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  1. Rowan Atkinson on driving a hydrogen rally car at FOS
  2. Not me but the other half, spicy pumpkin soup, ingredients to go in the big pan, forgot to put the onion in the pic
  3. Got one windows 11, no cooling fan gets very hot
  4. Here is one clip off the site
  5. Just found this on YT some really good music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCORIeT1hk6tYBuntEXsguLg
  6. We each have our own bank account for the O renewal. If anything happen to one of us probate is a long & drawn out process, to get the the money from the bank even with a will (just thinking ahead.
  7. Can a married couple have 1.6 million in a joint account and each get their own separate O visa renewal based on that bank account
  8. Needs a new carbon filter measure the size or take it with you to a shop that sells filters
  9. I order something every week on my PC no problem, no tax ID needed.
  10. Have a gander at this, it wouldn't be allowed today, how sad. only six episodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84vK1wfI48Y
  11. Looking for a new multimeter, looked on Lazada, so many some seem too cheap, what should I look for before buying, Thanks
  12. https://www.gov.uk/inheritance-tax
  13. Dried dog food,spoon of tinned dog food, boiled pumpkin, rice, mixed and topped with a cube of boiled pigs liver/gravy
  14. It always depends on the weather or how cold it is
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