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What is the VERY BEST thing about living in Thailand??


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5 hours ago, amvet said:

One of the things I really like about Thailand is color is not near as important as it is in the West.  Sure there are some folks who think Thai Chinese people are brighter than the average Thai but they are too loony for me to talk to or associate with.  All the people I know don't discriminate based on color and that includes value of go go dancers.  Your mileage may vary and maybe you know more about go go dancers than I.  Who am I to say.


If you only know dark people, for sure they do not care about other people skin...



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5 hours ago, JLCrab said:

The only thing I know about go-go dancers is that the TGF stopped going to discos (she said) because the managers always hustled her to become a dancer. I asked did she ever do it. She said yes for about a week but she didn't like it.


Yes, and all girls just arrived at the bar 1 week ago when you meet them :-)



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57 minutes ago, bleble said:


If you only know dark people, for sure they do not care about other people skin...

Honestly I don't notice.  Thai people are Thai people to me.  They range in color from dark brown to light brown.  What are you trying to say? 

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1 hour ago, bazza73 said:

Yes, and that's why the US is #1 in the world for gun massacres. And why an Australian woman in a nightgown was killed by a trigger-happy cop. Sorry, the rest of the world does not understand the American obsession with guns.

IMHO cops in Thailand having pistols is a sign of weak law. That's bad enough, without foreigners toting them as well.

Check your facts, you are showing your ignorance and bias. The US is not number one in gun-related deaths: http://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-with-the-highest-rates-of-firearm-related-deaths.html


In fact, if you care to do more research you will find that US gun deaths occur mostly with lower socio-economic individuals. In effect, it could be said we are culling the heard—said tongue-in-cheek. 


Americans by and large do not want their access to firearms taken away by a nanny state. Possessing firearms is our constitutional right. If you don't like it, don't go to the States.


My family has owned guns since we came to America in the 1840's. I was given my first gun at six years of age, gave it to my son when he was six; he is saving it for his son. Of course, we were all properly trained on gun use—at age nine, my son could field-strip my Colt .45 auto and hit a .22 rimfire shell at 30 yards. We have an old family farm in West Virginia, meat for the table is not bought by the locals there, it is hunted—even the game wardens look the other way when a local takes a deer. I carried a gun to high school twice a week; I was a member of the shooting team. Funny, in the 40-odd years my high school had a shooting team; there were no gun-related accidents, let alone deaths. So, I believe that responsible people can and should have guns; the problem is the US, like your country, has miscreants who should not even be allowed to reproduce.


I believe if the inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto had guns, the Germans couldn't have taken it so easily. Likewise, I suspect if any foreign nation puts boots in the US, they will get shot at. Seems the Brits tried that when they had the most powerful military in the world--the fact Americans had guns and knew how to use them may have had something to do with the outcome.



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5 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Check your facts, you are showing your ignorance and bias. The US is not number one in gun-related deaths: http://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-with-the-highest-rates-of-firearm-related-deaths.html




In fact, if you care to do more research you will find that US gun deaths occur mostly with lower socio-economic individuals. In effect, it could be said we are culling the heard—said tongue-in-cheek. 


Americans by and large do not want their access to firearms taken away by a nanny state. Possessing firearms is our constitutional right. If you don't like it, don't go to the States.




My family has owned guns since we came to America in the 1840's. I was given my first gun at six years of age, gave it to my son when he was six; he is saving it for his son. Of course, we were all properly trained on gun use—at age nine, my son could field-strip my Colt .45 auto and hit a .22 rimfire shell at 30 yards. We have an old family farm in West Virginia, meat for the table is not bought by the locals there, it is hunted—even the game wardens look the other way when a local takes a deer. I carried a gun to high school twice a week; I was a member of the shooting team. Funny, in the 40-odd years my high school had a shooting team; there were no gun-related accidents, let alone deaths. So, I believe that responsible people can and should have guns; the problem is the US, like your country, has miscreants who should not even be allowed to reproduce.




