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Israel hits Syrian site said to be linked to chemical weapons


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10 hours ago, Rancid said:

In the old days that would be described as an unprovoked act of war. The fact that no evidence whatsoever has ever surfaced about Syrian chemical weapons (although ISIS being supplied has) suggests that was of course not the reason for the attack, just the excuse. Israel who also actively supported ISIS is reportedly unhappy their pet terrorists have all but lost their mercenary war in Syria, Hezbollah being involved would have hardly made that bitter pill any more palatable. Seems the widely published Greater Israel plan is far from being shelved.

Good gosh. Do you ever post factual information? Another troll post.

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2 hours ago, Morch said:


As far as I understand, it wasn't Netanyahu which issued the threat, but another Israeli official. Again, this is based on a Pravda report, so who knows.


If it was as reported, then it is certainly provocative. Much in the same way as Israel sees Iranian expansionism and military presence in Syria.


Iranian expansionism ? Hasbara detectors are on high alert once IAF start striking Arab/Muslim neighbours.


I would rather call it religious protectionism from the Iranians and usual zionist expansionism from Israel ?

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A number of troll posts have been removed along with replies.   The topic is "Israel hits Syrian site..."   It's not a request for a short essay on "Why I hate Israel."


Continued trolling will earn suspensions.  

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54 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


Iranian expansionism ? Hasbara detectors are on high alert once IAF start striking Arab/Muslim neighbours.


I would rather call it religious protectionism from the Iranians and usual zionist expansionism from Israel ?


As another poster alleged earlier in the topic, countries are not involved in this conflict for altruistic or particularly noble reasons. There is no reason to consider Iran's motives are different - advancing it's own agenda and interests.


Iran's goals have been discussed on many a topic on this forum, so some of the links below may have made an appearance previously:


Amid Syrian chaos, Iran’s game plan emerges: a path to the Mediterranean



Iran Buying Syria Lands, Territories, And Properties



Iran carries out a plan to change Syria’s demographics



Iran repopulates Syria with Shia Muslims to help tighten regime's control



Iran Extends Its Reach in Syria



Syria: The Hidden Power of Iran




Not necessarily expansionism as in fully absorbing Syria, making it a vassal state of Iran or claiming large territorial concessions.But increasing it's presence, military and political, to a degree where it got a say as how the country is run, or having freedom to conduct operations - yes. If examples are needed, look no further than Syria's neighbor, Lebanon - and to the status Hezbollah commands.


As for the expected nonsense - the recent Israeli attack has nothing to do with "expansionism". There was no invasion, but an operation directed at a military facility considered a threat.

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