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SIL gone off the rails... forging letters of support from us for Aus visas

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I'll try to keep this strictly to the facts as right now i'm furious about this situation:


My wife and I have gone through a 5 year journey of long distance -> PMV -> marriage visa (TR) and is 3 months away from submitting her PR application.


SIL and MIL came to Australia for our wedding 2 years ago, SIL found a guy, they did the long distance dance for about 6 months, but it seemed pretty obvious that it wasn't gonna last. Didn't get involved, let them make their own mistakes and it ended on pretty bad terms. Turns out SIL has a fairly strong financial vampiric streak, and when her BF wasn't able to trump up cash, it got nasty. SIL appealed to my empathy for assistance to visit Australia to attempt to patch things up, it became obvious through several conversations with her and her ex, that she was trying to get here to work. Told her no chance i'm helping, as we've done everything by the book for the past 5 years with Aus immi, and i'm not threatening that in any way with the wife's PR application coming up.


Anyway, she burned through several other foreign BF's over the last year, along with some very probing questions from SIL about personal details. Told the wife to keep her lips sealed, because it sounds like fishing for information to forge docs for a visa app. Turns out she's visited Aus at least once, and last night was asking some very pointed questions (with her prefacing it by DON'T TELL YOUR HUSBAND, which my wife immediately did), which resulted in uncovering that she is attempting to apply for a family visitor visa to stay longer with her new fling, in a separate state to where we live, without any consultation or consent from us.  We're highly suspicious that our details were used for her previous visa app as well.


At this point in time, if anyone has some advice on how to handle this situation, it would be greatly appreciated. The only solid course of action I have at the moment is contacting Aus immi and stating blankly that we are in no way supporting, financially or otherwise, SIL's visits to Australia. If an app comes through stating otherwise, it is most certainly without our consent.


Apart from that, not really sure what to do. 


There's a lot more details relevant to our fairly concrete understanding that she's using our names for fake letters of support, but i'll just say that after the conversation last night, she will 100% try to do this with this supposed family visit visa.

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Hypergamy is very strong with some women.

You cannot control others actions. Make sure your wife gets her sister to delay her application and/or insist that she will not support her visa app.

Also, avoid using SIL as reference on any of your apps also.

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Not going to attempt any Australia specific advice but I would suggest not getting involved at all. Ignorance is bliss!

Should the authorities contact you to confirm any information then you can chose or not, to say you know nothing about it.

I suspect the Australian authorities will take a similarly dim view to the British ones regarding fraudulent applications.

Blood runs thicker than water so talk to your wife and try to make sure she does not get involved!

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Contact immigration and share your concerns.


If she has made a fraudulent application in the past they will make certain she won't be visiting again for quite some time.


Which is positive news for you and other Australian men. I don't think you want her in the same country as your wife by the sound of it.

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On 9/7/2017 at 7:27 PM, bobrussell said:

Not going to attempt any Australia specific advice but I would suggest not getting involved at all. Ignorance is bliss!

Should the authorities contact you to confirm any information then you can chose or not, to say you know nothing about it.

I suspect the Australian authorities will take a similarly dim view to the British ones regarding fraudulent applications.

Blood runs thicker than water so talk to your wife and try to make sure she does not get involved!

Agreed. If your or your wife's names come up in her supporting documents, then the authorities will contact you whereupon you plead ignorance.


However, if the OP has real worries that she may actually be forging documentary evidence including using your signatures, then being pre-emptive and notifying the authorities first may be very appropriate.

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