I believe if the inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto had guns, the Germans couldn't have taken it so easily. Likewise, I suspect if any foreign nation puts boots in the US, they will get shot at. Seems the Brits tried that when they had the most powerful military in the world--the fact Americans had guns and knew how to use them may have had something to do with the outcome.







You just don't understand, do you? I'll try and keep it simple.

If a policeman in Australia or the UK approaches a vehicle, they have a reasonable expectation the person inside will not have a firearm. So they can go about their business without fear. There are very few instances of cop killings, and the ones who did, have done or are doing the hardest of hard times.

In America, every vehicle the police approach is a potential death-trap. So fear is uppermost in the approaching policeman's mind. Plus the thought your world-famous legal system will achieve acquittal in some cases on the grounds of insanity or self-defence.

Statistically, you are saying your one high school stacks up against Columbine, Sandy Hook etc. etc.? If Sandy Hook didn't convince you guys to introduce tougher gun laws, nothing will. Or was that culling the herd too?

So you are better than Venezuela, Swaziland, Jamaica etc. and worse than the Philippines. Wow, something to be really proud of.

I've owned firearms in Australia myself - for hunting. What you guys don't seem to understand is that an effective hunter only needs a bolt action rifle. You sure as hell don't need a AR15 or Glock to go hunting. Concealed pistols have only one purpose - to kill people.

I once was travelling through Philadelphia with a guy who had 19 firearms in his home. His response to my question was he needed them all to defend against the Commies.

It's ironic - you are the most powerful and richest country on the planet, and also the most paranoid and fearful.

Have a nice day.

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45 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Check your facts, you are showing your ignorance and bias. The US is not number one in gun-related deaths: http://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-with-the-highest-rates-of-firearm-related-deaths.html




In fact, if you care to do more research you will find that US gun deaths occur mostly with lower socio-economic individuals. In effect, it could be said we are culling the heard—said tongue-in-cheek. 


Americans by and large do not want their access to firearms taken away by a nanny state. Possessing firearms is our constitutional right. If you don't like it, don't go to the States.

My family has owned guns since we came to America in the 1840's. I was given my first gun at six years of age, gave it to my son when he was six; he is saving it for his son. Of course, we were all properly trained on gun use—at age nine, my son could field-strip my Colt .45 auto and hit a .22 rimfire shell at 30 yards. We have an old family farm in West Virginia, meat for the table is not bought by the locals there, it is hunted—even the game wardens look the other way when a local takes a deer. I carried a gun to high school twice a week; I was a member of the shooting team. Funny, in the 40-odd years my high school had a shooting team; there were no gun-related accidents, let alone deaths. So, I believe that responsible people can and should have guns; the problem is the US, like your country, has miscreants who should not even be allowed to reproduce.


I believe if the inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto had guns, the Germans couldn't have taken it so easily. Likewise, I suspect if any foreign nation puts boots in the US, they will get shot at. Seems the Brits tried that when they had the most powerful military in the world--the fact Americans had guns and knew how to use them may have had something to do with the outcome.

1.  What was the most common weapon used by the American Army during the Revolutionary war?  2.  What percent of the lead actually hit the enemy?  3.  What weapons did the most damage during the Revolutionary war? 


To save you some time, the myth of the squirrel rifle being effective in the Revolutionary war was mostly myth and the Americans had to be trained on the Brown Bess the same weapon used by the Brits.   Cannons killed more people.  Only 20% of the lead balls fired by muskets actually hit the enemy. 


The reality of the Revolutionary war was, the French actually won it and the Americans had to be 100% trained as soldiers and it made little difference if they had hunting rifles or shotguns as they were rarely used in battle.  A few sharpshooters were effective but they were the minority. 


What would have saved the Warsaw ghetto was the Brits and/or Americans being less antisemitic. 


You are really up against a lot of folklore when it comes to the American Revolutionary war and the Civil war.  Reality is so much less interesting. 



