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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. I am not a Thai and go ahead with the deal if you can find a trust worthy Thai associates to put your car in their names.

    I would urge everyone not to do something like that. A friend put a brand new Fortuner in his wife's name (why, I don't know). When he went to America for a while, his wife sold the car for about 350,000 THB below market value. Sold it in one hour of being listed.

    well done your friend's wife

    Surely that should read "friend's EX-wife" laugh.png

    • Like 1
  2. Orang. You would be much better sending them to the Elephant Conservaqtion Centre on the road to Lampung. There the quality is very very high and there is no double charging with entry round 90 baht. There is NO double charging.

    THe 69 km there is a nice trip and gives a chance to see the hills too.

    Double pricing when we went there in February. bah.gif

    We were frequent visitors & this was new.

  3. Any recommendations on the seats? 200v.500 Baht...

    We went for the 400 baht seats directly in front of centre stage, but behind the 500 baht ones. But whichever you go for, you wont be far from the action. Best to avoid front row IMHO unless you want to become actively involved in proceedings wink.png

  4. Happened to see a big sign today advertising a place "Country & Western Music and Cowboy Party". Heading out of town on the San Kamphaeng Road just before the Saraphi turnoff which would be on your right. I believe the sign was pointing to the first or second soi on the left before the turn off. If you get to the Borsang turn off on the left, you have gone too far.

    Not my scene at all but thought I'd pass the info on as I recalled the interest. Yee ha!

    It wasn't this from last month? Saw this yesterday outside the venue. Log of Paradis. It's quite away out on hwy 1317 on the right hand side before the Mae On turnoff.


  5. At least the Rangers are trying, and I imagine the threat to their well being is very real. Good on their boss for standing by them and accompanying them when they go out. With this sort of publicity, maybe, just maybe a difference will be made. If even one animal is saved, it's a giant step in the right direction.

    They should let the rangers shoot the poaching bstards on site. That'd stir things up.

    Just claim the poachers shot first whistling.gif

  6. Some pictures of the rust on the injectors. Ford have come back and said that it will not affect the injector or running of the car in anyway, but not nice to see all the same.

    Also, shows the plastic cover that is the cause of the rust, or water getting into the bay.




    How about the resale value?

  7. I get a Non O based on marrige visa. Much easier, Just a letter from my wife and a copy of the marrige cert. then food for 15 months and never have to check into immagration. Havent been there for years.

    Much easier and less stress

    That's the way I do it, but it does require a trip back to UK once a year, but that's ok with me. Not everyone wants to go that route.

    Why back to the UK? I just get a new visa from Laos every 15 months.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    I was talking about my personal circumstances. I go to visit family.

  8. I find that the way of thinking here concerning many aspects of life is just so different than the way Westerners, including myself, were brought up that often it can be very difficult to understand. People dismiss it too quickly without trying to think the way the locals do, which might help. I've observed that things that have an odor are not thrown on the ground. I've been admonished for throwing an banana peel into the jungle for instance. Is this because they squat and eat so it would produce a bad smell and bugs where they eat? If only I knew. I have read that Thais base their reality on superstition as we do on facts. I recall that once there was a harmless rat snake in my yard and my lovely Mother-in-law (I kid you not!) suggested that we kill it as it was poisonous, but knowing otherwise I let it be. It got me thinking, as I respect the wisdom of the elders here, especially in matters they have more experience, me being a kid form the burbs of Boston, and what I came up with was this. The snakes could bite you, most probably when you were working in the rice field, which use to be tilled by water buffalo and you could get an infection from getting the feces in the puncture and perhaps die since there was no medical care available. I agree that education would have helped her understood that her grandchildren were not in harms way and at the same time I can see where she and her cause for concern was coming from.

    Thanks JC, now I 'm beginning to understand the smoke pollution burn offs. Perhaps, the peasant farmers with no future & no hope are trying to hasten their exit from their current life so that they can be reincarnated a little higher up the social ladder. Maybe even as high as tuk tuk drivers. Drove by my nearest neighbour this afternoon, bringing my kids home. Recent garden cuttings were "burning", more like smoking. 3 generations were sat in the garden. Granny, Ma & Pa & baby. Said smoke (quite thick) was drifting straight through them. They looked as happy as pigs in sh1t. Wish I'd captured this happy scene on camera.

  9. I get a Non O based on marrige visa. Much easier, Just a letter from my wife and a copy of the marrige cert. then food for 15 months and never have to check into immagration. Havent been there for years.

    Much easier and less stress

    That's the way I do it, but it does require a trip back to UK once a year, but that's ok with me. Not everyone wants to go that route.

  10. We had a ricefield flattening, tree breaking storm last week, south of San Kamphaeng. Horizontal rain from all directions. A tad extreme, but I'll welcome some rain 365 days a year biggrin.png

  11. Ah, well....

    Not taking sides here at all, but the reason JC does not want to name the resto where he had the burger with the blue cheese on bottom, soggy bun, etc. is that he is aware (as all should be) that due to very harsh Thai laws regarding defamation (where the "truth" of the matter is not so important as the "loss of face" of the matter), he will wisely not name the restaurant.

    It's perhaps not to the liking of some, but that is the way it is here.

    Also, Thai Visa cannot allow this naming, because while the members get to hide behind the cloak of internet anonymity, Thai Visa forum does not enjoy that protection.

    Someone slams a business (deserved or not)...and the aggrieved party goes after Thai Visa, and sues us for millions- we are in the hot seat, not the poster.

    The other issue is that one person's trash is another person's treasure. It is all highly subjective what is excellent, good, decent or awful when reviewing anything.

    Not to mean one cannot say "I went that new place next to Glass Onion on Nimman, and their breaded fried mozzarella sticks were soggy".

    But saying "I went to Chez Mozzarella Stick at 16/1 Nimmanhaeminda- the resto is a ripoff, and their signature dish is a piece of ca-ca" is an obvious no-no.

    I know this is very convoluted and complicated, and no doubt upsetting to some.

    But it is not Thai Visa forum- it is the nature of Thai laws that we have to abide by, that is all.

    Hope this clarifies things a bit.


    So "Chez Mozzarella Stick " is where JC had his burger? whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    My Thaivisa appreciation just tripled.

    You're not really the least bit interested in the cars are you WTK?

    I am, but it's not that hard to stay reasonably informed on all cars available in Thailand in a sane budget region, say the range 400K- 2 million or so. wink.png

    I agree, don't expect anything exciting auto wise at the show..... Go ogle the girls biggrin.png

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