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"Likay" mum seeks justice for son assaulted by English teacher


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16 hours ago, way2muchcoffee said:

Right, wrong, or indifferent.   Corporal punishment is the norm in Thai schools, regardless of any law in place.   It is condoned by teachers, school administrators, police, and just about every parent.   Throughout the world there are a wide variety of beliefs and practices with regard to punishment of children.  It is the right of each country to determine a position that is consistent with tradition and cultural values.  It is not my place to judge.

Cultural relativism cannot be used as a reason to withhold judgements. In this case, Thailand, takes positive aspects of other cultures and welcomes them. Which would have to mean they are opening themselves up to judgement from other cultures also. Cant have it both ways. Not to mention, the whole cultural relativism argument doesn't stand to reason if Thailand has already deemed the issue bad enough to change the law/cases make the news.

Issues like female genital mutilation, stoning, and, generally, the abuse of children set out the cultural line of judgement if you like. Seeing as much of the country aren't educated enough to see the benefits of helmets and basic road safety, I wonder if much of what we have previously learnt, just really needs to be better taught to them - which would include how to effectively discipline children without beating the crap out of them. The downfall in Thai is education is just reading and completing a test, no actual application of the knowledge. 

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14 hours ago, Confuscious said:

I don't understand this forum.

The teacher has denied to have beaten the boy.
And it is not proved yet that she/he was the one who did it.

Yet, ALL the answers from TV members are condemning the teacher and want her/him to be punished.

Too many Sherlock Holmes here and to much time on their hands.

Lucky if the teacher will not sue TV for Libel.

Yeah...ahm...with this happening (and being reported) almost every week, I guess it will remain a mystery!

Can't quiet figure out, why most of us would expect the teacher to have beaten the little guy....


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