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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. I think Loy Kratong's the best festival here. Years ago, used to enjoy the mayhem down near the US consulate, or a bit quieter directly across the river. The last few years, float our kratongs on our fish pond, out in the sticks, send a few lanterns up, fireworks etc. Next year, as the youngest boy gets a bit older, we'll probably head back to the Ping but south of town where, hopefuly it's not so full on as in the city.

  2. Thaivisa parties?

    There's a thought. Lots more room to park and to party than at the Bell. Pedr already caters Sixs, and Gymkhana needs the cash. They ought to be able to cut a deal.

    Then again, some reveler might wander off and drown in a pond...but, still, crossing Loy Kroh after the party is a challenge for some!

    Not so far for the pallbearers laugh.png

  3. Ok guys, thanks for your answers. According to elektrified, Global or Home Pro don't always have them in stock (thanks for the info, saves me the trip smile.png )

    So, if I my rephrase my question a bit... Where is there a shop that sell/install screen doors, they should have them in stock. smile.png

    Look for your local aluminium window maker. They should have them.

  4. My local (all of 45 seconds away on my pushbike) here in Udon has Old Speckled Hen on draft which is very dangerous. I could walk there but the soi dogs in the lane behind the temple are even more dangerous.

    I 'discovered' Old Golden Hen on my last UK visit, about 1.69 at Morrisons. I brought back half a dozen bottles and saving them for special occasions. The wife just rang and said MIL won't be coming for Loy Krathong after all so I reckon tonight is 'special'.

    You were done, mate. 4 for a fiver at Tesco on my last visit thumbsup.gif

  5. Since Lego lost their patent on the brick design there are lots of good copies available cheap. Try the small toy shops on Chareon Prathet road, almost opposite the Montfort Primary school.

    In Robinsons you can also buy Cogo, that's an okay copy too.

    Good deals on the Chinese "lego" at Mae Sai. The stuff we have is very good. My son has remade sets many times. Still good.

  6. We go a few times a year. The kid enjoys it there. Last month we went and just walked right in. No one approached us or ever asked to see a ticket.

    I hope they have better security for the animals whistling.gif

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  7. Incredible wind and downpour in Sansai/ Mae Jo area. It was the worst storm I have seen in the more than 5 years I've been here. Trees down all over. Power out for more than 2 hours. Perhaps as much as 10-15K THB damage out in the garden with destroyed plants and broken Chinese plant pots.sad.png

    We had a storm like that in San Kamphaeng a couple of weeks back. I hope they weren't Ming dynasty plant pots sad.png

  8. As someone who, despite owning pubs, has 98% given up drinking, I feel a magnetic pull as I see cider bottles in Rimping.

    I drool at the thought of a lovely cold cider, and may even like it mixed with soda, which I do with beer.

    I would love to drink a wine glass full now and again. But as I'd feel wrong throwing away 3/4 of an (expensive) bottle each time, is there any way I could preserve it and it's fizz over a period of days?

    Get a bigger wine glass?

    • Like 1
  9. The Royal Projects annual fair should be coming up soon. Usually early December, located on Nimm... University conference centre? Loads of fruit & veg from the projects, plus trout. If anyone sees the posters for it, please post.


    I wonder why this only an annual event. It's a "buying frenzy" for CM's middle & upper classes. Obviously the demand is there. Where are they buying the rest of the year?

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