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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. I let mine idle down for 2 minutes bewfore I turn it off. Not a chance will I leave it idling to keep the interior cool as there is a good chance it wont be there when I return.

    Agree, and insurance cover would be voided I think.

    Yep hard to explain vehicle theft when the keys are in the ignition.

    I'm sure some vehicles would be safe. Think Daewoo.......

  2. Its the shop next to Icon Computer Plaza, north side of the moat near KSK. Sells various electronics alongside biscuits, chocolate and other obvious food items to find in an electronics shop.

    Thanks. I like chocolate, will check this place out. smile.png

    They also have branches on the groundfloor of BigC Extra & BigC Hangdong road. But w/o the chocolate, I think

  3. Always stock up for the kids in the market at Mae Sai.

    Did this myself for a 12 year old yesterday, one black and one white set for Real Madrid.

    I imagine they have the same sizes/range at night market but imagine you would be paying out a bit more. Having said that if you went to one explained what you wanted (and the number) I am sure if you came back an hour or two later they would be able to pick up from other stands or some place in Wororrot and have ready for you.

    I have got 12 year old stuff there easy (some men's brand small or medium) the kids like them sort of loose anyway, thinks he is a million dollars. A 7 year old might be a problem without some serious notice but given time I am sure a stand could track one down in an evening.

    The small sizes at Mae Sai are ok for a 6 yr old. Imagine it'd be the same stuff in the night market. Have you tried the shop on the road running west side of the river "parallel" to Chang Klan? Near Empress Hotel.

  4. mesmith, repeating your info, sorry!

    I recall the blueberries being cheaper than both the blackberries and raspberries..

    The average price of frozen blueberries is 135 Baht per 500 kg in Big C.

    Raspberries and Blackcurrants when they had them were 175 Baht per 500 kg.

    I've never seen Blackberries around.

    Frozen blackberries in Makro, 99 bt for a kilo. But I'm tempted by the 500kg bags of the other fruit at Big C. Great prices smile.png

  5. Strawberries Shmawberries...

    What about raspberries?

    I bought some yesterday at Villa but they weren't half pricey but so mighty fine....

    Kilogram packs of frozen raspberries in makro. About 200 baht from memory, but it might be double that, not good at remembering prices.

    I think they were about 100 baht.

  6. Makro has frozen blackberries & raspberries. From China I think.

    Just saw some, non-frozen ones, at Rimping Nim City next to some atrociously priced strawberries. The strawberries, 390 Baht for a small bag! Imported from a greenhouse at one of the poles I guess. wink.png

    Was the bag Gucci?

  7. To be honest, the heat depresses me. I'm an outdoors person, like to "work" our land, hike, bicycle, but usually find myself indoors after 10am. We don't have AC, don't need it. Large well designed house, high ceilings, rural setting. Close the windows after it starts to warm up, & stays cool inside. Just get pi$$ed off can't do more with my time during the day sad.png

    Agree, cos l get up at 10am. sad.png

    Get up with the sun. You'll appreciate it, unless the "village idiot" is shouting at everybody sad.png

  8. To be honest, the heat depresses me. I'm an outdoors person, like to "work" our land, hike, bicycle, but usually find myself indoors after 10am. We don't have AC, don't need it. Large well designed house, high ceilings, rural setting. Close the windows after it starts to warm up, & stays cool inside. Just get pi$$ed off can't do more with my time during the day sad.png

  9. One hell of a storm came through San Kamphaeng about an hour ago. Halleluljah, no more burning tonight. Wow!!!! Lots of rice not yet harvested. Good luck. Som nam na...... Serious freaking storm, will inspect the damage tomorrow.

  10. Unfortunately Somchai has ways of getting you back without having to confront you face to face as you would know.

    Grow a thicker, higher hedge, then at least you can "go through the motions" laugh.png

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