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Rare deer caught on film for first time in a decade

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Four endangered hog deer have been recorded using camera traps for the first time in a decade in Kratie province, offering hope that the population of the species may be on the rise. According to a WWF Cambodia statement issued yesterday, three adult females and one male were photographed in the evening and early morning using an automatically triggered camera placed in the core protection zone of a 2,678-hectare area.


“The nocturnal animals were seen grazing on rice saplings and vegetation,” the statement read. “The WWF-Cambodia research team has also found evidence of young hog deer footprints around the camera trap sites.” WWF-Cambodia researcher Channa Phan said the rice field owner who reported the deer sightings was originally opposed to protecting the species but is now one of the many community members involved in either protecting camera traps or forming part of community patrol teams.


“The rice field owners are now aware of the fact hog deer do not destroy rice crops, are useful to the ecosystem, and can create opportunities for future eco-based tourism,” said Mr Channa. He added the photos of female and male deer, plus juvenile footprint sightings, indicate that populations can be recovered.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/5082524/rare-deer-caught-film-first-time-decade/

-- © Copyright Khmer Times 12/09

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