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Not alll of you, but the majority. What is going through your heads? I'm at Mae Sai yesterday as I am every three months. The idiot next to me has got long hair, dirty clothes that have never known a thing called soap and leather shoes he appears to have constructed himself during his time in the forest somewhere.

At any rate, he's at immigration and the officer tells him politely that he has overstayed one day and will need to pay 200 baht. The idiot goes into a rant, explaining that YOUR buses couldn't get him here on time the day before. Finally he throws the 200 baht at the officer who looks like he's ready to give the idiot a muay thai kick across the neck. The idiot states that he is paying the US$5 in protest.

At this point, my passport is stamped and I walk away, only to be confronted with a girl (who could only be Australian) in her mid twenties who has foregone the shoes altogther (who needs shoes in pristine Mae Sai?) and has somehow come to the conclusion that a sarong wrapped around her mid section will suffice as clothes.

Moral of the story? We don't need farang like these in Thailand. If you can't figure out that shoes and clean clothes may be beneficial to you at an international border and you have the audacity to tell an immigration officer that you are late because HIS buses didn't get you to the border on time, leave now and don't ever come back!

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Fair enough CMT, I live in a place frequented mostly by backpackers. I see plenty of the dirty, unwashed, partially dressed kii-nio slobs. Frankly, they make me embarassed to be a farang. However, I have to say, that after 15 years of watching backpackers come and go, these types are becoming a minority. Most of them are young, clean, just out of school and genuinely interested in travelling Thailand and learning about her culture and people.

If we are going to point fingers at unwanted tourists, lets also point our fingers at the loud, obnoxious and arrogant sex-tourists who think that their money can buy anything and don't care one jot about Thailand's culture and whose only interest in her people is how much they cost.

Also, equally unappealing guests, don't you think?

Fair enough CMT, I live in a place frequented mostly by backpackers. I see plenty of the dirty, unwashed, partially dressed kii-nio slobs. Frankly, they make me embarassed to be a farang. However, I have to say, that after 15 years of watching backpackers come and go, these types are becoming a minority. Most of them are young, clean, just out of school and genuinely interested in travelling Thailand and learning about her culture and people.

If we are going to point fingers at unwanted tourists, lets also point our fingers at the loud, obnoxious and arrogant sex-tourists who think that their money can buy anything and don't care one jot about Thailand's culture and whose only interest in her people is how much they cost.

Also, equally unappealing guests, don't you think?

I think it all comes down to a little respect for the country and people and a little common sense. Anyone lacking these traits is simply an embarrassment to farangs everywhere.

Fair enough CMT, I live in a place frequented mostly by backpackers. I see plenty of the dirty, unwashed, partially dressed kii-nio slobs. Frankly, they make me embarassed to be a farang. However, I have to say, that after 15 years of watching backpackers come and go, these types are becoming a minority. Most of them are young, clean, just out of school and genuinely interested in travelling Thailand and learning about her culture and people.

If we are going to point fingers at unwanted tourists, lets also point our fingers at the loud, obnoxious and arrogant sex-tourists who think that their money can buy anything and don't care one jot about Thailand's culture and whose only interest in her people is how much they cost.

Also, equally unappealing guests, don't you think?

I think it all comes down to a little respect for the country and people and a little common sense. Anyone lacking these traits is simply an embarrassment to farangs everywhere.

They are all walkers CMT. :o BTW almost always a one day overstay doesn't attract the 200 baht fine. If it is 2 days the fine applies to both days. The nature of the individual probably accounts for the fine by the officer.

I think it all comes down to a little respect for the country and people and a little common sense. Anyone lacking these traits is simply an embarrassment to farangs everywhere.

My point exactly, only I would say they are a disgrace to the human race.

It would be simpler if it were only the kii-nok who were idiots, then a markedly different dress would be enough to be identified as "farang chai dai"...


What got under your bonnet today CMT?

We don't need farang like these in Thailand.

I don't supppsoe it occured to you that it is not for you to say who visits Thailand, as you are doing visa runs it seems you don't actually legally live in the place anyway, merely an extended tourist in extended tourist visas.

Get a life of your own and try to let others live the life they want.


Well I agree with CMT in respect of the fact that the world may just be a better place if everyone had respect for other people and thier culture. Approaching an official government representative dressed like a piece of trash deos not, in my mind, reflect a person who has the slightest idea of what is polite or impolite in Thailand !!