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40 minutes ago, amvet said:

1.  What was the most common weapon used by the American Army during the Revolutionary war?  2.  What percent of the lead actually hit the enemy?  3.  What weapons did the most damage during the Revolutionary war? 


To save you some time, the myth of the squirrel rifle being effective in the Revolutionary war was mostly myth and the Americans had to be trained on the Brown Bess the same weapon used by the Brits.   Cannons killed more people.  Only 20% of the lead balls fired by muskets actually hit the enemy. 


The reality of the Revolutionary war was, the French actually won it and the Americans had to be 100% trained as soldiers and it made little difference if they had hunting rifles or shotguns as they were rarely used in battle.  A few sharpshooters were effective but they were the minority. 


What would have saved the Warsaw ghetto was the Brits and/or Americans being less antisemitic. 


You are really up against a lot of folklore when it comes to the American Revolutionary war and the Civil war.  Reality is so much less interesting. 



" What would have saved the Warsaw Ghetto was the Brits and/or Americans being less antisemitic " Eh .!  Where did that come from .. Not really on topic besides being at best inaccurate ( grossly ) or at worse deeply offensive .. 

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In my experience, spending lots of time on Sumatra 20+ years ago, the Indonesian girls are much sexier having curves where most Thai girls don't know there can be curves.

As I used to say, however, the girls on Sumatra are not so readily accommodating. You have to marry them -- but you can marry three.

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54 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

In my experience, spending lots of time on Sumatra 20+ years ago, the Indonesian girls are much sexier having curves where most Thai girls don't know there can be curves.

As I used to say, however, the girls on Sumatra are not so readily accommodating. You have to marry them -- but you can marry three.

May I assume that in Sumatra too, you don't marry a girl, you marry a family?


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2 hours ago, JLCrab said:

In my experience, spending lots of time on Sumatra 20+ years ago, the Indonesian girls are much sexier having curves where most Thai girls don't know there can be curves.

As I used to say, however, the girls on Sumatra are not so readily accommodating. You have to marry them -- but you can marry three.

why not four?

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17 hours ago, amvet said:

One of the things I really like about Thailand is color is not near as important as it is in the West.  Sure there are some folks who think Thai Chinese people are brighter than the average Thai but they are too loony for me to talk to or associate with.  All the people I know don't discriminate based on color and that includes value of go go dancers. 

Are you kidding?

I was never a gogo bar person but lived in Thailand for years & never have I been to a country where color was more important


I had never seen such desire to be white till Thailand

The whitening commercials?? Everything you can imagine even whiter underarm pits so your not embarrassed when raising your hand in school

The list of ways & things to whiten you are endless in Thailand




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For me it's a combination of two factors; [like other posters have mentioned] firstly you don't have the nanny state harassing you, and taxing you to death at every turn. Secondly the broad selection of choices. When it comes to most things you have a HUGE variety of choices, and at all price-points. Accommodation is a case in point; want to spend THB 2-3k per month? [I wouldn't, but it can be done]. You can. Want to live in hyper-luxury and burn through hundreds of thousands of THB per month. You can. Like the Thai say; 'up to you'.


Then there's also the women...

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And another thing.....


Had a blocked toilet this morning. Neighbor arrives with a plunger, cleared with 2 minutes work. Give him 100 baht for Lao Khao, he walks away with a smile on his face.


Assuming I could even get a plumber in Australia on short notice, it would be 3000 baht for the callout alone.

Although I suppose he would also be smiling on the way to the bank.

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20 hours ago, JLCrab said:

There are also available in Thailand 20-year-olds who wouldn't be caught dead as a go-go dancer but they are in a different price range.


Those ones also tend to not want to be caught dead with a guy who's the same age (or older) than their fathers.


