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  1. Have a gander at this, it wouldn't be allowed today, how sad. only six episodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84vK1wfI48Y
  2. Looking for a new multimeter, looked on Lazada, so many some seem too cheap, what should I look for before buying, Thanks
  3. https://www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax
  4. Dried dog food,spoon of tinned dog food, boiled pumpkin, rice, mixed and topped with a cube of boiled pigs liver/gravy
  5. It always depends on the weather or how cold it is
  6. Thats what our bank book say for the joint account at SCB "either/or"
  7. The problem was most people didn't get off their ass to vote
  8. The UK government gave over 500 million to overseas farmers, a spokesman said we don't want small farms, they need the land to build houses for immigrants Sign petition Call a General Election Only British citizens or UK residents have the right to sign https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700143/signatures/new
  9. If you save all your music on an SD card on your phone the app can play it from there, and just put the SD card in any phone in the future
  10. First time we have had one of these in the garden, very fast in flight long forked tail
  11. Bumped into a friend this morning, and it reminded me that he had the same problem, turned out to be stage one bowel cancer. He is fine now after the OP. He is just turned 80
  12. TOA Filler in assorted colours
  13. Looking for a safe downloader from OK ru I used to download but my down loader now says site unknown . Thanks
      • 1
      • Confused
  14. senokot laxative , just Google it
  15. I always turn it off when not needed saves the battery

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