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What is the VERY BEST thing about living in Thailand??


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1 hour ago, amvet said:

One of the things I really like about Thailand is color is not near as important as it is in the West.  Sure there are some folks who think Thai Chinese people are brighter than the average Thai but they are too loony for me to talk to or associate with.  All the people I know don't discriminate based on color and that includes value of go go dancers.  Your mileage may vary and maybe you know more about go go dancers than I.  Who am I to say.

" colour is not near as important in Thailand as it is in the West " .!

You sure .? 

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2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Sleeping with girls half my age (and more). Not much PC crap. Good travel connection to SEA for those 'fun' trips. Arguing relentlessly on TVF for no reason or outcome whatsoever.

When one of the more intelligent posters uses the expression "PC crap" I get confused.

Please tell me what "PC" means to you? Maybe we agree, maybe not.

To me PC means: not be a male chauvinist pig, not be a paternalist, not be a racist.


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34 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Color is very important to Thais, that's why there is lots of discrimination against Thais from Issan. A dark skin means you work in the rice fields, therefore low social status.

Haven't you noticed all the white-skinned Thai models, male and female, on Thai TV flogging skin whitening products?

It is not near the problem as it was/is in the West.  The US and many other countries have had to pass laws protecting black people.  Never going to need laws protecting people from Issan in Thailand. It is discrimination of a whole different degree.  Did they ever have separate schools, buses and drinking fountains for people from Issan? Were there ever laws that Thai people had to be the same shade of brown to marry? 

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18 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

When one of the more intelligent posters uses the expression "PC crap" I get confused.

Please tell me what "PC" means to you? Maybe we agree, maybe not.

To me PC means: not be a male chauvinist pig, not be a paternalist, not be a racist.


Oh to me 'PC' means having to conform to a small minorities view as to what is "correct"  such as cannot say "Black person" must say "Person of Colour"  which begs the question why isn't it:


"Person of Colour Lives Matter"


Pets are now "Human Companions",  cannot link Islam with terrorism, Chicago Redskins is racist, cannot use the name "Jesus" on some American government property,  a "manhole" is now a "utilityhole" +++


If Thailand became 'PC' the term 'farang' would definitely not be  de rigueur

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2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Oh to me 'PC' means being having to conform to a small minorities view as to what is "correct"  like cannot say "Black person" must say "Person of Colour"  which begs the question why isn't it:


"Person of Colour Lives Matter"


Pets are now "Human Companions",  cannot link Islam with terrorism, Chicago Redskins is racist, cannot use the name "Jesus" on some American government property,  a "manhole" is now a "utilityhole" +++


If Thailand became 'PC' the term 'farang' would definitely not be  de rigueur

OK, so we only disagree on the meaning of the expression "PC".

But fundamentally and practically we agree.



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52 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Color is very important to Thais, that's why there is lots of discrimination against Thais from Issan. A dark skin means you work in the rice fields, therefore low social status.

Haven't you noticed all the white-skinned Thai models, male and female, on Thai TV flogging skin whitening products?

Most are half white to start with....

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17 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Oh to me 'PC' means having to conform to a small minorities view as to what is "correct"  such as cannot say "Black person" must say "Person of Colour"  which begs the question why isn't it:


"Person of Colour Lives Matter"


Pets are now "Human Companions",  cannot link Islam with terrorism, Chicago Redskins is racist, cannot use the name "Jesus" on some American government property,  a "manhole" is now a "utilityhole" +++


If Thailand became 'PC' the term 'farang' would definitely not be  de rigueur


It means adhering to a specific social-political agenda.


There has never been a time when the majority of people have not been expected to do so.


You are just p***** off because it is not yours..........bwaaaah.


But it could be:

Political correctness - Wikipedia

Conservative political correctness

In 2012, Paul Krugman wrote: "the big threat to our discourse is right-wing political correctness, which – unlike the liberal version – has lots of power and money behind it. And the goal is very much the kind of thing Orwell tried to convey with his notion of Newspeak: to make it impossible to talk, and possibly even think, about ideas that challenge the established order."



