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SURVEY: Should children brought to a country as a child be allowed to remain?


SURVEY: Should children brought to a country illegally be allowed to remain?  

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They are illegals and if they ever want to get US Citizenship they will need to leave the US and apply like any other person.

This could take years and maybe never happen. If they were lucky enough to get a DACA work permit then they need to keep clean and work, but no amnesty will be in their future to get citizenship. If they start a family, their children will be

US Citizens and when they become adults they can apply for their parents to become citizens, as long as they have

sufficient income to support them. No more welfare payments.

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20 minutes ago, tomwct said:

They are illegals and if they ever want to get US Citizenship they will need to leave the US and apply like any other person.

This could take years and maybe never happen. If they were lucky enough to get a DACA work permit then they need to keep clean and work, but no amnesty will be in their future to get citizenship. If they start a family, their children will be

US Citizens and when they become adults they can apply for their parents to become citizens, as long as they have

sufficient income to support them. No more welfare payments.

President Trump and I disagree with you.

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25 minutes ago, tomwct said:

They are illegals and if they ever want to get US Citizenship they will need to leave the US and apply like any other person.

This could take years and maybe never happen. If they were lucky enough to get a DACA work permit then they need to keep clean and work, but no amnesty will be in their future to get citizenship. If they start a family, their children will be

US Citizens and when they become adults they can apply for their parents to become citizens, as long as they have

sufficient income to support them. No more welfare payments.

DACA people are not allowed to received federal welfare or student aid.


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1 hour ago, ThaiWai said:

They way I read "children who arrived illegally" meant to me children who arrived illegally.  Not sure how you missed that. Seems fairly straight forward for an average English reader. Maybe you are the one who needs to reread the OP to help YOU stay focused on the question asked. I don't see why you are adding in some sort statute of limitation based on time in country.  Just because illegal immigrants have been sapping resources from their host for an extended period of time it by no means means they should be allowed to continue to do so.  As far as you splitting hairs over the past or present tense of someone being part of a "fleeing mass" thats just baby talk that I won't engage in.  You calling a foreign criminal living in the US an "American" proves that you suffer from a very serious misguided perspective.  


" For the purpose of the poll, the person should now be an adult and not in a situation where they would be removed with the remainder of the family.   "


What I did not miss was anything, unlike you who appears to have missed everything after the headline!  As you now see, it was not me who added in the statute, that was the premise of the survey you didn't bother to read properly, do try to focus beyond headlines in the future!


As for your last line, just WOW!  Someone whose parents took them to the US as a child is a criminal in your warped perspective, how shameful.

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11 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

Good point Trump did do the right thing by handing it back to the legislators Lets see what happens although we all know what the outcome will be

I am not sure what the outcome will be, but if Trump does ban them and they and their parents are deported, then how about this as a solution.


Those that had jobs and had 'contributed' should get immediate preferential treatment if they apply to become a citizen and be accepted within 12 months. Those that were a drain on social security payments and food stamps, and or have criminal convictions, should be rejected. Those that get citizenship and have the income and means to support their parents, should then be allowed after 2 years to sponsor their parents coming back to live with them - at their cost (no social security).


That way, you enforce the laws and discourage others, but at the same time you acknowledge that it does happen and set the expectation that there is the possibility of citizenship if you 'contribute' over a long period of time and keep on the right side of the law.  The current system encourages scumbags and criminals to come, and that is what must be changed and discouraged.



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20 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Those that were a drain on social security payments and food stamps, and or have criminal convictions,

should be rejected.


"a drain on social security payments and food stamps"


A bunch of hyperbolic gibberish.


How is anyone "a drain on social security payments"?


Taxes paid by illegal immigrants

IRS estimates that about 6 million unauthorized immigrants file individual income tax returns each year.

Research reviewed by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office indicates that between 50 percent and 75 percent of unauthorized immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes.

Illegal immigrants are estimated to pay in about $7 billion per year into Social Security.



Illegal immigrants pay social security payroll taxes but are not eligible for benefits.

That's a $7 billion surplus, bubba.


A drain?

Who tells you this stuff? Rush Limbaugh? Alex Jones?


As for food stamps, hear hear!

Let's get rid of all these bums who are of the majority on food stamps:



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1 hour ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Do the  questions of  the  survey indicate  that  context?  I need   not try  again.


Read what the OP wrote, it is not just the one liner, there is also the clarifier below it.  You could have just tried again, that was really lazy of you.

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