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Pricing of housing is probably one key thing that decided whether the wife would move to Melbourne, or I would move here. As of probably next year the Thai government will be responsible for paying for 50-60% of her home loan repayments (new updated policy for officials), which are already naturally very small/low interest (3.5% interest last year and 4.2% this year, then after 3rd year it will be the standard interest rate of the bank minus 0.75% - for example. would be 6% this year). Currently it would have only been 30% for us, but they have increased the monthly handouts to put towards the loan

With that being the case we have the intention of building a few properties (I cannot legally own so do not invest in it). So for the price of 1/8 of a property back home we can build two large 3 bedroom houses - so hopefully the kids can just focus on whatever career they want to do in life as we will set them up here in Thai - or if want to live in Australia at least will be able to start off with a deposit if we sell up what they had here. 


Other than that, probably the generosity of the people - I do not live in a tourist hub so generosity still exists. 

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20 hours ago, oldhippy said:

I agree - that is why I came to Thailand as on old man, the poison will not have enough time to build up in my body.

Anyone who comes to Asia as a young man is a fool.

I came to Asia when I was 6 (and stayed).   

Considering how much people from UK, Europe, Australia and the US bitch and moan on here about everything back in their 'home' countries, from the weather to their Governments, I think I was the smart one for living in Asia for 40+ years.

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2 hours ago, mania said:

Are you kidding?

I was never a gogo bar person but lived in Thailand for years & never have I been to a country where color was more important


I had never seen such desire to be white till Thailand

The whitening commercials?? Everything you can imagine even whiter underarm pits so your not embarrassed when raising your hand in school

The list of ways & things to whiten you are endless in Thailand

Many countries including South Africa and the USA had laws on the books prohibiting people of color from doing many things this never happened in Thailand.

Thailand has a cosmetic hangup about color not a legal discriminatory thing about color.  Big difference. 

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9 minutes ago, seancbk said:


Those ones also tend to not want to be caught dead with a guy who's the same age (or older) than their fathers.

Caught alive is OK given he is driving the right car and taking them to the right restaurants and buying them the right clothes.  I actually live in Thailand and know these things.  There is a group of old guys (property developers) who meet weekly in CM with their hi so uni girl interns, the girls take turns waitressesing  in the sauna. 

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10 minutes ago, amvet said:

Many countries including South Africa and the USA had laws on the books prohibiting people of color from doing many things this never happened in Thailand.

Thailand has a cosmetic hangup about color not a legal discriminatory thing about color.  Big difference. 

I think you have not been in Thailand long enough nor speak/understand the Thai language well enough to hear what Thai's have to say about color


There is no need for "legal"in Thailand

Nor are there any "PC" rules

If you can read Thai you have seen the want ad's? Have you seen what they are allowed to stipulate?

Does not seem you have

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Just now, mania said:

I suggest you have not been in Thailand long enough nor speak/understand the Thai language well enough to hear what Thai's have to say about color


There is no need for "legal"in Thailand

Nor are there any "PC" rules

If you can read Thai you have seen the want ad's? Have you seen what they are allowed to stipulate?

Does not seem so

I've been here 20 years and understand very well that Thailand has no institutionalized legal racial discrimination. 

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1 minute ago, amvet said:

I've been here 20 years and understand very well that Thailand has no institutionalized legal racial discrimination. 

Yes if you were or could you would know

Anyway we are far enough off topic now

You can investigate further if you like & see the reality no biggie

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I've read back through a few of the responses, and as usual, the thread has been hijacked by the usual suspects bickering about the usual c***, none of which has anything to do with the subject of the OP.

If posters can't find anything good to say about Thailand, why don't they naff off and post on the myriad of Thai bashing threads.

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1 minute ago, amvet said:
15 minutes ago, seancbk said:


Those ones also tend to not want to be caught dead with a guy who's the same age (or older) than their fathers.

Caught alive is OK given he is driving the right car and taking them to the right restaurants and buying them the right clothes.  I actually live in Thailand and know these things.  There is a group of old guys (property developers) who meet weekly in CM with their hi so uni girl interns, the girls take turns waitressesing  in the sauna. 


I've lived in Bangkok for quite a few years.   I have first hand experience dating Hi-So girls, models and even a bar girl.   I knew very well what each type of girl in Bangkok is looking for (and what I am looking for).   

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