A couple of months back I was down at Suan Plu immigration applying for my extension. In front of me in the queue was a barefoot, be-dreaded, funky smelling chap.

He seemed oblivious to the stares of disbelief being directed at him. I was looking forward to the reaction from the immigration official once he reached the counter but unfortunately his mate, none too clean either, came up and whispered something in his ear. A look of confusion and bewilderment came over what I assumed was his face and then he wandered off outside. Maybe his friend informed him that they were all out of banana pankakes. :o


While we are at it can we have a go at some of the longer term Farangs here?

Most of these backpackers are here for (mercifully) a relatively short time before moving on.

The ones that get on my threepennies are the middle aged men propping up the bars all over this country on 30 day visas.

Nothing wrong with that except when these captains of industry start telling me how well off they are in their home country.

They have more money there than you can shake a stick at as well as property, cars and of course a business generating enormous amounts of money that they don't have to supervise

I am being told this by someone who lives in a 2,500 baht a month apartment whilst wearing the best flipflops you can buy for 25 baht, no wristwatch and clutching a bottle of beer chiang (only had ten today).

It would seem to me that many of these people come here and create a new identity for themselves

If this is their new identity I shudder to think what their old one was like.

Before any smart Alec replies, with me it's wysiwyg just ask my Missus


Agree with you there, Maerim. This country attracts it's fair share of idiots and they come in many forms. Still, all part of the rich tapestry of life here in Thailand.

Makes for some good anecdotes. :o


I have no problem with backpackers. They being dirty or smelly, not my problem.

But if they are rude and have no respect for the country, it does make me dislike them.

I have no problem with backpackers.  They being dirty or smelly, not my problem.

But if they are rude and have no respect for the country, it does make me dislike them.

Likewise, I have no problem with backpackers. I once carried around a pack the size of a small planet myself. However, as ChiangMaiThai correctly pointed out, one could do without having some throwback pissing off the immigration official when you are next in line.

I would, and have been, extremely miffed to be asked to explain the actions of some less than cooperative creature who once again fails to "get it".

I found myself apologizing for all farang and had to use all of my considerable charm to placate the angry officer.

That's when it becomes my problem and I tend to take umbrage at that.

guest house,

might i enquire as to the room rates in your guest house.??? :D:D

it will have to be cheap to accomodate the backpackers :o

backpackers - manners cost nothing, and nor does having a wash, whats wrong with looking respectable?


I think it was Singapore that had a rule,

If your hair is too long your do not get in the country.

Sounds like a good rule to me!!

backpackers - manners cost nothing, and nor does having a wash, whats wrong with looking respectable?

Not quite true. Few backpackers would wash in the river!

I remember a group of backpackers arriving at a guesthouse in Chiangmai to catch a minibus (to Bangkok?). The manageress suggested that they might like to have a shower before they set off. There was a total failure of communication. I'm sure she was chiefly thinking that they smelt (or maybe even stank). I had the distinct impression that they were thinking that her only objective was to get a day's rent out of them.

I think it was Singapore that had a rule,

If your hair is too long your do not get in the country.

Sounds like a good rule to me!!

Aren't hippies banned from entering Thailand? I recall a notice to that effect at Soi Suan Phlu, along with a long list of traits that served to identify hippies.


If you want to tell the backpackers (dross) what they are about and their total worth, i'm sure you will find them all cowering on the Khmer440 forum.

Wait, I will provide you with a link: www.khmer440.com


Guest chingy

BackPackers, don't really know what to make of it and don't know what they up to, they make me laught sometime, but i have nothing against them, its a free world. every time i go do my visa i try to avoid them standing in front of me, behind is ok but not in front, let me get thru first and what-ever happen behind is not my concern.


Price 2 baht (no bargaining allowed)                                                On sale every full moon



by Kananga in Bangkok


A group of 'breakaway' backpackers consisting of mostly Israeli, German and Americans are lobbying the Thai government to recognise the diverse culture of Khao San Road and are calling for the road's independance from the Thai authorities. Gunthar, a head spokesman for the group was quoted as saying "Zis road haz noting too doo wiz the thai people. It iz arr road, and we should do wiz it az we wish"

Currently being drafted up in the new political party's headquarters in 'Buddy Bar' are the new plans for the breakaway state.

