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Exit Reentry Visas

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Hi everybody,

I am a newbie in this forum, but not in Thailand :

I married a Thai lady 6 years ago and live full time in Bangkok since 4 years now.

French, 53 y.o., I have a one year residence visa and a work permit.

Whenever traveling abroad, I was used to the quick exit re-entry visa service at Dong Munag Airport. One form, one photo, 1000 Bahts and 20 minutes.

I am flying to Singapore this coming Tuesday early morning but it will be the first time I am using the new Airport.

Any tip, recommendation ? Is the service as good as it was at Dong Muang ? Any booby trap to avoid ?

Thanks in advance.



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Daniel: There have been reports that there is no place to have your photo taken at the new airport, so if you plan to get a re-entry permit at the airport, be sure to bring photos with you.

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Dear Daniel,

Do you knpw the type of visa/permit that you have- if possible upgrade to a multi-entry so that you don't have to do all that nonsense at the airport. There seems to be nothing at NBIA (except the shopping) that is as quick or easy as it was at DM.


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Dear Paul,

I know re. multiple but I really travel seldomly, would be a waste

I went to the reentry visa process this morning, it is as in DM.

1 form, one photo, 1000 Bahts and 20 minutes.

But this Airport is a mess. 50 minutes queue to check-in...

And then a 2 kilometer jogging from the immigration counter to the bloody gate.

And then a bus !

Amazing Thailand...


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Dear Paul,

I know re. multiple but I really travel seldomly, would be a waste

I went to the reentry visa process this morning, it is as in DM.

1 form, one photo, 1000 Bahts and 20 minutes.

But this Airport is a mess. 50 minutes queue to check-in...

And then a 2 kilometer jogging from the immigration counter to the bloody gate.

And then a bus !

Amazing Thailand...


Good tip, there. Thanks for the update

50 mn queue at check in is a will from airlines...it gives you a good opportunity to know your fellow passengers before you get in the airplane....

2 kms jogging keep fit...and bus is a good way to enjoy this high end airport...

Is there anything wrong ?

Kidding of course....This airport IS A MESS

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