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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Has to be something "totally sexist" asking for girls rather than just people. Thailand is in the dark ages when it comes to equal opportunities.

    Yes, but lets ponder for a second if we want it any other way.

    When you visit a restaurant and the person taking your order looks like your typical Walmart Greeter person, then you may well regret what you wish for.

    Not sure what a walmart greeter is, but to be honest I'm not bothered who takes the order as I'll be out with the family. If I want to check out "skirt" I can do that at Makro while the mrs is having the veggies weighed thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  2. I seem to be in a minority of 1 here, but I'm standing by my opinion that this AWFUL proposal is only awful in its' language.

    Had he proposed tax benefits for marriage and children - which is exactly the same thing (single people get no reduction in tax) and is standard in many countries throughout the world, they'd be singing his praises...


    Next time I go to Makro to pick up my "medication" (beer), I'll point out to the cashier that, being married and the father of 2 thai nationals, I don't need to pay the tax on said beer laugh.png

    • Like 1
  3. Has to be something "totally sexist" asking for girls rather than just people. Thailand is in the dark ages when it comes to equal opportunities. Actually, make that most things.....

    Btw I'm usually totally anti PC-brigade

  4. Anyone raising their prices for alcohol is ripping you off. Just been to Makro - prices are the same as last week. The new prices only apply to newly supplied alcohol. Anything already in the shops or bars has no increased tax to pay. If any shop or bar has upped their prices already, boycott them post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg

    • Like 1
  5. Are you guys going to berate parents who feed their kids fast food and soft drinks? Do you know how dangerous that is?? Oh nevermind....

    Yes. I carry an ice pick, ready to stick in the parent's eye socket whenever I see it happening. Much easier than running after a m/c with helmetless child beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

  6. . They had to of been European judging by their short neon shorts and sandles. Neither were wearing helmets or shirts. They had to of been doing 70kph too.... I'm certain their vacation in Chiang Mai will end with a few days in the hospital, and an extremely rough plane ride home. This wreak was really bad, they had to of slid 100+ feet of their backs and bellies going down hill.

    I'm not easily shocked by TV posts and their comments, but... Nobody yet wondered why you didn't stop to help in any of these cases?!

    OP was in too much of a hurry to get home & grab a parking space......

    • Like 2
  7. i buy it at the milk co op on highway 11 just next to serapi -from 121 to 11 then u turn -you're there

    or same thing across from the zoo where you can also buy cheese

    as i said before 5 kg @ 115bt but i am not 100% sure it's raw -doesn't matter anyway

    the starter thing is just an expensive rumor -most yoghurt has plenty of acedophilus bacteria

    and plain joghurt from 7/11 will do fine.

    room temperature in cm varies from 20 to 35 so that's really bs

    but if the temps are low it will take longer and there is more of a risk of contamination from airborne bacteria.

    from wikipedia:L. acidophilus occurs naturally in the human and animal gastrointestinal tract, mouth, and vagina.

    so all you have to do is spit in the milk if you think its not in the store bought yoghurt

    Can somebody please give me some idiot proof directions to this Milk co op place. I know the highway 11/121 intersection, but thats about it. Should i be on the 11? Before or after the intersection if coming from Town? Cheers

    Copy these coordinates into google maps 18.723009,99.040976

    Head south along hwy 11 from 121. Make the u-turn just before the first set of traffic lights.

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  8. Watching from my house how the rice farmers spray pesticides on their crop, with only protection from the sun rather than the chemicals, & the wind blowing it everywhere, Gawd knows what they add to the diesel / kerosene mix. Not sure I'd want to be breathing a fog of diesel anyway. Keep the windows closed & use mossie repellent (citronella).

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