The capital is to be called Khao San (surprisingly) and the national dish to be Banana Pancakes. Anyone who comes to the new state of Khao San will have to wear national dress. This consists of lurid orange cotton trousers with multiple holes and a 'thai' coca cola t shirt, 'thong' sandles and a purple headband. As most people who frequent the road are ashamed of what little money they have, Baht will no longer be legal tender and a trade system consisting of unused guide books and 'silver' jewelry will be put in place with nose rings expected to hold the highest value.

As with all totalitarian states, the propaganda has already set in. Virgin travelers who have asked the people of Khao San (called 'foneyrangs')how to get to Garland's beach have all been met with the same reply. The foneyrangs don't believe it is possible to get to it, they also categorically deny any beaches exist.

The Thai authorities were unavailable for comment when we went to press, but it is believed that they will let the road go for an undisclosed sum.

Swedish backpacker Gunnar Gunnarsonn was arrested on Khao San at 7pm yesterday and charged with nursing a bottle of drinking water through no fewer than 4 full-length video movies. Staff became suspicious after the bearded traveler settled in to watch 'Driller Killer 6' after enjoying back to back showings of  'Chopper Chick Death Squad' and 'The Return of the Exterminator 7"  The unwashed gentleman was led away by the extremely long arm of the law and was said to be ecstatic about spending the night on the police station floor. "It sure beats another night at the Sweety Home guest house"



256 Khao San Road

For all your tattooing and body piercing needs

You'll feel like a new woman

Make yourself totally unattractive to the opposite sex within minutes

nipples our specialty

For the best banana pancakes in town !!!!

As recommended by Joe Cummins in his book

" A tasty, filling lunch for only 20 baht or 40 baht if you can eat two of them"


(Next to the Temple)  Without doubt the finest selection of dog-eared Lonely Planet guides on Khao San Rd.  All at 20 baht off the original cover prices.


This week : At the Travel Agent


Each month we present a series of ideas to make your baht go that little bit further

Baaa ruu plaaw - You expect me to travel to Chiang Mai on that bloody thing?

Mua Wan Yuu Thii Nee Jing Jing - I'm telling you now, yesterday this was a f***ing  travel agents.

Chan Sarm Thawlay Wa !!!! - Is there a 4th class available?

Life can be tough on the road. With internet rates still pegged at 15 baht an hour and laundry 20 baht for 60 kilograms, your hand is quite literally always in your pocket. So this week we are concentrating on the area around the mouth of Silom Road near Rama 4 Road.

What better way to start the day than a leisurely stroll around Lumpini park, which can certainly take up 3 hours of your time. Watch out for the fruit vendors near the main gate who have been known to ask as much as 10 baht for a bag of pineapple. Simply outrageous.

From here, you can cross the busy Henri Dunant Rd and ask about the possibilities of giving blood at the Red Cross Hospital. All totally free.

Cross the Rama 4 Rd and go down Suriwongse to the beautifully decorated Jim Thompson Shop. You should be able to get away with about 30 minutes fabric-fingering before you're politely asked to leave.

In Next Month's Khao San Road News

The Cheapest ways to get from the airport by bus (while annoying as many other passengers as possible with your gigantic back-pack)

More of your banana pancake recipes

Facial hair for females

How to make a small beer really last !

Look good in silver jewelry

A terrifying new report on bottled water

See ya next issue

The Khao San Questionnaire

Name : Moonshine

Real name : Peter Smith

Age : 26      Origin : North America

Reasons for travel : To find spiritual enlightenment and piss my dad off.

Why? : Because the dude is just so uncool

Travelling alone? : No man, I picked up this great chick in Katmandu. I think she's in the room sniffing an illegal substance.

Why Khao San Rd? : I heard that you can get great banana pancakes

Mode of dress : Anything loose and floppy, preferably purple and tie-dyed.

Number of pierced orifices : 6

Seen the Grand Palace? : No, can I get a bus?

Where to next? : Somewhere that's a little off the beaten track - probably Goa.


backpackers - manners cost nothing, and nor does having a wash, whats wrong with looking respectable?

Not quite true. Few backpackers would wash in the river!

I remember a group of backpackers arriving at a guesthouse in Chiangmai to catch a minibus (to Bangkok?). The manageress suggested that they might like to have a shower before they set off. There was a total failure of communication. I'm sure she was chiefly thinking that they smelt (or maybe even stank). I had the distinct impression that they were thinking that her only objective was to get a day's rent out of them.

thats what i mean, it costs nothing to wash, so why don't some of them?


