

    Depending of your qualifications, I would consider going home to the US and save some money first and

    then try later to a get a job here.

    I only have around 5,000 right now. But I also am leaving in 2 weeks. So that was plenty for the time. The job is good. My friend has worked with them for 2 years and has helped them find new teachers many times, it's all good.

    Going home and coming back anytime soon, is mostly not an option. I sold off pretty much everything I own to come on this trip. So it would be years before I could come back, sadly.

    If all I had was 5000 baht to last me for two weeks and my room was paid for I d stay inside and not go anywhere except to the 7/11 down the street, then I wouldnt walk over any man hole covers either and look both ways before crossing . You came as a toursit go home the same way . This is the reason immigration puts such stringent requirements on those of us who live here !

  6. My view is unbrided money printing by the US Federal Reserve as a primary cuplrit. To the tune of $85 billion per month. And unfathomable budget deficits and even more unfathomable total US public + private debt that consists of the current year to year deficit, cumulative year to year deficits, unfunded future entitlement liabilities such as social security, medicare, public employee pensions, student loan debt (this is much greater danger than most people realize; this debt is higher than total US consume credit card debt). All told, total amount of US debt is somwhere around $70 trillion.

    Thailand, by comparison, has a vibrant, diversified export-driven economy anchored in agriculture, manufacturing and tourism; i.e. they have a "real" economy. And their social entitlement spending is much more spartan compared to western countries, plus they stay out of other countries' business (generally) thus putting a cap on military spending.

    Don't know what to tell you about converting USD to Thai baht now. The exchange rate has been bouncing off USD/THB lows going back about 5 years. Exchange rate could be volatile for awhile, but eventually the trend will resume.

    I think it will eventually punch through those lows and at least test the historical 25THB/1 USD rate prior to the 1997 Asian financial crisis.

    I transferred a decent sum of USD back in late 2005 at 41 THB/1USD just before the USD began to tank against the THB. And all my clients have been paying my Thai Ltd. Co. in THB since then. Don't want to crow too much, but quite truthfully, I saw this economic mess developing in the US back in late 2004. Socialism is a wonderful thing until you run out of other people's money to spend and then resort to money printing. It will end very badly.

    Just my US$ 0.02...

    I was mostly with you till you came to the part about "socialism" being the culprit. Entitlement spending in the US has barely kept pace with inflation while the rich benefited from tax cuts. Entitlements did go up in recent years, but only as a result of

    1) A massive recession (worldwide, no less) caused by unbridled capitalism that led to high unemployment and so unemployment claims.

    2) Expenses on Veterans' care as a result of two avoidable wars that were fought more for capitalist reasons rather than State security.

    A large swath of the deficit is a result of

    1) Two wars

    2) Unsustainable tax cuts

    3) Bank rescues

    4) Stimulus made necessary by the deep recession

    High student debt, which I agree is a ticking time bomb, is also a result of following capitalist policies in education.

    This is not the thread to go into this discussion, so I won't. However the result of all the above is as you say—you just have the causes wrong.


    I don't disagree with you on your points 1-4 above. Those actions ARE socialist in nature. And the #5 you need to add to your list is, "The deadbeats of society in the US have never had it so good; subsidized rent, foodstamps, free medical care, free cable TV and cell phones". And if you are in illegal alien, most of these handouts are still available.

    If USA keeps giving free gifts to those who do not want to work . USA may be the next best place to retire . Just think no more lines at immigration no need for income statments .. McDonalds on every corner. But Im sure one day the hamburger at Mickey Ds will change to a taco and theyll figure out some way to make a bean fry . Oh plus there will be free health care because all the doctors that once charged for thier service will quit working as well. All that will be left is the Obama doctors and they will be too lazy to come to work either sooooo ...

    • Like 2
  7. So, I am in the US right now and will be coming back on the 21st (miss songkran sad.png )

    I have about 7K USD I want to convert to Baht to pick up a used ER6n.

    How should I get my $ over, in a way that costs me the least

    Wire transfer

    Bring the USD to Thailand

    Transfer to Baht to bring over.

    Bringing over 200k Baht just seems like a good way to get a free colonoscopy.

    I brought over 10,000 once had no issues at all . 5000 each pocket . Just make sure you have crisp fresh 100 dollar bills ....

  8. Can anyone recomend a good foot doctor here in CM . Wife has got something on her foot giving her a hard time , for the comics here its not her shoe and its not my rear end .

    Been to two doctors so far and they just load up on pills and creams and send her home the typical thing .... Nothing listed in the Doctors list for foot doctor so figuired I just ask !

  9. I took am early retirement at age 55 that was my first available date . My feelings were everyday I wait is one less day I can truley enjoy myself . I was acually in Thailand 20 days before my retirerment was official I get a monthly pension check that doesnt set the world on fire but allows my wife and I the ability to live very comfortable . Would I like to work at something here YES but I dont have to thats the clincher . The first year was culture shock but after that it gets better .... One thing I can say I could not live as good in my home country ,,,

    • Like 1
  10. When we were house hunting the realitor took us to a beautiful house two story nice yard great view of the mountains at a excellent price . Well after looking a few minutes we figuired out what the issues were a paint and body shop no more than five feet from the house on the other side of the fence. The grinders started and the hammering and we just shook our heads and walked out . The house was empty then and still is a year and a half later ... Im sure the body shop came after the house because no one in the right mind would have built there ..

    • Like 1
  11. My wife spoke some english when we met and could read and write it as well . She had the common mistakes all thais have with english words . After living and working in the US for 6 years she speaks very well and has most of the prounciations correct . But I think the hardest part are the english words that are far from anything a Thai knows or understands . There are many that can read and type but have no idea how to say the words ...

  12. I dont mind them standing there trying to help me . But when I pick out what I want thats it , dont try and steer me to another brand or model . They did that to me once at Home Pro I wanted a presure washer , picked out the one I wanted then they got some guy that speaks english to come tell me it was not the one I wanted . I wanted a bigger one so I could wash my concrete . I walked away and bought nothing .. The next time I went in I just took the box down and stood there . Some nice guy came up filled out the warenty and carried it out no problem I hope he got a nice commision out of it ....

  13. Nothing; and I mean nothing is more ear shattering and pain inducing than the result of placing a large bowl of somtam in front of a group of Thai female's once they start gossiping. Throw in a few contradictory comments to wind em up a bit more and the resultant crescendo of competitive yacking is something to behold. Makes the sound of drilling concrete whilst listening to luktung music on sh1t speakers quite pleasant in comparison. wub.png

    Add a few Leos to that and you d better find somewhere else to sleep for the night .....

  14. I guess you have never been near my wife when she is on the cell phone . Seems like she yells . I can go outside and still hear her down the street . Maybe I need to get her ears checked although she has no problem hearing me when I tell her where the money is ........ Or where and when we are going to eat !

  15. I have been using Bangkok Bank now for almost three years . I transfer online from my bank in the USA cost me 3 dollars it goes to BAngkok bank of NY and is posted to my account as soon as they receive . Never been charged more than the max 500 baht limit and the exchange rate is always the TT amount . As for problems I have called them a few times when my USA bank messed up and they have always been very helpful . No complaints what so ever and the people at the branch in Hang Dong are the best !

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