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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. As someone living out in the countryside, I too am not happy about the outward growth of CM. But aren't there enough shopping opportunities within the city? KSK, Airport Plaza, & soon to arrive Maya? I thought the idea of out of town shopping was to prevent the congestion caused by the out of towners trying to get into town to shop. With ample shopping in the city, why would city dwellers want to head out of town to shop?

    • Like 2
  2. I was talking with my friend today who owns a shop in Meechok Plaza. He told me that business owners were just notified that the 6 level parking lot will take one year to complete construction; not 3 months as posted by the OP. Once the queue of cement trucks begins arriving it will be absolutely impossible to even get in there for many months to come. Better shop elsewhere or get a friend/loved one to drop you off and call them when ready to be picked up.

    Surely the tradesmen's entrance for deliveries of concrete is at the western end of the site on the ring road that's closed now. No need to drive through the customer's car park. oops, sorry TiT.....

  3. Since 1970?

    Holy crap you've been here a long time

    Anyway, you are probably just fed up with your wife, and don't realise it, and are blaming it on the sentence that she often uses.

    Hope you didn't put the house in her name.. wink.png

    You need to learn to read. First he says he first came here in 1970, not lived here since 1970. 2nd he says his wife never says "mai pen rai"

  4. The climate is quite reasonable at the moment. Not too much rain, so can get out and about on my mtb, & not too hot. Mornings & evenings are luverly.

  5. I believe vinegar is the best for windows. I actually use plain soap (dishwashing kind) and water and then a final clean with any window cleaner, like Windex. The soap and water is only for those that are really greasy and grimy.

    Best of luck and let us know what works best on CM grime.

    Yes vinegar was the only thing I could find that would shift the CM grime. Hard work though!

    Like you said, finish with Windex.

    Wow, that dirt must have been tough - it's taken you a month laugh.png

  6. So is it still on?

    Only 4 more days!

    Is there a party?

    Are there Thai "moviestars" doing the official opening?

    Who know's anything?

    Who gives a .... ?

    • Like 2
  7. Just as a matter of interest, how many dairy herds are there in Thailand. Nearest fresh milk, which I assume the article is about, is about 30kn from our home.

    Not sure, but the emaciated cows that I've seen in most of the country would probably not produce much milk anyway in comparison to a proper dairy herd. Maybe it's time to start a dairy farm with some recognised breeds. The increased consumption the government is decreeing is huge and I'm sure they have not done the math on how big the dairy industry has to grow to meet that consumption level.

    Don't quote me on this but I believe most if not all of the milk companies in Thailand make their milk from powder imported from other dairy producing countries. I don't believe there is such a thing as "Fresh Milk" in Thailand. The hot weather is not conducive to dairy cows. Even the cattle here look like anorexic Ethiopians.

    Plenty of dairy herds in Thailand. Freisians kept under cover, not those skinny brown ones you see out in the open.

  8. I read some contributors here who appear ro measure milk in "pounds". Milk is either mesured in litres (the normal way) or in pints (the old-fashioned imperial way), but never in pounds surely. Pounds equate to kilos, not litres.

    Our local dairy, Saraphi, Chiang mai sells milk by the kg. Great for making yoghurt.

    btw many small dairy herds (Freisian) in San Kamphaeng, east of Chiang Mai.

  9. Couple of days ago on the way back from work a guy in a new ranger kept flashing his lights to push my out of the way. Would be acceptable (kinda) if it wasn't that we were stuck on Srinakarin road and not going anywhere. Imo it seems BM and Benz drivers are getting more sensible smile.png

    Maybe he was bored & going through the owners manual wink.png

  10. There was no contact but it was really close call. The clunk was my foot hitting the brake pedal and the grinding sound you hear, along with the camera shake, was the ABS.

    The Captiva did make an unsafe vehicle movement by deciding to 'shoot the gap' after already stopping 2 lanes of straight-ahead traffic. One thing I note with local drivers is their reluctance to get anywhere near full-lock when they really need it like when (they do their version of) parking. This driver planted the foot and shot across 3 lanes onto my side. I reckon they could have easily stayed within the 2 lanes, like most others manage to do, but maybe driver inexperience didn't allow that front-end steering tends to straighten out under torque and they ended up in my lane? Maybe they only had one hand locked palm-up under the spoke of the steering wheel which seems the common way here of turning one-handed.... while texting with the other. Hard to see inside with that mirror-finish window tint.

    NL how did you edit out the cursing? That would've been a F C moment in my truck biggrin.png

    What model camera is that? Looks OK

  11. for those of us that don't know where the UN Iris Pub is at, the Google map coordinates would be....?

    UN Iris (sic) pub is just up the road from Vision Center

  12. Still full on smokey burning season east side of the valley. Wake up to it, go to bed to it.

    Wonder how many generations until folk here have evolved to breathe smokey air, & get sick from fresh air w00t.gif

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