Price 2 baht (no bargaining allowed)                                                 On sale every full moon



by Kananga in Bangkok


A group of 'breakaway' backpackers consisting of mostly Israeli, German and Americans are lobbying the Thai government to recognise the diverse culture of Khao San Road and are calling for the road's independance from the Thai authorities. Gunthar, a head spokesman for the group was quoted as saying "Zis road haz noting too doo wiz the thai people. It iz arr road, and we should do wiz it az we wish"

Currently being drafted up in the new political party's headquarters in 'Buddy Bar' are the new plans for the breakaway state.

The capital is to be called Khao San (surprisingly) and the national dish to be Banana Pancakes. Anyone who comes to the new state of Khao San will have to wear national dress. This consists of lurid orange cotton trousers with multiple holes and a 'thai' coca cola t shirt, 'thong' sandles and a purple headband. As most people who frequent the road are ashamed of what little money they have, Baht will no longer be legal tender and a trade system consisting of unused guide books and 'silver' jewelry will be put in place with nose rings expected to hold the highest value.

As with all totalitarian states, the propaganda has already set in. Virgin travelers who have asked the people of Khao San (called 'foneyrangs')how to get to Garland's beach have all been met with the same reply. The foneyrangs don't believe it is possible to get to it, they also categorically deny any beaches exist.

The Thai authorities were unavailable for comment when we went to press, but it is believed that they will let the road go for an undisclosed sum.

Swedish backpacker Gunnar Gunnarsonn was arrested on Khao San at 7pm yesterday and charged with nursing a bottle of drinking water through no fewer than 4 full-length video movies. Staff became suspicious after the bearded traveler settled in to watch 'Driller Killer 6' after enjoying back to back showings of  'Chopper Chick Death Squad' and 'The Return of the Exterminator 7"  The unwashed gentleman was led away by the extremely long arm of the law and was said to be ecstatic about spending the night on the police station floor. "It sure beats another night at the Sweety Home guest house"



256 Khao San Road

For all your tattooing and body piercing needs

You'll feel like a new woman

Make yourself totally unattractive to the opposite sex within minutes

nipples our specialty

For the best banana pancakes in town !!!!

As recommended by Joe Cummins in his book

" A tasty, filling lunch for only 20 baht or 40 baht if you can eat two of them"


(Next to the Temple)   Without doubt the finest selection of dog-eared Lonely Planet guides on Khao San Rd.  All at 20 baht off the original cover prices.


This week : At the Travel Agent


Each month we present a series of ideas to make your baht go that little bit further

Baaa ruu plaaw - You expect me to travel to Chiang Mai on that bloody thing?

Mua Wan Yuu Thii Nee Jing Jing - I'm telling you now, yesterday this was a f***ing  travel agents.

Chan Sarm Thawlay Wa !!!! - Is there a 4th class available?

Life can be tough on the road. With internet rates still pegged at 15 baht an hour and laundry 20 baht for 60 kilograms, your hand is quite literally always in your pocket. So this week we are concentrating on the area around the mouth of Silom Road near Rama 4 Road.

What better way to start the day than a leisurely stroll around Lumpini park, which can certainly take up 3 hours of your time. Watch out for the fruit vendors near the main gate who have been known to ask as much as 10 baht for a bag of pineapple. Simply outrageous.

From here, you can cross the busy Henri Dunant Rd and ask about the possibilities of giving blood at the Red Cross Hospital. All totally free.

Cross the Rama 4 Rd and go down Suriwongse to the beautifully decorated Jim Thompson Shop. You should be able to get away with about 30 minutes fabric-fingering before you're politely asked to leave.

In Next Month's Khao San Road News

The Cheapest ways to get from the airport by bus (while annoying as many other passengers as possible with your gigantic back-pack)

More of your banana pancake recipes

Facial hair for females

How to make a small beer really last !

Look good in silver jewelry

A terrifying new report on bottled water

See ya next issue

The Khao San Questionnaire

Name : Moonshine

Real name : Peter Smith

Age : 26      Origin : North America

Reasons for travel : To find spiritual enlightenment and piss my dad off.

Why? : Because the dude is just so uncool

Travelling alone? : No man, I picked up this great chick in Katmandu. I think she's in the room sniffing an illegal substance.