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I think that the majority of posters have decided by sheer coincidence that they either like or dislike Thailand.

Next they come up with silly reasons to prove to others / to convince themselves that  their decision is right.


OF COURSE there is good and bad in Thailand, just like anywhere else.

OF COURSE different people have different preferences.


Too mut selious again. :sorry:





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Being able to do what the hell I want, whenever I want, with who I want, and of course the low Cost of Living.  I can't get by in Hawaii for less than $40-$50 a day living on the cheap, I live good here for $15-25  -  the rare night on the town cost more.  (OK this will pbly start the "I can live here cheaper crowd ranting)", but the title is 'what you like the best about living here.'

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9 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

I note that my threat to put you on my ignore list has contributed to install a more submissive attitude.


Indubitably Sir .. I am deeply honoured .. Back to Thailand and what I like about the place is the stringy stuff that tastes a bit like cheese after you've poured hot water over it and waited 5 mins .. So much more convenient than waiting weeks for Camembert to mature though admittedly not as classy .. or tasty .. :shock1:


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2 hours ago, fashionablesally said:

And as expected when i started the thread...the majority would have to say it has something to do with Thai women. I couldn't blame them because these Women are gorgeous!! and Yes i am straight. Haha. I mean the average American woman is most likely not to be as feminine as the average Thai woman...some men prefer this and some don't. At the end of the day, i would argue that it has got everything to do with the culture. Oozing some form of submissiveness has got everything to do with culture. Having friends that are Asian and African, i tend to think that women from these two cultures are most likely to be this way because it is sought of engraved in them. It's a part of them..and this doesn't necessarily have to be something bad or something that they should be ashamed of. In a current world full of Feminists...saying things like this can actually get you in trouble :post-4641-1156693976:  :shock1:

Welcome to the Forum, you might be a breath of fresh air from time to time.:thumbsup:  I like you already, you will see a lot of people will Post a question and never respond to answers provided, or ask anymore questions.  Drives sane people up the wall.

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21 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

Indubitably Sir .. I am deeply honoured .. Back to Thailand and what I like about the place is the stringy stuff that tastes a bit like cheese after you've poured hot water over it and waited 5 mins .. So much more convenient than waiting weeks for Camembert to mature though admittedly not as classy .. or tasty .. :shock1:


Might I suggest - in the most submissive and respectful terms of course - Australian King Island Blue Brie?

With water crackers and a full-bodied shiraz, naturally. Bliss.

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37 minutes ago, Justgrazing said:

Indubitably Sir .. I am deeply honoured .. Back to Thailand and what I like about the place is the stringy stuff that tastes a bit like cheese after you've poured hot water over it and waited 5 mins .. So much more convenient than waiting weeks for Camembert to mature though admittedly not as classy .. or tasty .. :shock1:



As I sit by my swimming pool, drinking Chateau Jenesaisquoi, I think back of my backpacking days.


Mama noodles? Ah that was haute cuisine for me. Most days I would eat them without added hot water. Or cold water. Cheese sause I could only dream of. Actually, more often than not, I would have them without noodles. I would just stare at the empty pot - that I found at the garbage dump.

But I was happy then, I never complained.

It made me the man I am now.


Next week we fly to Madeira (being serious now), drink excellent wine at 3 euro a bottle (yes that is serious too), and watch latino ass & boobs (being very serious).

But I will remember Mama.





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1 hour ago, amvet said:

It is not near the problem as it was/is in the West.  The US and many other countries have had to pass laws protecting black people.  Never going to need laws protecting people from Issan in Thailand. It is discrimination of a whole different degree.  Did they ever have separate schools, buses and drinking fountains for people from Issan? Were there ever laws that Thai people had to be the same shade of brown to marry? 