Why Khao San Rd? : I heard that you can get great banana pancakes

Mode of dress : Anything loose and floppy, preferably purple and tie-dyed.

Number of pierced orifices : 6

Seen the Grand Palace? : No, can I get a bus?

Where to next? : Somewhere that's a little off the beaten track - probably Goa.




This week I have noticed more rastas than ever - who breeds them??

Everytime I see a true "soap dodger", I feel like pinning him down and shaving his head - Bash nearly did it last night - comedy central :o

This week I have noticed more rastas than ever - who breeds them??

Everytime I see a true "soap dodger", I feel like pinning him down and shaving his head - Bash nearly did it last night - comedy central :D

I would have loved to be there to help out. These dirty, smelly people do not contribute a single thing to the betterment of Thailand. This "Peace, Love, Dove" crap went out with the end of Vietnam.

But the ones that really put me off are the chicks from some country where armpit and leg hair is long enough to braid...& no deoderant! It's hot in Thailand & they smell bad... :o


Some of the smelliest people I have ever met have been the heavy beer drinking fatties in a bar. :o Too busy lifting a beer to their lips to take a shower, I guess.

It's very easy to pick on 'backpackers' but guys, you really are showing your age. Very few of the backpackers today are dreaded and smelly. I would say 90% of the ones I run into have either been working for several years in order to take a year off to travel, or are on their way to or from Australia to work, or are on a gap year, travelling and interested in Asia. Their idea of 'budget' travel has changed. Most of them are in Asia out of a genuine desire to see the area, learn about the culture and the people. Can the same be said for maerim's example?

The ones that get on my threepennies are the middle aged men propping up the bars all over this country on 30 day visas.

Nothing wrong with that except when these captains of industry start telling me how well off they are in their home country.

They have more money there than you can shake a stick at as well as property, cars and of course a business generating enormous amounts of money that they don't have to supervise

I am being told this by someone who lives in a 2,500 baht a month apartment whilst wearing the best flipflops you can buy for 25 baht, no wristwatch and clutching a bottle of beer chiang (only had ten today).

It would seem to me that many of these people come here and create a new identity for themselves

If this is their new identity I shudder to think what their old one was like


Isn´t this thread kind of pointless? Could we all just agree that prikks are prikks, no matter if they have beer bellies, uniform, dreadlocks or too much time posting on this forum?

As I said before, except for criminals, we all have our place in the eco system, and no immigration official will equate me with the 300 pound bloke with a sleeveless slobby shirt and an little Isarn lady on his arm, or the young Birmingham lad with a bird's nest, a UBC satellite dish plus a stash of Thai stick in his dreadlocks. As for females who don't shave their armpits - their choice. If you no like, you no look, you no sniff.

Why do I even read this thread when I have better things to do? Ah well.

I think it was Singapore that had a rule,

If your hair is too long your do not get in the country.

Sounds like a good rule to me!!

Yes it certainly was Astral, and a ###### good rule it was. You got the option to get it cut at the airport, and get stamped in, or not, and leave on the next plane.

Unfortunately the Thais will never bring in such a rule, as they would loose too much face trying to enforce it. :o

What got under your bonnet today CMT?
We don't need farang like these in Thailand.

I don't supppsoe it occured to you that it is not for you to say who visits Thailand, as you are doing visa runs it seems you don't actually legally live in the place anyway, merely an extended tourist in extended tourist visas.

Get a life of your own and try to let others live the life they want.

I love this forum. First of all, I'm here legally. I don't suppose you're aware of something called a non-immigrant visa (which requires you to leave every 90 days).

Second of all, you are right, it is not for me to say who visits Thailand eventhough these people reflect badly on all farang in the Kingdom. Unfortunately, I have not been granted this authority.

Thirdly, you are all free to live the life you want. And if you are the type that is oblivious to the fact that clean clothes and shoes might do you some good at a border, if not for simple hygiene, then as a means of showing respect and ultimately, getting what you want (a stamp), then I wish you all the luck in that life. You're sure as he#l going to need it.

Rather than attempting to defend these types, why not accept that there are simple universal rules and obeying them will benefit everyone involved?

'backpackers' is perhaps not the correct term. These people fall into all categories I suppose. There's nothing wrong with travelling cheaply with a backpack. There's also nothing wrong with showers, shoes, clean clothes and a little common sense.

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