The  " I am more superior and holier than thou  " mindset towards other members of ones society is part of what makes humans the interesting species that we are and always has been part of it .. Trying to bleach it out now as a lot of Western countries have by the Charge of the P C Brigade only serves to channel those with thoughts counter to the " correct " agenda into the arms and brotherhood of relative groups extolling their different views of nationalism .. And just whose nationalism is best .. And to a degree those dynamics play out here also .. Those from predominately the North and those from lower down the social scale  wear teeshirts of a colour that is at 640-720 n/ms light wavelength of the scale and next to orange in the visible scale whilst the other lot wear ( wore ) shirts of the same shade as lemons ( more or less ) .. Is this not Thai's version of them and us , rich V poor ,  downtrodden V treaders etc based on their lowly place within society and all the disadvantages that carries .. 

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43 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Might I suggest - in the most submissive and respectful terms of course - Australian King Island Blue Brie?

With water crackers and a full-bodied shiraz, naturally. Bliss.

I am indebted to you Sir for you're recommendations though I must substitute the Shiraz for a cup of Earl Grey ( bone china cup you understand ) as I took the oath years ago .. 

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Just now, Justgrazing said:

I am indebted to you Sir for you're recommendations though I must substitute the Shiraz for a cup of Earl Grey ( bone china cup you understand ) as I took the oath years ago .. 

Oh dear. Not even one glass?

Earl Grey has its place, to be sure. However, consuming it with Blue Brie would be sacrilege. Like wearing orange socks with red pants. Perhaps Perrier water instead?

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3 minutes ago, smotherb said:

None, still alive.  Look, in the US we have the option of carrying guns; legally and with a permit, if you have a clean police record.

QUOTE:         if you have a clean police record.


Thailand does not have a clean police

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3 hours ago, oldhippy said:

If I replace durian by Very ripe Camembert, will you give me a 5?

Oh wait, the thread is about Thailand.


But if Camembert were a Thai cheese, would I get a 5?


PS. Please do not force me to put you on my ignore list.


Don't play the victim card....nobody is forcing you to do anything

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36 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Oh dear. Not even one glass?

Earl Grey has its place, to be sure. However, consuming it with Blue Brie would be sacrilege. Like wearing orange socks with red pants. Perhaps Perrier water instead?

Sorry Sir for my ettiquete faux pas as to what libation I should assist mastication of blue Brie with .. Something light , crisp and effervescent you say .. I shall further make myself familar with non-A offerings that fall within such a category .. And red pants .!  Heavens above no .. the only time Red works in the underwear department is when a fit Soi/6 kitten has the skimpiest of red ( purple looks royal though ) underkit on .. Which is a big like and neatly keeps it on track to the O P .. :smile:

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30 minutes ago, smotherb said:

None, still alive.  Look, in the US we have the option of carrying guns; legally and with a permit, if you have a clean police record.

Yes, and that's why the US is #1 in the world for gun massacres. And why an Australian woman in a nightgown was killed by a trigger-happy cop. Sorry, the rest of the world does not understand the American obsession with guns.

IMHO cops in Thailand having pistols is a sign of weak law. That's bad enough, without foreigners toting them as well.

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1 hour ago, oldhippy said:


As I sit by my swimming pool, drinking Chateau Jenesaisquoi, I think back of my backpacking days.


Mama noodles? Ah that was haute cuisine for me. Most days I would eat them without added hot water. Or cold water. Cheese sause I could only dream of. Actually, more often than not, I would have them without noodles. I would just stare at the empty pot - that I found at the garbage dump.

But I was happy then, I never complained.

It made me the man I am now.


Next week we fly to Madeira (being serious now), drink excellent wine at 3 euro a bottle (yes that is serious too), and watch latino ass & boobs (being very serious).

But I will remember Mama.





" Empty pot .! Garbage dump .! " Oo'er .. You were blooody lucky , we could only dream about empty pots and garbage dumps ( copyright Monty Python :smile: ) Yes Sir I find Cuba is an alternative if one wishes avail oneself of genuine dark cane sugar .. :shock1:

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